Something everyone needs to know, it could save your life.

Mike d

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Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
She would give me a run for my money ... and that takes some doin'


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Zand I am so pleased for you that the diagnosis was not breast cancer even though Lymes is still a nasty disease to contend with. I have not been on the forum for a while as I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 15 th May after my final mammogram invite as I will be 70 this year. I had surgery last Friday to remove tumors In both breasts and now have the terrible wait until 12th July to see if it has spread anywhere else. Life sometimes throws these things at us and all we can do is stay positive! Take care


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Zand I am so pleased for you that the diagnosis was not breast cancer even though Lymes is still a nasty disease to contend with. I have not been on the forum for a while as I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 15 th May after my final mammogram invite as I will be 70 this year. I had surgery last Friday to remove tumors In both breasts and now have the terrible wait until 12th July to see if it has spread anywhere else. Life sometimes throws these things at us and all we can do is stay positive! Take care
Oh Connie I am so sorry to hear this. Yes the waiting is awful...and 12th July seems a very long time. I so hope it hasn't spread anywhere else. You have always been a good friend to me and I hate the thought of what you are going through. Lots of hugs and love xxx


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A quick update on the Lyme disease. I have finished the antibiotics. Don't feel great, not as dizzy as I was and not as nauseous, but very depressed. Depressed about the Lyme, T2, BP, asthma and bad back and hip. Depressed about the depression too. Just needed to get that off my chest. I know that things could have been so much worse, and I am so grateful it isn't, but I am really fed up with people moaning when they have nothing to moan about. Rant over. It's my thread and I'll rant if I want to. :mad::grumpy::depressed::banghead::arghh::inpain::bigtears:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Huge massive hugs. I’ve spent 2 yrs with one thing after another breaking and understand entirely how draining and demoralising it is only to get p***** o** about feeling low. We will be ok.

We can rebuild us. We have the technology. (Very bad quote I know, and old!!).
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A quick update on the Lyme disease. I have finished the antibiotics. Don't feel great, not as dizzy as I was and not as nauseous, but very depressed. Depressed about the Lyme, T2, BP, asthma and bad back and hip. Depressed about the depression too. Just needed to get that off my chest. I know that things could have been so much worse, and I am so grateful it isn't, but I am really fed up with people moaning when they have nothing to moan about. Rant over. It's my thread and I'll rant if I want to. :mad::grumpy::depressed::banghead::arghh::inpain::bigtears:
Oh my goodness you have been tbrough such trying times. I admire your fight, its so easy to be the other way, but its not so easy. I hope that when you get the Lymes into a safe place youcan concentrate on esting to control D. I completely wish you all best wishes and I hope you will progress well.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
@zand, I visit Scotland a lot and a lot of roe deer wander the area where I stay, so have always been vigilant about checking for ticks.
I read an article on Lyme at the weekend, in the Telegraph, and thought of you. I hope this website is of use..

Also that you will be fortunate enough to have responded well to antibiotic treatment and have no lasting symptoms.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@zand, I visit Scotland a lot and a lot of roe deer wander the area where I stay, so have always been vigilant about checking for ticks.
I read an article on Lyme at the weekend, in the Telegraph, and thought of you. I hope this website is of use..

Also that you will be fortunate enough to have responded well to antibiotic treatment and have no lasting symptoms.
Thank you. All the Lyme websites I had seen before this were from USA and whilst they were helpful it's good to see something a bit closer to home. I went through the list of symptoms. My worst one (dizziness and feeling faint wasn't there, or maybe I missed it, brain still not working as it should all of the time). It's encouraging to see some other symptoms there like the ringing in the ears and joint pains. I am hopeful that these were down to the Lyme and won't recur.

I am feeling so much better now and am hopeful that the antibiotics have cured me, but time will tell. I no longer feel dizzy or faint and haven't had the ringing in the ears for a couple of weeks. I think the joint pains are much improved too. Time will tell, in 6 months time I will be more sure that the Lyme has gone for good.

It's ironic that I have lived on or near farms and walked in long grass all my life and never had any problems, yet I paid to get infected on a one off visit to a petting farm.