Feeling a little low after eye screening


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So just had my annual eye screening and for the first time in 10 years the tell me I have background retinopathy

Feeling a little low as this last year or so has been the best controlled in the last 10 years


Retired Moderator
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So just had my annual eye screening and for the first time in 10 years the tell me I have background retinopathy

Feeling a little low as this last year or so has been the best controlled in the last 10 years

Sorry to hear that @searley .

If it's any consolation to you. I was diagnosed with a Macula oedema after pulling my socks up a few years back?
A real slap in the face..
Then I read up that I should have acclimatised slowly regarding BG management, & not gone at it like a bull at a gate..

You got my best wishes. I've been following your story regarding your driving career.

I have read that some with background retinopathy have it show on one screening & with careful management have the "all clear" on a follow up?
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That's what happened to me 14 years ago had a bit of retinopathy one year next it was ok and has been ever since, although I have just been told I have cataracts in both eyes and I have to have surgery but still no retinopathy
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Three years running now I’ve had the letter, when I’ve asked, I have always been told not to worry, just background retinopathy seems the be the theme. No damage done as far as I know (or hope)
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Yeah I'm hopeing different results next year... Or now I'm on a pump and being better in general that it does not progress... As @Jaylee says.. A slap in the face when you do what you should then it seem to fight back..

As for now I will continue in my lorry with 20t explosive gasses on the back..

Either the T1 or the gas will kill me


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Three years running now I’ve had the letter, when I’ve asked, I have always been told not to worry, just background retinopathy seems the be the theme. No damage done as far as I know (or hope)
I've had much the same for a lot longer than a few years. Probably in the order of 10 years thinking about it. It's something that hasn't got worse. But I am now hoping with non diabetic blood levels and such that it can reverse

Not to be ignored or dismissed of course. I was too blase especially as my father lost his sight through diabetes. But he also was extremely badly controlled blood wise, so av9id the latter and take it as a warning that can help drive improvement
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Mine was picked up after I got into remission, the following year it came back all clear. Seems to be a lag effect.


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Have to say that after being diagnosed with macular oedema less than a month after being diagnosed Type 1 and then proliferative retinopathy less than 2 years in I would've been ecstatic to make it your length of time without issues but rather than progress from background I just went straight into it despite good control so its not all bad that you've only got background and it could resolve or stay that way for many years to come, personally after my issues I see background as more positive as at least that can resolve or remain stable without any intervention


Active Member
So just had my annual eye screening and for the first time in 10 years the tell me I have background retinopathy

Feeling a little low as this last year or so has been the best controlled in the last 10 years

Hi - background retinopathy can be reversed over time with good control and good blood pressure etc so try not to be too disheartened and know you are already doing the right thing.


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I remember when i got the first letter saying it, scary isn’t it. Just keep at it.