"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


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Haven't had my 2nd meal yet. I have a Moroccan lamb dish in the oven and a chicken curry as well. Both been cooking all afternoon and must be ready by now.

Someone came in with a gift of a huge piece of salmon this afternoon. It had been frozen so will need to be consumed tomorrow, I suppose. Wasn't expecting it, so I will enjoy it. Also have to go out tomorrow, taking my ratatouille from the freezer with me - defrosting in the fridge at the moment. Salmon for breakfast? Well, yes but I was going to make chicken Fu Yung with the chicken breast left over from making the curry. Still - don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll put the chicken breast in the freezer for another time. Salmon Fu Yung? Never tried that. It might work.


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Morning all, back from our Interrailing adventure, was great fun, will draw a veil over getting home from Kings Cross on Friday evening :). Bought the passes in the Black Friday sale and will definitely do again. Home now to enjoy some lovely Spring weather…oh.. can hear the rain lashing down outside!
Low carb went really well whilst away and I have stayed the same weight, that may be a holiday first. A highlight was finding courgetti on menus in Vienna and Munich,once with prawns and spinach and once with bolognese, let’s hope that is a new trend that will arrive over here.Lots to catch up on these threads,enjoy the weekend everyone.


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Hi All three days in in Bath, last day now. Had some lovely food but mea culpa forgot to take pics as usual. So arrived Thurs might in time for a cheeky Nandos, four Lemon & Herb chicken thighs, tenderstem broccoli and Rain ow slaw. Only water! Then o/n Travelodge up early Friday to drive to Bristol Airport to pick up brother & SIL then a very good cooked breakfast at a roadside inn. Friday night supper was at Portofino Oyster Bar. Shared starters of light touch fresh calamari, oysters grilled with breadcrumbs, tender octopus & Med salad and large prawns. Then I had Moules, nice wine, and Limoncello shot on the house.
Yesterday lunch at Lacock village, bowl soup, half slice sourdough dipped (I know!) and share chicken wings. Supper at Raphael had lamb flat reD salad, did t est the bread, then sirloin steak with tomato, mushroom, peppercorn sauce, few skinny chips (I know, again!). Today boys going to Sports Bar for early lunch and watch footie and us girls going shopping. Later cocktails at the Cosy Club before earlier supper at Browns. I’m already planning to have whole lemon sole and buttered greens! Dropping brother & SIL back to the airport tomo then home and back to reality.


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@sueh21 and @PenguinMum , I love your travel and food updates, and I'm very impressed with your sensible food choices while away!
A highlight was finding courgetti on menus in Vienna and Munich,once with prawns and spinach and once with bolognese, let’s hope that is a new trend that will arrive over here.
If you ever find yourself close to Frinton, try Keto Bite!
It's a lovely small restaurant and you can eat everything they have, I'll definitely go there again when I visit the UK in october. :hungry:
The restaurant is also completely gluten free, which must be amazing for those with celiac.
Up to 7.3, a number I'd have corrected before it got there usually.
But it looks like it will be another night spent with my neighbour so not sure now.
I rose to 8.2 on a fingerprick, resisted the urge to correct and even had a small amount of crisps.
Which was the right decision, I started to slowly drop right after we went to bed, followed by a bit of a rise again due to the crisps before dropping further and waking up from a low alarm at about 9 AM. Two grapes and some crisps to get up from a 3.7 and back to bed. Woke up with a nice 4.7. :)

My neck is still very painful so I treated myself to a serious painkiller from neighbour's stash instead of a paracetamol or ibuprofen before bed, which made for a very good and painless night of sleep, a real treat! :joyful:


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One of the problems with the contraceptive pill is not forgetting to take it every day at around the same time, I never forget to take my basal insulin (knocks wood), but I can't be trusted at all with daily tablets. So it would have to be the injected variety or the thing in your arm, which means no more periods and not knowing when you've reached menopause.
Not sure why, but I really dislike this idea, and I'd be worried about my diabetes behaving differently due to the hormones. Also, being old, fat, a smoker and diabetic means 4 different reasons why higher doses of hormones aren't recommended.

The chat with the GP was very nice! I had her laugh right away, when she asked what my question was and I bluntly replied: "My neighbour and I drunkenly ended up in bed together a while back and liked it, so we kept it up but we definitely do not want to get a child. So what do we do about it?"
She talked me through all the options and we decided on a copper IUD to be placed on tuesday. She told me it works even when put in up to 5 days after taking risks, "so enjoy yourselves during the weekend!" :hilarious:
Evening @Antje77. I'd simply add, for anybody contemplating taking the Pill, that each tablet is packaged for a specific day of the week. If you skip a dose due to an oversight, it's pretty obvious that a tablet has been missed.

Anyway, your GP has talked you through all the options and you've reached a decision that's right for you.
Didn't realise an IUD functioned retrospectively, BTW. Your GP sounds a nice lady.


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If you skip a dose due to an oversight, it's pretty obvious that a tablet has been missed.
I know. But once you notice it won't work for the rest of the month, and I'm likely to forget at least once a month, rendering the pill completely useless! :hilarious:
Didn't realise an IUD functioned retrospectively, BTW. Your GP sounds a nice lady.
She is, and I hadn't even met her before.
I don't like the owners (a husband and wife pair of GP's) of the surgery at all, and neither do any of my neighbours. Apparently not many of the people who work there like them much either, I see a GP I haven't ever met before more often than one I already know, they leave quicker than I can keep track of.


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Hi all will be out of touch on the forum for a week while I'm travelling - I'm so looking forward to a break. Cases nearly packed and taxi booked for the morning. @jpscloud I've started my kefir grains on a week long rest in fridge. I'll take some food photos of meals while away and do a little summary when back. I'm sure I'll stay broadly low carb but will definitely enjoy myself too.
Take care you guys talk in a week's time.
Bon voyage! @shelley262


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Evening @Antje77. I'd simply add, for anybody contemplating taking the Pill, that each tablet is packaged for a specific day of the week. If you skip a dose due to an oversight, it's pretty obvious that a tablet has been missed.

Anyway, your GP has talked you through all the options and you've reached a decision that's right for you.
Didn't realise an IUD functioned retrospectively, BTW. Your GP sounds a nice lady.
The apparent retrospective efficacy is more likely due to the mechanism of placement than a scientific spelling


Retired Moderator
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The apparent retrospective efficacy is more likely due to the mechanism of placement than a scientific spelling
Apparently the thing itself and/or the copper in the womb prevents anything from settling in there, and that won't happen until days after having unprotected sex, so it makes sense it works retrospectively for a few days.


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Hello everyone, I hope you won't mind if I post on this chat about my (imperfect) (mostly) carnivore (almost) month of April! If mods think necessary please remove.

I am, as of yesterday, having a little food holiday for a few days. I'm not going full denial, and will be very active in the garden and house so hopefully damage will be limited. I will take metformin which I stopped during April, also forxiga as long as I'm not excluding carbs or fasting.

I will probably start back on low carb before the end of the week, and while I won't post meals I will be lurking and chatting a bit!

My 28 day carnivore diet consisted of beef steak, mince and marrowbone broth, dairy, eggs, pork, lamb, chicken, pork puffs/crackling snacks and kefir. There was an occasional carb that fell off the shelf and into my mouth, and an odd day or two of off-plan meals, but most days were as carb free as you can get while you still have dairy. I drank coffee, green and black tea and both tap and sparkling water (lots of sparkling water!)

Most days I was also intermittent fasting at about 16/8

Effects on health:

Weight loss - 12lbs - compared to 5lbs in March
FBG down from around 7-9s to 6-8s but BGs during the day always 5-6s down from 8+
Ketones up to 1, usually around 0.5
BP down from 150s/70s to 120s/60s - this is the early morning reading before taking ramipril
Mental clarity - 100% wordle win rate, more within 3 or 4 attempts than previously (okay that one's a bit of humour but true, and previously I was often impatient and fluffed it quite often).
Sleep - very good most of the time, occasional waking early hours.
Energy - waking up 6am ish and getting up without grouches and ouches. Getting off my ample bottom and moving all day most days.
Mobility - remarkable improvement, I think way more than losing almost a stone without carnivore would do

I didn't experience much hunger, just occasional pleasant hunger.

This is a vast difference to me at the end of last year, when I wasn't mobile and I was in a lot of pain. I need to remember this, and keep striving for health - there's a long way to go yet.

I think I could sustain a mostly keto diet with carnivore weeks or fortnights, not sure about permanent carnivore though - it's pretty funny that by the end of the month carb-addicted me was craving cauliflower! The problem is that once I open the door to carbs I am not good at regulating them.

I also think that staple carnivore meats for me would be mostly cheaper beef and lamb mince, because the cost of steaks is unsustainable on my budget. I'm therefore not sure about the quality of the meat and there is a possiblity of grain and vegetable oil-fed meats having some toxic load in the fats. But I dunno. I think that risk is acceptable considering how I used to eat and the results of this month on my health.

One more thing I really loved about carnivore - how simple storing, preparing and choosing food became! My fridge is uncluttered, and I don't have to worry about wastage or plan meals around vegetables - I never realised how much of a stress that was for me. I don't do popping to the shops if I can help it, too much temptation, and I have a 3 month free delivery thing from Ocado but online buying of fresh vegetables is a bit of a worry and I tended to waste a fair bit.


Type of diabetes
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Hello everyone, I hope you won't mind if I post on this chat about my (imperfect) (mostly) carnivore (almost) month of April! If mods think necessary please remove.

I am, as of yesterday, having a little food holiday for a few days. I'm not going full denial, and will be very active in the garden and house so hopefully damage will be limited. I will take metformin which I stopped during April, also forxiga as long as I'm not excluding carbs or fasting.

I will probably start back on low carb before the end of the week, and while I won't post meals I will be lurking and chatting a bit!

My 28 day carnivore diet consisted of beef steak, mince and marrowbone broth, dairy, eggs, pork, lamb, chicken, pork puffs/crackling snacks and kefir. There was an occasional carb that fell off the shelf and into my mouth, and an odd day or two of off-plan meals, but most days were as carb free as you can get while you still have dairy. I drank coffee, green and black tea and both tap and sparkling water (lots of sparkling water!)

Most days I was also intermittent fasting at about 16/8

Effects on health:

Weight loss - 12lbs - compared to 5lbs in March
FBG down from around 7-9s to 6-8s but BGs during the day always 5-6s down from 8+
Ketones up to 1, usually around 0.5
BP down from 150s/70s to 120s/60s - this is the early morning reading before taking ramipril
Mental clarity - 100% wordle win rate, more within 3 or 4 attempts than previously (okay that one's a bit of humour but true, and previously I was often impatient and fluffed it quite often).
Sleep - very good most of the time, occasional waking early hours.
Energy - waking up 6am ish and getting up without grouches and ouches. Getting off my ample bottom and moving all day most days.
Mobility - remarkable improvement, I think way more than losing almost a stone without carnivore would do

I didn't experience much hunger, just occasional pleasant hunger.

This is a vast difference to me at the end of last year, when I wasn't mobile and I was in a lot of pain. I need to remember this, and keep striving for health - there's a long way to go yet.

I think I could sustain a mostly keto diet with carnivore weeks or fortnights, not sure about permanent carnivore though - it's pretty funny that by the end of the month carb-addicted me was craving cauliflower! The problem is that once I open the door to carbs I am not good at regulating them.

I also think that staple carnivore meats for me would be mostly cheaper beef and lamb mince, because the cost of steaks is unsustainable on my budget. I'm therefore not sure about the quality of the meat and there is a possiblity of grain and vegetable oil-fed meats having some toxic load in the fats. But I dunno. I think that risk is acceptable considering how I used to eat and the results of this month on my health.

One more thing I really loved about carnivore - how simple storing, preparing and choosing food became! My fridge is uncluttered, and I don't have to worry about wastage or plan meals around vegetables - I never realised how much of a stress that was for me. I don't do popping to the shops if I can help it, too much temptation, and I have a 3 month free delivery thing from Ocado but online buying of fresh vegetables is a bit of a worry and I tended to waste a fair bit.
So glad the carnivore month has gone so well for you. That's great weight loss and BG control. Plus the BP improvement as well. Congratulations.

It hasn't gone so well for me. A week at the beginning of the month saw weight loss, BG improvement and BP improvement and reduced insulin requirement, but saw me falling unwell. Tried to keep going to a degree but have ended up much worse. Even small amounts of added veg saw weight rise (probably fluid) and just these last few days have been awful. Was that the diet? Is it my kidneys? Did the diet cause some damage to my kidneys? I have no idea but will try to get a GP appointment tomorrow (closed today due to the bank holiday). Meantime, I can't eat at all - stomach won't accept food - sips of water and occasional sips of tea is all I can take. On Friday I was stiff, on Saturday morning I couldn't move and had to get Neil to get me out of bed. During Saturday my wrists, fingers and ankles locked. Spent all day in my chair. Sunday, a bit of an improvement and today I can move, although with care. Now my waterworks seem to be packing up - that's why I wonder about my kidneys. Could a week on a high carb diet cause that? Maybe something else and just coincidental.


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So glad the carnivore month has gone so well for you. That's great weight loss and BG control. Plus the BP improvement as well. Congratulations.

It hasn't gone so well for me. A week at the beginning of the month saw weight loss, BG improvement and BP improvement and reduced insulin requirement, but saw me falling unwell. Tried to keep going to a degree but have ended up much worse. Even small amounts of added veg saw weight rise (probably fluid) and just these last few days have been awful. Was that the diet? Is it my kidneys? Did the diet cause some damage to my kidneys? I have no idea but will try to get a GP appointment tomorrow (closed today due to the bank holiday). Meantime, I can't eat at all - stomach won't accept food - sips of water and occasional sips of tea is all I can take. On Friday I was stiff, on Saturday morning I couldn't move and had to get Neil to get me out of bed. During Saturday my wrists, fingers and ankles locked. Spent all day in my chair. Sunday, a bit of an improvement and today I can move, although with care. Now my waterworks seem to be packing up - that's why I wonder about my kidneys. Could a week on a high carb diet cause that? Maybe something else and just coincidental.
I'm so sorry you're going through all that @Annb, I hesitated to be too celebratory with my month's carnivore because I knew you had not had a good experience and I thought of you as my carnivore buddy as we both set off at the beginning of April. I'm of course not qualified or knowledgeable enough to say whether it's a coincidence or not but you were low carb for some time before trying carnivore, which isn't too drastic a change I think? Please do talk to your Dr again if you're worried about your kidneys, or call 111 - thinking of you and sending my love and best wishes xx


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I'm so sorry you're going through all that @Annb, I hesitated to be too celebratory with my month's carnivore because I knew you had not had a good experience and I thought of you as my carnivore buddy as we both set off at the beginning of April. I'm of course not qualified or knowledgeable enough to say whether it's a coincidence or not but you were low carb for some time before trying carnivore, which isn't too drastic a change I think? Please do talk to your Dr again if you're worried about your kidneys, or call 111 - thinking of you and sending my love and best wishes xx
Oh do celebrate your success! It is very worthy of a celebration.

I'm beginning to think that this has been some kind of infection - it has acted like one, starting with a slight fever, coming to a head and fading away - that's what happens with infections and I've always healed quickly from infections. I will talk to the GP though just in case there's any damage. Possibly with all the stress of this building work and with the weakness in my joints already there, I was open to some kind of infection. Not to worry - as long as I haven't actually done any damage, I'll get back to a more carnivore way of eating once I've got back to normal.

So happy that it has gone so well for you.


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Oh do celebrate your success! It is very worthy of a celebration.

I'm beginning to think that this has been some kind of infection - it has acted like one, starting with a slight fever, coming to a head and fading away - that's what happens with infections and I've always healed quickly from infections. I will talk to the GP though just in case there's any damage. Possibly with all the stress of this building work and with the weakness in my joints already there, I was open to some kind of infection. Not to worry - as long as I haven't actually done any damage, I'll get back to a more carnivore way of eating once I've got back to normal.

So happy that it has gone so well for you.
I really hope it's quickly sorted for you x


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If you ever find yourself close to Frinton, try Keto Bite!
It's a lovely small restaurant and you can eat everything they have, I'll definitely go there again when I visit the UK in october. :hungry:
The restaurant is also completely gluten free, which must be amazing for those with celiac.
Ah yes, I have heard of it, sounds brilliant,I think the Freshwell FB group go there quite often, maybe one day.
Was going to say, your GP may have already told you,but a good idea to take painkillers before your procedure tom.Some people find it a bit painful,although seeing your finger and stitch removal, maybe you have a high pain tolerance :) Hope it goes well.