Animas 2020 Pump

Ancient Lady

I am shortly going to be put on the Animas 2020 pump and I wondered if anyone else is on this pump and would like to share their experience of using it ?

Ancient Lady

Thank you SarahQ.
I am hoping the pump will help with my very frequent low blood sugars and the corresponding highs. I am a bit apprehensive as I am going straight onto the pump at my first session with the Animas trainer, no trial period with saline. My diabetic team think that I am so experienced that I won't have any problems. I already take blood sugar readings up to 7 or 8 a day and have been for years. I will have been keeping a strict record of my blood sugars, insulin dose and carbohydrate count for about 3 weeks before I go on the pump on November 17th. I have always carbohydrate counted as when I developed diabetes it was the only way but of course over the years it has been by eye rather than weighing to do the calculations so I bought some scales that converts the weight of the individual product into carb values so I am re-educating myself slightly as I realise that it is very important to calculate the carbs as closely as possible. I just hope the scales are accurate.


Well-Known Member
Hi Acient Lady

I do pump but sadly not the Animas but with a Accu-Chek spirit pump but they all do have the same priciples but yours will have some better features than mine...

Don't worry about going straight onto insulin, I did this and drove home and back again the next day... the trainer/diabetic nurse will let you know what to do about your back ground insulin before hand... And they will ask for your last several days of TDD (all the insulin both basal and bouls that you've taken) they will use this to work out a basal rate (normaly a flat profile rate xx amount every hour)that shouldn't let you go to low or too high to start....

I must admit that I was a little apprehensive when they told me that this is what they were going to do, but at the end of the day I think I peferred it, as if you spend say a week or even a couple of days using saline in the pump, you then got the injections to do and the faffing with the pump... and you'll still be starting on the flat rate proflie they set to start...


Well-Known Member
Crowds. Being high. Being Hypo.
I hope to be on the Animas 2020 this time next year... do let us know how you get on with it!

Ancient Lady

Thanks Everyone for your support. It is much appreciated as although I have been Type 1 for 48 years I know no one else with the same condition.
The scales that I use for weighing and calculating my carbs are the Rosemary Conley scales.
I am reassured by all the comments about going straight onto the pump and I do have a very supportive diabetes team so I know I will have good backup.
I will definately report back with my experiences of the Animas pump, I went into the choosing of it with some care. I was lucky that I was allowed to choose from 3 different pumps and I felt the 2020 suited my particular needs above the others. I particularly liked the thought of being able to download carb values into it and the fact that it takes into account the amount of insulin left from one's last bolus.
I have bought the Insulin Pumpers book by John Walsh and I have studied it until my brain gets addled with all the calculations in it. I think I will leave it alone now until I am on the pump but it makes interesting reading even for diabetics not going on a pump and I am sure it will be the most used book in my house. I was so impressed that I have bought a copy to donate to my diabetes nurses so that they can share the knowledge contained in it and loan it out to other people who might be put on a pump.
Again thanks everyone for your replies


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

Been Type 1 for 9 years, and started on my Animas 2020 Pump yesterday!

Not much to report yet, but thought I'd introduce myself and perhaps stay on this thread?

Ancient Lady

Hello Pumpinpatsy
I will be starting on the 2020 pump on Nov 17th. I am also a recent member to the forum and other members have already given me loads of help. I will look forward to sharing experiences of the 2020 pump.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks everyone.

Ancient Lady, where do you live? I'm just wondering if you'll have the same Animas Trainer that I had - she was excellent, and is diabetic too, and uses the pump - very helpful.

Its a bit daunting at first, but I managed to change my canular and cartridge today for the first time no bother.

Ancient Lady

Hello Pumpinpatsy
I live near Retford in North Nottinghamshire and yes the Animas trainer told me she is a diabetic herself and uses the 2020 pump although I understand she covers a wide area. I have only spoken to her on the phone so far, I understand she comes from the York area. My local health authority is Bassetlaw. I am being given the 2020 pump to trial until Christmas to see if I like it.

Ancient Lady

Dear All
I sent this to Stuboy in a PM and he suggested I post this on the forum. The reason I was hesitant to initially make this public was because I did not want to give out a negative comment but Stuboy has pointed out to me that the negative should also be aired as well as the positive.
I am getting back to you with my experience on the Animas 2020 pump.
First I have to admit that I was only on it for 3 weeks.
Perhaps I am an oddity as I absolutely hated it from the word go. I hated having it attached to me 24hrs a day and instead of thinking of it as a liberating object, I thought of it as the very opposite. Maybe this is a common feeling, I don't know.
It really surprised me as I thought I would think the very opposite.
It may be because I was not so keen to go on it in the first place as I had good HBA1 results anyway. I had experienced some low blood sugars but I think I had become a bit blase about carb counting and was injecting too much Novorapid. This has now changed and I am much stricter with my carb counting.
The Animas trainer put in a basic basal rate for me and left me with just doing a bolus as and when I felt I needed it in order to get used to the pump.
The screen was very easy to see and I adjusted the basal and bolus rates without a problem.
If one is used to technology then the use of the pump is probably relatively easy to operate.
I had no knowledge of the advanced features as they were to be explained at a later date.
My main problem was with the Inset II infusion set as I couldn't see properly to insert it.
I have eyesight problems and you are supposed to get the line into a small groove just before inserting the device. I just could not do it without help and I would not always be able to have someone to help me. Apparently this is the easiest of the infusion devices that Animas do.
I was interested to read in the Animas manual that pumps are not recommended for people with sight problems.
I don't think the diabetic team realised how little I can see at that particular distance. Not their fault of course. It really only came to light at the training session.
I also managed to pull the cannula out, again because of my eyesight.
I was given a training pump which was a good thing as it turned out.
The pump did start alarming at me one night at 10.30pm and when I referred to the manual for the error on the screen I could find no reference to it.
This was somewhat disconcerting to say the least but Animas tech support helped me through the problem.
I have taken a break back onto my old regime as I was getting so stressed about it all with one important change. Instead of injecting Levemir once a day I now give it twice and my blood sugar levels are excellent including during the night. I also now need hardly any Novorapid at meals, so at the moment I am happy with MDI but I will make a final decision in January as to which way to go but at the moment I think the pump is not for me.
I wish everyone all the best.
Ancient Lady


Well-Known Member
Ancient Lady

Your view is as important as any other persons, you have explained well why you feel the pump isn't for you personally, and admittingly not every-one will get on with a pump.

But we need the positive and the negative views so that diabetes who are concidering changing to pump thearpy can make a informed decission.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi, well I am still loving my pump.

About a week after I started it, I fell pregnant so was very anxious to get my basals right! I managed it in 3 days lol and have never looked back!

I'm now just over 7 weeks pregnant and in regular contact with my team and they are happy with my levels.

Ancient Lady - yes, the lady I met from Animas is from the York area - she is lovely!