Pregnant and HbA1C 9.2


Hi! 2 days a go I found out that I am pregnant and my HbA1c was 9.2 last time it has been checked 6 weeks ago. Last few weeks my sugar control wasn't so well , therefore I think Hba1c wast ant better during conception. I tried to get in contact with my diabetes nurse straight away but she is off work at the moment. I am freaking out and so worried that it is not safe to be pregnant at the moment. Has anyone had a similar experience ? I would really appreciate anyone's opinion or advice


When i was pregnant, my hba1c started off higher than ideal but it came down over the course of the pregnancy. Get in front of a diabetic consultant or nurse asap. My hospital had a joint diabetic / ante-natal clinic. Your gp may have to refer you. The process 3 years ago was to test blood glucose before breakfast and one hour after each meal. You will also need to go onto high levels of folic acid. 5mg I think which is a prescription item. My diabetes was the best it has ever been whilst pregnant and I have never felt so well cared for.


That's al lot jperry.
I got in contact with my GP yesterday and she referred me to anti-natal clinic. I don't know how quickly I will hear from them. I left a message for the diabetes nurse who is covering for my nurse but haven't heard from them yet.
Since the day that I found out I am measuring my sugar more often and giving correction doses when needed. Sunday and yesterday I had a better control. I wish I could bring HbA1c down like you.


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Hi dee-sam
I fell pregnant three years ago with a hba1c of 9.6, the minute I fell pregnant I managed myself intensely and brought it down within weeks to 5.9. I think its more important what your sugars are doing at weeks 3-9 when the organs are forming, rather than actually at conception.

My baby was fine, but unfortunately I developed proliferative diabetic retinopathy as a result of the rapid drop in blood sugars coupled with pregnancy hormones. So the recommendations for control are not just for the baby but the mother too.

Can you contact your local antenatal unit and insist on speaking to a diabetes specialist midwife? I can't imagine they wouldn't at least talk to you if you have pre existing diabetes? You should get seen in clinic pretty quick.

The targets in pregnacy are 5.8 or less before meals and 7.8 or less one hour after. The hba1c target is below 6. it sounds daunting but you can get it down in weeks if you are managing it intensely, as I did.

I am now pregnant with my second btw.

How pregnant are you? If you've got things under control pretty quick and you found out you were pregnant early on, you should be ok.