Feeling better off the meds


Active Member
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, or tried it. And I'm not suggesting that anyone does but:

I went home over Christmas and being me forgot my meds. I'm type 2, diagnosed about a year. So, I just lived the Christmas dream and felt fine. In fact much better than I had since diagnosis. So I carried on through January and only went back on the meds nearing my checkup date.

Needless to say, the test results weren't great and I got the insulin talk but avoided it that time. Now back on meds full time and even had a brush with Forxiga. But we didn't get on well.

Anyway, my point is this. In the last year I feel like I've aged 20. And when I was off the meds I felt like me again. I regret being diagnosed. Sadly I can't just drop off the radar but it is tempting. Anyone else noticed this? Anyone else found they are feeling worse than they did before being diagnosed? Thoughts?

Oh and I am now feeling 20 years older but taking my meds like a good little boy. Chronic is a very fitting word.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Re: Feeling better off the meds

Yes I have noticed this effect on more than one occasion.

I had a lot of trouble with statins and ended up off my legs occasionally. When they finally realised I couldn't take them at all they took me off them. A week or so went by and I had a strange sensation. I just had to think of crossing the room and I had done so. No effort and very twinkle toes.

At my last DN session she suggested I could try coming off the Glimipiride. No change at all. On an earlier occasion I has asked to try not taking Metformin. No change there either but a couple of weeks ago I stopped taking everything for just over a week. I was brighter, started taking an interest in things and was up and doing things. I felt great.

One of the tablets is slowing me down or possibly a combination. I have a cunning plan. After my next DN session I am going to stop each tablet in rotation to find out what is going on. My Hba1c is low enough for me to take a risk but ......

Don't try this at home folks.


Active Member
Re: Feeling better off the meds

Good to know I'm not alone. I'd love to know if there are any studies on the psychological effects of the local pharmacy I'm currently trying to inhale :geek:

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