glucose testing


Mike did his first post meal test reading 7.1mmol/1. then pre meal test 4.9mmol/1 is that a good or bad reading ?

anyone free to answer when they have time please.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Paulinea said:
Mike did his first post meal test reading 7.1mmol/1. then pre meal test 4.9mmol/1 is that a good or bad reading ?

anyone free to answer when they have time please.

That's a good reading if it was taken two hours after eating when it should be less than 8.5. Some people like to keep below the 8.5 recommendation so that they have a safety margin. The pre meal reading was also good.

He got it right first time.


Squire Fulwood said:
Paulinea said:
Mike did his first post meal test reading 7.1mmol/1. then pre meal test 4.9mmol/1 is that a good or bad reading ?

anyone free to answer when they have time please.

That's a good reading if it was taken two hours after eating when it should be less than 8.5. Some people like to keep below the 8.5 recommendation so that they have a safety margin. The pre meal reading was also good.

He got it right first time.

Hi SquireFulwood, yes it was taken 2 hours after his lunch,well here's to hoping we can fight this together, thank's for the support


Thundercat said:
Those figures are very good. He is off to a great start.

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Hi Thundercat,yes I was pleased but will not get ahead of our selves, we know the changes he has made have been hard but we are both learning every day and thank's to this forum it help's a lot when you are worried so thank's for the reply.


nomistheman said:
Paulinea said:
Mike did his first post meal test reading 7.1mmol/1. then pre meal test 4.9mmol/1 is that a good or bad reading ?
They are both very good readings! :clap:

See here for how good!

You confused me by putting the post meal reading before the pre meal reading - it made me think that you are potentially comparing, say, the post breakfast reading with the pre lunch reading which is of less use than, say, the pre lunch reading compared with the post lunch reading. I may have just misinterpreted your post though. :wink:

As a guide test prior to eating (pre prandial), then test two hours after Mike has finished eating (post prandial). The post prandial reading should be no more than 2 mmol/l greater than the pre prandial reading. If it is, then consider adjusting the carbs in the meal - either get rid of them, substitute for lower GI carbs, or just have less of the carbs in that meal.

You can also try combining the carbs in the meal with more fat - which, I find, slows the digestion of the carbs, e.g. Cheddar cheese on wholegrain toast gives me a longer and lower release of Glucose into the blood than just wholegrain toast. There's very minimal carbs in Cheddar cheese but, a lot of fat.

Sounds like both you and Mike are off to a great start - well done :thumbup: - keep going!

Hi nomistheman,the thing was is we where waiting for the meter to come, so we did our first test 2 hours after lunch with the reading of 7.1 mmol/l, then just pre his tea reading was 4.9mmol/1 then 2 hours later it was 6.6mmol/l.
SO this morning we wanted to see the effect of him having porridge with water and sweetener he left his reading for me before he had his porridge which was 5.8mmol/l so I am waiting to see what his reading is after having the porridge,sorry for the ramble but its all new to us thank's for your reply it helps.


nomistheman said:
Paulinea said:
Hi nomistheman,the thing was is we where waiting for the meter to come, so we did our first test 2 hours after lunch with the reading of 7.1 mmol/l, then just pre his tea reading was 4.9mmol/1 then 2 hours later it was 6.6mmol/l.
Ah - I see. I was just confused - I didn't intend to give the impression you or Mike were doing anything wrong. Apologies if I did. :oops:

Lunch was good - the post prandial reading being just 1.7 mmol/l more than the pre prandial reading. 8)

Paulinea said:
SO this morning we wanted to see the effect of him having porridge with water and sweetener he left his reading for me before he had his porridge which was 5.8mmol/l so I am waiting to see what his reading is after having the porridge,sorry for the ramble but its all new to us thank's for your reply it helps.
Ooh, I would be interested in the post prandial reading for the porridge as it spikes my levels by at least +4 mmol/l but, everyone is different.

Would just like to say that all Mike's readings so far have been within the non diabetic range :!:

Hi nomistheman,no you didn't give me the impression i was doing anything wrong I knew you where trying to help :D haven't heard off Mike yet about his porridge reading, just been shopping Diabetes shopping lol not the same as just chuck in what you want or can afford, lucky for me my son is off on a Friday and he takes me shopping checking the carb count for me as we go a long. But he dose the Atkins diet and has had good results over the years a 3 stone weight loss the first time but he gose's up and down.Waiting for more strips to come now,hoping it get's easier the more we learn thank's again for your reply will post his reading after the porridge. :)


As promised, Mikes reading after porridge was 10.2 mmol/l :( but he is off tomorrow and he is going to do half the measure, Mike's measures on food would always be as much as he could fit in the bowl so may be less might be ok,will see tomorrow he is a creature of habit he has had porridge for years it's quick and easy for him in the microwave.Or we will have to try another easy breakfast.
Only got 1 strip left till tomorrow so will test 2 hours after his evening meal, I know this testing is because we have only recently found out but will continue till we get a better handel on what he can tolerate and what he can't :)


blackcat79 said:
Tho thats not great after porridge its not to bad. I have BS of 17 after mine but need something to keep me going due to work shifts.
Keep up the good work

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Hi blackcat,it's a pain isn't it that's the reason Mike chooses porridge its slow releasing and puts him on till lunch time,his day's can be quite long or in early.All we can do is listen to each other on here and hope we get some tip's thank's for the reply :)


nomistheman said:
Thanks for the update. :thumbup:

10.2 mmol/l from 5.8 mmol/l up 4.2 mmol/l - similar to how my body breaks down porridge carbs. :wink:

May be useful to weigh a full measure and calculate from the info on the packaging how many carbs were consumed?
Trying a half measure is definitely worth a go! :)

What type of porridge is it - does it have added sugar .. you know, the little convenient microwave pots? I was using Scotts Porridge oats - I read on these forums about using jumbo sized rolled oats as they're more slowly digested, i.e. lower Glycaemic Index.

I miss my porridge :( but, I enjoy my scrambled eggs! :thumbup:

I'm 'eating' my way through test strips too! :lol:

Keep going you're on the right road. 8)

Hi nomistheman,well it better knowing ( I suppose sigh) it's Scotts Porridge oats think he is going to try half and splendor sweeteners instead of asda's own sprinkle sugar which he has been using,this is like a full time job at the moment lol.
test strips ooh it's so annoying 4.99 plus 2.00 postage just when you need them at least they give you an idea what is working for the individual. thank's for the reply has I have said it helps :D will post again on new results hope I am not boring any one with this.


Just an update on the porridge, Mike uses half the measures he was using with a little more water his readings have been 7.7 mmol/l.We have been testing all evening meals and he has not had a bad reading,tried the cauliflower with butternut squash as an alternative for mash with mince and onion plus some sprouts, 6.6mmol/l and lots of no sugar jelly and cream so hope we will see more of a weight loss soon. :) 3 weeks this Thursday since we found out so still finding my way.