Blood sugar only down to 13

Blood Sugars Down Only 1 To 13
I am a bit worried type 2 diabetic been really silly over last few weeks forgetting to take metformin and eating high sugar foods. I got a real fright friday night blood sugar 21.4 stopped eating high sugar no bad things at all since friday night and then yesterday as well as taking metformin it went down to 14. Then no bad things all day yesterday porridge for breakfast brown bread and !/2 banana 4 hours later blood sugar down to 13 a bit dissapointed because I have been really good. Does this mean I am running out of my own insulin? Will I have to go into hospital? really freaked out


Active Member
Hi there,

Porridge, brown bread and bananas are all predominantly carbohydrate so might not take your blood sugar down as quickly as you'd hoped. I would suggest trying to keep on the straight and narrow with your diet, and maybe exercise a bit more. Keep monitoring your blood sugar regularly. If it remains high then consult your doctor. They may want to adjust your medication levels. I doubt you'll need to go to hospital at this stage. Try and keep calm, do some relaxation, stress and anxiety can also adversely affect your levels.

Peter Lamont

When I went to my GP and clinic nurse, they thought I had late on set T2. I could not understand this as I was 55 or 56 at the time and I have never been over 11 stone in my life. I had been in the forces and was very fit and kept this up until recently. My weight dropped to just over 9 stone and I looked terrible. An ex military nurse at the research clinic told me I was T1 not T2. She said she could tell by looking at me and promptly took some blood and sent it off for confirmation. I had to go onto 5 units of Nova 30 insulin before breakfast and evening meal. I am short of 11 stone again but would like to get a lower sugar level as I am about 8 on my 6 monthly checks. I think you may be going the same way as me. If your weight drops, go and see your GP or local clinic. It is no big deal and we want your company for a long time. It is a bit of a life change but you will manage. Good luck!