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    Sugar free chocolate worse for me than normal chocolate?

    personally... I find that 1 good 10g chocolate gives me more satisfaction than a 25g chocolate bar. I also like coffee beans coated in chocolate. more caffine and chocolate hit in 2 beans than a whole mars bar!
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    45 min opp to cure high blood pressure! ... 5_minutes/ Heart experts at Southampton’s hospitals are using a groundbreaking drug-free treatment which involves ‘blasting’ nerves in the kidneys with radio waves to reduce high blood pressure. The technique, called renal denervation (RDN), is...
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    Tingling in both hands

    I wondered how many people have experianced this and at what stage of your diabeties. ie before diagnosis, after x years of diabeties. My sister is suffering tingling both hands, fatigue, clumseyness, thirst websites point at diabeties , MS and alcoholisum, She is 43 overweight, but had a...
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    Re: DVLA revoked driving licence - any advice? He might be eligable for access to work taxis from Job Center Plus. My wife has MS and gets the difference between public transport and taxi costs. They can even pay me for taking my wife to work. You could arrange a private agreement with a...
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    the advantages of being diabetic.

    You normally get your meal first on airplanes. :D Due to the amount of blood tests you get , you are more likly to detect other ilnesses earlier. You will win farting competitions hands down you get priority for flu jabs, food etc I am guaranteed to get the meal time I request on my...
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    the advantages of being diabetic.

    I have this mental image of kids declaring themselves diabetic then writing notes all over thier crisps. re-sealing the packet and then using them to cheat through the exam, eating the evidence. does that make me devious or cynical? :wink:
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    Travelling abroad & storage of Insulin

    We traveled the US and Canada by van last summer. We stored my wifes meds in the travel pouch, inside a cool bag chilled via the 12v car electrics The mobicool bag folds flat-ish to 2" thick. We had two hotel fridges fail on us in a 3...
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    Eye Screening, Do I have a choice of provider?

    You dont have to buy the glasses from them. you can take the prescription and order the glasses on line using sites like speckyfoureyes &glases direct etc. Personally I want one robust every day pair and some cheap ones specificly for screen work
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    Eye Screening, Do I have a choice of provider?

    You are right. They have been a bit bossy. I have been on a tread mill, In the last year since diagnosis I have been on an endless list of appointments for blood tests, blood pressure, feet tickling, retina eye test, fasting blood tests, flue and another vaxine, wheigh ins and lecture about...
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    Eye Screening, Do I have a choice of provider?

    Eye Screening, My Gp ordered me to attend an eye screening in a little van in the car park. I am vaugely aware that I am entitled to free eye tests. Reading the web most opticians do an eyetest followed by an eye scan. Can I do both? should I opt out of my GP's service and get a regular...