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  1. J

    hard to control at wits end

    i have never been asked to carb count or limit fats in his food as they said as he is still growing he needs all these things we often talk to the consultant about his food and they always say its good and healthy. i would no even know where to start on carb counting but surely it might be worth...
  2. J

    hard to control at wits end

    thank you for your advice about the pump. we have split his background insulin levemir to 8 in the morning and 1 at night. and he has 3 fast acting injections novorapid with each meal of between 1 and a half units to 2 and a half units depending on blood level reading. his levels of insulin are...
  3. J

    flu jab

    my son is nearly 6 years old and he has had diabetes for coming onto 4 years now and he has had 3 flu jabs hasnt hurt him much but he always gets very poorly a couple of days later which almost always ends up with him being in hospital. and he had the mnuemonia(not sure how you spell it) jab...
  4. J

    hard to control at wits end

    hi my son is type 1 and he is nearly six he has been diabetic since he was 2. we have just found out he has epilepsy aswell and i have been told 1 of his triggers is having a hypo which he always seems to have. we are in constant touch with his nurses but things just dont get much better. he is...