Search Results

  1. crystal32

    Type 2 What’s normal when you add another insulin?

    It can take a few days from what I've been told by endocrinologists, I dont have diabetes but my young son does and I do it all for him so i know when u make a change in insulin increase or decrease give it 3 days before u make a change for example if u were finding u were low near lunch or...
  2. crystal32

    need advice what would you do in my situation

    It is kinda weird.. But in my opinion doesn't sound too bad, especially if drs arent alarmed. Maybe u need Basal insulin twice a day am and pm? If u r concerned about not being within target blood sugars but at least your sugars arent dangerously high even after the basal runs out, everyone is...
  3. crystal32

    need advice what would you do in my situation

    So your blood glucose doesnt increase past 10 after eating and without Insulin? Both basal and bolus? Just to make sure I read correctly..
  4. crystal32

    Daughter diagnosed with type 1

    My son has had type 1 diabetes for 3 years, diagnosed at 5 years old. Its definitely overwhelming, you get thrown into all this information and I cried and cried(tried not do it in front of him tho) woke up in the middle of the night crying thinking what if i can't do this what if he's not ok...