Search Results

  1. H

    Stuck in the USA - running out of Meds!

    Just an idea which is worth chasing up.......have you tried making contact with a UK embassy near where you are based or even the US embassy.........have had to use these facilities in the past myself whilst travelling the world and have always found officials to be so very helpful and...
  2. H

    Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: A Natural Alternative (Paperback)

    Bully for Elizabeth for writing her book, power to her elbow I say.........I myself was 'shocked' into taking her course of action when informed I was being put on insulin!...till then I had been controlling my diabetes with dieting... it would appear that my blood sugar levels had shot up over...
  3. H

    new dignosis and high sugar levels

    Good morning to one and all..well!!!! I am a newcomer to this forum who is in denial, very angry and going round in ever decreasing circles, not a very good start to a new month is it! I have managed to control my diabetes to date with dieting, or so I thought...last week out of the blue I was...