Search Results

  1. shayshay

    travelling to the tropics - storage of meds

    I'm travelling to india soon with diabetes and have been doing some reading. people seem to be reccomending 'frio' packs which keep your insulin cold. Apparently you submerse them every 3 days in cold water to reactivate. Also people say that you should store you insulin in the centre of your...
  2. shayshay

    Type 1 Sugar levels after eating

    How much Novorapid are you on? Are you carb counting? What type of carbs do you usually have at mealtimes and how much?
  3. shayshay

    Good travel insurance companies

    Hey guys :-) I'm a newly diagnosed diabetic type 1 (two days ago! eek!) I'm supposed to be doing some travelling in Europe, India and America over the next few weeks. Please share your experience (good and bad) with travel insurance companies. (Did you need to use them??? Did they pay out...