Search Results

  1. J

    Risk level - covid 19

    Morning Danny Diagnosed after a serious chest infection that wiped me out for around 4 months in late 2012, unable to breathe correctly coughing up loads of serious phlegm , general weakness due to lack of oxygen etc. Had same series of tests as you did and referred to a respiratory illness...
  2. J

    Risk level - covid 19

    not a Facebook user, will check with loacal councillor to see what groups are around this area. Several others in the village might need help as well.
  3. J

    Risk level - covid 19

    Family lives 5hrs drive away, daughter in the police, her husband a paramedic. Village is very small mostly people of our age or older
  4. J

    Risk level - covid 19

    doing that anyway but we will need to get some food soon, be staying at home for 14 days anyway
  5. J

    Risk level - covid 19

    I am a 68 year male with type 2 diabetes (controlled using metformin). I also have bronchiectasis (which is well controlled). What risk category am I included in with respect to the Government’s advice. Have not received a letter from the NHS as per stated on the news. I live with my wife...
  6. J

    DiabetesPA app

    Has anyone managed to find the DiabetesPA app in the Apple App Store for IOS devices. It is promoted on the Diabetes low carb programme but is shown as not available in the U.K. App Store.
  7. J

    Sharp pain in lower left side of abdomen

    Could possibly be "Diverticulitis" especially if you have a high non soluble ibre diet or a high meat content and like your meat cooked on the rare to medium side. Had a similar problem a couple of years ago through a high meat diet and I do like my meat rare, a small pocket gets formed in...
  8. J

    Oral problems

    I am a Type2 diabetic for about 12 years, recently started to experience oral thrush and mouth ulcers plus a sore lesion under one side of tongue. Brush teeth regularly and at present also gargling with TCP water mix. Some relief after the TCP but not going away completely is this a known...