Search Results

  1. N

    Bipolar Depression

    How would you treat the biploar depression in home without medication?
  2. N

    Advice please

    You don't eat till the evining ...but you can take the fruit juice. Which will help you to become energitics.
  3. N

    Back Pain

    Hi all...I have one question which may be general. Actually I am software engineer and I have to work 10 to 12 hours sitting. So my back pain is increasing . I wanna suggestion how can I stop my back pain. I did all types of medication, but belive does not affect to my back
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    Diabetes does kill

    Can we treat diabetes permantely. . I heard that diabetes is never curable.
  5. N

    How many carbohydrates do you consume per day - Chat Thread

    Probably 75 to 100 carb....per day.