Search Results

  1. R

    Statins affecting Diabetes

    I was put on statins by my GP about 6 years ago, nothing wrong with cholesterol just a "good idea for diabetics to take them", I didn't have any BG problems but I had unbearable thumping cramps in my neck and shoulders, couldn't even sleep at night after 2 weeks. Change to bezafibrate and...
  2. R

    Freestyle libre

    Hi, I was asked to go on a 2 week trial with this device last year. Like others on this thread I didn't find it that reliable especially when I was actually very low. On the plus side I found the arrow indicators very useful to give me an idea of what was going on with my blood sugar's, and was...
  3. R

    Type 1: Hba1c and Metformin

    Hi I was diagnosed with T1 17 years ago. Once my sugar levels became stable I began to gain weight pretty fast and with that my insulin dose increased with it. My BMI had reached 40 and at that point my consultant suggested I started taking metformin along with insulin to try and tackle the...