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  1. MarkE


    First: background retinopathy need not progress further- keep the BS under control for best chances, and LCHF seems the best approach for that. Second: if you are unlucky and it does go further, don't worry. I've had a lot- 10+ sessions in each eye- of laser, and still have my central vision...
  2. MarkE

    Offended by official, mandatory training material...

    It is, and I have indeed let HR know that it is offensive material. Berks!
  3. MarkE

    Offended by official, mandatory training material...

    I sometimes get truly annoyed by the sheer insensitivity and stupidity I encounter... Today, while working on the latest batch of mandatory online learning material for my job- a national finance operation, BTW- I found myself staring at the term "lifestyle diabetes". No type II, no...
  4. MarkE

    American healthcare vs U.K. Healthcare

    Well, fair enough dear chap- but I would say that, based on your taxable income, I would have to put you in the "rich" column... Things do look a tad different from my end of the scale. In the US, I'd likely be dead or blind by now, neither of which strike me as overly fair. I'll keep the NHS...
  5. MarkE

    Work problems or just being over sensitive?

    You seem to be falling foul of that old Dilbert gag from your bosses- "I don't understand it, therefore it must be easy" :-(
  6. MarkE

    Eye screening

    Folks, all I'll add is that the complications can be lived with and are not, thank fortune, inevitable. Aye, the drops sting, and my vision these days is pretty much gone for hours after- but the alternative would be ignorance, and that really is scary when retinopathy can be so damned aggressive.
  7. MarkE

    Absolutely petrified... My eyes.

    The chap's a fool- until the worst happens- and it is NOT inevitable- there's little point in going over the need for laser or vitrectomies. Get your sugars under good control and chances are you'll be fine. Besides, even if you do need laser, it can be endured. Trust me, I've been lasered both...
  8. MarkE

    Dominating my conversations!!!

    Ho boy. Friend, I'm an Aspie- and can bore for Britain, any subject you care to mention. Still, your need to talk will pass. I'd not worry!
  9. MarkE

    How unlucky

    Ouch. If in any doubt, get it looked at. One of the known problems with diabetic feet is in-noticed loss of sensation, so we can pick up injuries we don't fully realise the extent of. Probably not an issue, but better to be sure.
  10. MarkE

    Disability Discrimination Act

    Just one point to add myself- the law also makes it clear that you cannot discriminate on the basis of disability unless the job truly requires the specific disability to be avoided. So, yes, I'd personal say to tell them about the diabetes.
  11. MarkE

    Work experience

    As to experience for your CV- well, as you say, your own experience as a diabetic should be seen as useful. My personal advice, though, is simply set about getting the best experience you can from here on. Tlak to a few folks already doing the sort of work you want- believe me, there are plenty...
  12. MarkE

    Coping with loss of night vision

    A few of us getting to your point, friend. Me included: I've had a lot of laser now in both eyes and my eyes take FOREVER to adapt between light levels these days, as well as occasionally losing all depth perception for hours at a time- likely because they are changing focus badly or some such...
  13. MarkE

    Leg Cramps?

    I'll confess to upper leg cramps occasionally, usually at night @4 in the ruddy morning...
  14. MarkE

    Want your experiences to help raise diabetes awareness?

    Very cautious regarding certain papers- which one are you asking on behalf of?
  15. MarkE

    I wish they'd stop with the lifestyle line

    Next time someone dies in a car crash, perhaps we should remind everyone that driving a car is a lifestyle choice too? Pratts.
  16. MarkE

    Useless ruddy Pharmacies

    You know, I could very easily lose all faith in pharmacies... A week or so back, Rowlands Pharmacy told me that they had no Glibenclamide in stock but if they filled the rest of my prescription I could come back and get the final item. Today, they blithely inform me that they "might" get more...
  17. MarkE

    Worst GP Appointment I have had…ever

    I could not believe it , its 2015 and someone diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety is told its all in your head.............................:banghead: Of COURSE it's all in our heads- that is where we live, after all. Doesn't mean that the body needs no help. Twits.
  18. MarkE

    GPs reporting unfit to drive

    I like to think- hope at least- that any halfway decent doctor would talk to the patient before notifying the DVLA, even if they go ahead whatever. Also, frankly, some of us really aren't safe to allow on the roads. I have no peripheral vison left, for instance- and find wlking tricky among...
  19. MarkE

    Are diabetics ...

    Depends entirely on what I'm being asked about- anger always has a target, after all... I do get irritated at the papers and the anti-type II propaganda they keep spouting lately- but anger at that is hardly unreasonable, ne>?
  20. MarkE


    We do seem to be target of the month for the papers and TV- which strongly suggests we are on the target range for the foxhunting types in charge, the media being the key propaganda tool these days. I do wonder how they would find the public reaction, were they to target cancer patients in the...