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    How not to fart on low carb ???

    The problem is really in the starches in these high carby foods like chickpeas, all beans of any kinds and some of the lentils. Not only do they kick your blood sugars higher in 15 minutes and even more in 30 minutes while you still may be eating our lunch, the high blood sugars also slow down...
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    I'm doing an Irish jig as hba1c down to 37 today from 62 on 8th December 2017

    Great job and well done. I just wish the ADA in America would stop recommending 225 g carb that just LOVES starchy foods for each and every meal. I started ignoring it when my dr. told me in March 2013 my kidneys would need dialysis because I had been listening to those Registered Dingbats...
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    Type 2 Nerve tingles in strange places

    The fat-soluble form of B1 called benfotiamine is normally prescribed for diabetics in the UK. It is available over the counter in the USA and I use it to help my kidneys recover from their Class 3 B (not a good level in the USA) and now my kidneys are normal. It is my understanding that it...
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    How not to fart on low carb ???

    Yes cutting out starchy foods which lowers the carbs the most works well. So does taking prebiotics and probiotics that help to make the gut more efficient in processing our foods. Since I started pre and probiotics, there is less odor to the contents as well. Nothing like a healthy gut is...