Search Results

  1. P

    Newcastle Diet - to follow it and do shakes and veg, or deviate?

    TY all, you've put my mind at ease and now I won't feel so guilty if I munch on a slice of bread or 2! I saw a show on telly the other day about the ND and there was mention of ketosis, and, having done Atkins before, to reach this state, bread was absolutely restricted. So I wasn't sure if...
  2. P

    Newcastle Diet - to follow it and do shakes and veg, or deviate?

    Hello all, great thread. I'm just about to start doing the ND but with food not shakes. I've found some low carb bread online and am wondering if it would be allowable on the diet even though no bread was stipulated? The nutritional information is; per 29g serving - one slice (may be less): 57...