Search Results

  1. G

    Type 1 Carb counting is hard!

    I have a Salter Nutri-Weigh Slim Electronic Scale for calculating carbs. Works really well. Doesn't have every food product but has a lot of normal, everyday foods. Worth the cost in my opinion.
  2. G

    Type 1: I'm a horrible diabetic

    You are not a horrible diabetic. My daughter has been a T1 diabetic since she was 4, almost 14 years now, it's been awful for her. It is constantly there reminding you to test, calculate carbs, give insulin etc etc. She is now on a low carb diet and is feeling much better for it. A1c now...
  3. G

    why i'm not allowed a pump

    Re: why im not allowed a pump Don't take 'no' for an answer! You need a pump to preserve your long term health. Having a pump now could save the beloved NHS thousands of pounds in the future when you could suffer from complications. Write to your doctor, your health team and any one else...