Search Results

  1. Ruby26913


    Most of the time they’re great, but there are jokes that go around sometimes.
  2. Ruby26913


  3. Ruby26913

    Any Good Snack Options

    I eat chicken kievs!
  4. Ruby26913


    Hello! I need some advice here. The people in my class are lovely and support me with my diabetes, but sometimes, they make Type 2 Diabetes jokes that I get offended by. My friends tease me for this and say something along the lines of, “God, just grow up a bit. No need to get so offended!”...
  5. Ruby26913


    I just wanted to say that I have raised nearly £3,000 for JDRF at a party on Saturday!
  6. Ruby26913

    T1D Fundraising At School

    Not that much into any kind of sport. Good idea though, thanks!
  7. Ruby26913

    T1D Fundraising At School

    Good for you :)
  8. Ruby26913


  9. Ruby26913

    Make a sentence from five letters :D

    Only lions eat ignorant cats! PHONE
  10. Ruby26913

    T1D Fundraising At School

    Hello! Me and my mum were thinking of trying to get my (primary) school involved with diabetes fundraising, and we have two good ideas - Type Onesie Day, And Dress Blue For Diabetes. In our school when there is a day when you wear your own clothes you have to pay: £1 a person or £1.50 for a...
  11. Ruby26913

    Who gets eczema on their fingers/hands?

    Thank you for all your support I’m on a different account though because I lost my old one! Thank you!
  12. Ruby26913

    Being told to die

    This is horrible and totally unacceptable! I can’t imagine how you feel. I’m sorry but I don’t have much advice to give you, accept keep on pressing the school, and if they still don’t bother then go to the police. Those kids are obviously having a bad time themselves. I know this probably...
  13. Ruby26913


    Thank you all of you for your very helpful replies. My final decision is to try and get the omnipod. I really wasn’t expecting all these replies! You’ve helped me very much!
  14. Ruby26913

    A to z of geographical place names.

    Washington D.C.
  15. Ruby26913

    A to Z for words in general

  16. Ruby26913

    3 or 4 letter word associated game 5

  17. Ruby26913

    3 or 4 letter word associated game 5

  18. Ruby26913


    Hi! My name is Ruby and hopefully (fingers crossed) I will soon be getting an insulin pump. I’ve looked at the three pumps available (accucheck, Medtronic and omnipod) and my personal favourite is the latter. Though before I get it, me and my family would really appreciate any views or...