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    Hypo even after sausages and chips for dinner

    Yesterday evening I took my my metformin(1000mg), gliclazide80mg,insulin- novo rapid 6 ml, levimir 14 units, losartan 100mg, omeprazole 20mg, and atorvastatin 20mg.... My sweeties... Within half an hour my bs went down to 2.0.... I had eaten 3 Cumberland sausages with gravy and a portion of...
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    karela bitter melon tablets

    I make bitter melon...karela juice every 2 days.. Blood Sugar reduced from 12 to 7.6 in 4 months... And no damage to your organs...... If you can not dr ink the juice...please have tablets... I do. Not understand why NHS do not prescribe these??????will save lot of money...instead of metformin...