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  1. R

    I'm "normal"

    That is such an amazing achievement. Well done!
  2. R

    Weekly weigh in - Fridays

    Started at 18’13 at the end of October and now at 17’10. Got a long way to go but this weight didn’t just appear overnight.
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    Losing weight

    Since being diagnosed and after a few mistakes at first with thinking that wholemeal carbs were ok, I have been losing weight. Just over a stone so far in just over a month. When I stop the scales though, my fat percentage doesn’t seem to have changed much and I seem to be losing muscle weight...
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    Thank you-hopeful that the dietry changes will really impact.
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    Thank you that’s really useful. I think I am thinking about trying to fix all the damage I have done so if vitamins would help with tiredness then willing to give that a go.
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    Hi I am newly diagnosed with T2 and making changes to my diet and going low carb. I am consistently feeling tired at the moment. Does anyone take any vitamins that they have found useful with diabetes?
  7. R

    New to diabetes

    Thank you-that is really useful. I think I am thinking a lot about weight loss at the moment as well to try and help but it makes sense to know what impact different foods are having on you. It is a lot to take in. Thanks for the tip about the green tea as well. I am drinking tea, water, green...
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    New to diabetes

    Thank you-it is really strange to think of getting to a point where you might not be able to tolerate eating something again. I have so far cut out all biscuits, sweets, cakes, crisps. Have massively increased my veg and am thinking a lot more about what I eat but it’s all small steps and just...
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    New to diabetes

    That looks like a great link-thank you.
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    New to diabetes

    Thank you so much for replying. I am a bit gutted about the wholemeal bread. I thought that maybe that was a better carb and if that was the only one I was eating in small quantities that might be ok. I need to find something else then. I have also been eating a lot of vegetables but still...
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    New to diabetes

    Hi I have very recently been diagnosed and had my meeting with the diabetic nurse on Tuesday, who confirmed the diagnosis. My blood sugar is 47 so I know I am just on the borderline and I need to take more care over my diet and exercise. I am very overweight so need to lose weight. I am...
  12. R

    Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions

    Hi My name is Geri and I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a week ago. I have been spending a lot of time on this forum reading all of the incredibly useful information, which is helping me understand more about this condition. I live in Oxfordshire, I am in my early 40’s. My favourite...