
  1. davetee

    Activity Monitor Group

    I've just bought a Garmin Vivofit to track my walking and encourage myself to set goals and lose weight. If anyone is interested I've set up a group on Garmin Connect called "UK Health Walking Group". If anyone has a Garmin Activity monitor feel free to join...
  2. Bluemarine Josephine

    Activity and background insulin

    Good day my beautiful friends! I hope that you are all very well today! I need your guidance with the following please: The theory: Basal insulin’s primary job is to keep blood glucose levels in check during periods of fasting, including sleeping. While fasting, the liver continuously secretes...
  3. Bluemarine Josephine

    Questions regarding exercise/activity

    Hello Everyone, I hope that you are all doing very well. I need your suggestions on the following matters which are related to exercise/activity (I know that there is a different forum for this subject but, I thought I’d begin from here). I have a series of questions. Lately, I have started to...