1st Hba1c test results


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
not having puddings
Went on Monday for the test and results today from the nurse, she says I have a reading of 6.9, which she explained is under the NHS guideline of 7. But as I have no previous test I don't know how I am trending. So should I be pleased or not?

Also told me my triglycerides were high (no figure offered or on the screen, just high) so I was given a piece of paper with information on how to reduce the triglyceride level, and guess what it advocates a low carbohydrate diet, ie Atkins, South Beach etc.

Now the annoying thing is when I asked her about a low carb diet to control my diabetes and assist in weight loss, she said she knew nothing of this for diabetics, yet she is handing leaflets out left right and centre. Do these people not read their own literature?????


Well-Known Member
Hi Paul

How odd but as many have shown on here low carb is helping the cholesterol.

Many of the DSN's unfortunately are no experts, even some of the experts are no experts lol

Re the trending - it's a shame you didn't have a baseline to go off but 6.9 is an ok result and gives you a solid basis to now go (down) from. Have you been testing yourself?

If not it's really worthwhile so you can see for yourself how it's all going.

Mary x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
not having puddings
Thanks Mary,

I have a machine for testing, but use it only when I feel "off".
As with all type 2's in this area, we get no free strips, so it is a cost issue, I prefer to save mine and use the practices when I attend.
