Can I eat these?


Well-Known Member
I bought some rollmops (pickled herring) on the weekend in a 'luxury' marinade of white vinegar, onions and sugar. The nutritional breakdown touted carbs as being 24%. Bearing in mind that I adore these particular rollmops and I thought most of that carb would be sugar floating around in the vinegar I decided to buy some to experiment. this is how it went:

Before eating - 4.8
30 mins after eating - 8.2
60 mins after eating - 5.1
90 mins after eating - 4.3

I was shocked how high my BG went, but equally shocked as to how quickly it fell. Based on these figures are these something I could safely eat or should I avoid because of the 8.2 spike. I normally like to keep things well in the 5s, 6s at most. Funnily enough, had I not tested till an hour later, as I usually would, I would have been happily scoffing them all!


sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Looks like the sugar content gave you a quick spike.Try washing off vinegar and see if that makes a difference in the 'spike',maybe will not taste the same but worth a try.


Well-Known Member
sugarless sue said:
Looks like the sugar content gave you a quick spike.Try washing off vinegar and see if that makes a difference in the 'spike',maybe will not taste the same but worth a try.

I could do that, but what I'm asking is, is a spike of 8.2 for 30 mins bad?

On the bloodsugar101 site it talks about keeping to a level of no more than 7.8 two hours after a meal. My figures are well within that range, or does it mean that figures should not rise above 7.8 AT ALL during that period?


Well-Known Member
people who are rude and ignorant, and people who have no patience in queues.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rollmops my favourite, sorry Doc couldn't resist, i'm salvating whilst posting,
Suzi x

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
I suppose it's always best to try and avoid the 'spikes' as much as possible, especially over 7.


Well-Known Member
Fasteddie; Richard K Bernstein; William S. Atkins; Rosemary Bloody Conley;
I think Dennis has answered something like this before, on this thread. Like Dennis I believe the danger is from prolonged spikes over 7mmol/L, the fact that your BG was back down to 5.1 after 60 minutes would indicate, to me, that rollmops were back on the menu.

Regards, Tubs.


Well-Known Member
Blondes with small...................................
Buy some herrings and make your own without the sugar. Do about a dozen at a time.

Stuff with small gherkins or pickled onions. Sprinkle with paprika or whatever gets the taste buds going. There is no need to have sugar in the product at all.

Its easy to do and they keep well in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
Buachaille said:
Buy some herrings and make your own without the sugar. Do about a dozen at a time.

Stuff with small gherkins or pickled onions. Sprinkle with paprika or whatever gets the taste buds going. There is no need to have sugar in the product at all.

Its easy to do and they keep well in the fridge.

Think you've got a good point here. I used to love these particular ones, but actually today they did taste very sweet, must be my changing taste buds. I'll look into making my own though, great idea, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Next time buy bloaters!

Macrovascular complications are associated with prolonged high BG.

Microvascular complications are more associated with the height of the spikes. I'm trying to avoid both so I'd be looking for an alternative (or eating them very occasionally)