Diabetes and PIP benefit…


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I should point out that I am a statutory mental health advocate and we are not allowed to complete benefit forms for our clients. A support worker or a PA should be approached.
Ah, I thought you were seeking the advice for yourself, @Duchess4eva . Sorry for misunderstanding.
Of course, anyone who needs assistance with the application should not expect support workers, or GP, or any Health Care Professional to assist with the form filling, though they can help by providing supportive evidence. For help with forms, as previously mentioned, Citizens advice, or other Welfare Advice agencies are a great source of support.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Thank you for the warm welcome .. Thank you all for your replies. These are really helpful. I will look at the website and see what further info I can get before making a decision to apply or not. My workplace have in the meantime recommended ‘Access to work’ program as diabetes is a disability covered under the Equality Act.
Hiya if you are worried about your hypos maybe think of going onto the Libre system for blood monitoring. Type 1 in UK should get it on NHS. After having Diabetes for 30 years I went on it last Feb and havent looked back since. You can set it to warn you of an oncoming hypo so it alarms before you get too low. Good luck
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Back in the days of dla I got given it for just diabetes alone. I'm still waiting to be switched over to pip and I know I won't get it for diabetes because I'm able to function most of the time unless hypo or hyper comes out to play. However I've since been diagnosed with scoliosis, spina bifida, bursitis, arthritis, heart disease and if that wasn't enough I've recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia which is my saving grace. I'm not going to wait any longer for the switch as according to the test to get pip for fibromyalgia I should get the enhanced rate for both instead of just the care component of dla. But if you think you may get it you've got to keep a daily diary and put down how you are feeling ie tired after a hypo or during a hyper. Listen to what your body is telling you. Then I'd ask at citizens advice. You don't say how long you've been diagnosed. I felt how you did at the very beginning of my journey 35 years ago. After learning how to deal with a hypo which was very difference advice back then and accepting that I had this monster living inside of me, I read all I could and accepted it and learnt to live with it. Hypos are very scary but if you listen to the warnings and keep a regular watch on your glucose levels it becomes less scary. Do you have libre or dexcom sensors or an insulin pump?
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
I don't think you qualify for simply being diabetic you need other issues to.. And mental health can be part of that… But it's a point based system based on what you can do for yourself.. In if you can lead a mostly normal life the chances are slim

I would suggest seeking specialist advise based on your exact circumstances
You are spot on their Searley. You need specialist welfare rights advice. You should at least have a Libre 2 system in place and do your tests before driving your car as well as being able to recognise a hypo coming. Hypo awareness the DVLA call that.. if you can manage your life relatively normally ie Mobility is ok and can actually do things for yourself- then as Searley suggests your chances are pretty slim imho
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
Hello, I’m a type 2 diabetic on tablets and insulin. I also have heart and breathing issues and fibromyalgia/ arthritis. I’m on PIP, which I use for help, like weekly cleaner.
Your claim will depend on how your condition affects your everyday life. Good luck.
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I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
Not sure about that but I get it for mobility for neuropathy because I can only walk about 100 meters
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
I was thinking the same thing I’ve just requested the forms. I suffer from anxiety, depression, asthma, type 1 diabetic (13years), neuropathy in my left leg up to my knee and recently in January got diagnosed with retinopathy as well. All while trying to raise 3 young kids on my own. It’s been a nightmare the last 2 years.


PIP is not awared for any particular condition, but for how a condition affects day to day living.
Popular media tends to suggest DWP benefits are awarded for certain conditions. This is misleading.
The website recommended by @lovinglife is very useful, and explains the application process really well. It certainly is not as simple as popular media suggests.
Exactly this.
I have PIP now, not because I'm T1, but due to the cardiac damage and autonomic neuropathy over 63 years. Along with a spinal injury.
You need to be quite unwell, in need of daily help to do normal stuff and movement restricted.
6 month process, 40 page forms, medical assesment, examination of your medical records, GP and Consultants questioned.
Forget getting the award for some mental health issues. It isn't like getting a blue badge.
But you might get a Universal Credit award, not if you work, obviously.
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Type 1
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I applied at some point but not for t1d but for mental health issue (lifelong intellectual disability without going into too much detail), the criteria I assume is still the same, they gave me a fitness assessment, mostly about how I got out and about, if had problems going to the toilet or going further than 20m for instance. If you have evidence like a support worker at your back with documents detailing your day-to-day activities and you feel you meet the criteria of the PIP form, it would be comparatively simple as opposed to just having your doctor filling out a form (as I had done), detailing your medical information and just generalising on how your disability affects you.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
We tried for my 16 year old son took it to court and still got turned down it was degrading and humiliating the way they spoke to me, but they have no clue how difficult it is to manage
I’d try it but it wasn’t a nice experience for us but good luck
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I just found out as t2 insulin dependent and epilepsy sufferer I may also qualify so I’ll read with interest. If I find anything helpful I’ll share but as physically mobile I’m not sure I qualify
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
My son has type 1 & anxiety. He is awarded pip on enhanced rate. You would really need to focus on how type 1/ anxiety impacts on daily living activities. Definitely worth applying if type 1 and anxiety has a significant impact on day to day life.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
Another excellent website that helps people to get the benefits they are entitled to is benefitsandwork.co.uk On that you will find advice on every step of the application process from preliminary self assessment for yourself, up to having access to the manual that dictates how assessors at your interviews have to behave, what they must or must not take into account etc. The points descriptors and how they are applied is also there. It also guides you through the appeals process should you need it.

In that aforesaid manual is a bit that specifically excludes diabetes as a reason for receiving PIP. However if it affects your ability to look after yourself enough it should not matter if it is the only reason. Arguing that point with them is another matter, but if your diabetes affects you that badly, and is the only thing responsible, then you may have a chance.

I do receive PIP at higher rate care, but that is not because of my type 1 of 49 years standing, but mostly because of other problems including bipolar. The fact that many of my other conditions are severely exacerbated by my diabetes does not seem relevant to them. Although at my last review I did mention that. I have now, finally, received a ten year award without it having to go to appeal which every previous re-assessment has done over the last twenty years. I told the assessor that on the phone, I was incredibly lucky because when she rang I happened to have my Crisis Prevention worker with me, so she joined in the conversation and was proof that I really did need help. I told the assessor that, as every review had ended in me either losing or lowering my award but it had been reinstated on appeal perhaps they ought to not waste their time and money on yet another one. It seemed to work.
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I don't think you qualify for simply being diabetic you need other issues to.. And mental health can be part of that… But it's a point based system based on what you can do for yourself.. In if you can lead a mostly normal life the chances are slim

I would suggest seeking specialist advise based on your exact circumstances
The way things are going there won't be pip for people who have illnesses, unless you are really severe their looking at a voucher system for aids only
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I've been type 1 for over 40 years & had quite a few hypos at work where someone helped me, milk, sweet drink, chocolate etc.
I don't suffer anxiety over that but I used to get annoyed with my self for letting it happen.
But when busy working, especially physical work then hypo can creep up on you.
For the last 2.5 years I've had a libre 2 constant glucose monitor & not had 1 hypo where I've needed help.
I always said back in 1984 on diagnosis that beside a cure the next best thing would be to know your glucose levels easily at anytime.
The cgm does this near enough. Low glucose alarm can be set also if you forget to check them.
I would have thought having a cgm would help with hypo anxiety.
Any way all the best.
Type of diabetes
Type 1

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
i am also type 1 diabetes and revived pip but it is only a small payment but better than nothing to help with your care .
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hiya if you are worried about your hypos maybe think of going onto the Libre system for blood monitoring. Type 1 in UK should get it on NHS. After having Diabetes for 30 years I went on it last Feb and havent looked back since. You can set it to warn you of an oncoming hypo so it alarms before you get too low. Good luck
Hi Karen! Absolutely well said! I've had Tyoe 1 for 64 years and Libre 2 has really taken the hassle and worry of hypos at work, rest and play. For years I used to worry all the time- my fingers were a mess; I had finger prickers everywhere, spare batteries for them, car, house; caravan etc; along with glucose tablets; sugar cubes in pocket etc etc-.And most of all the constant worry of bad Hypos. In the past I've had so many really bad hypos rendering me unconscious for hours with nobody about to help me. I was lucky that I came round after my liver got me some reserve from somewhere to my brain I guess. I even went hypo once giving a lecture to some 100+ delegates at work and collapsed on the floor in front of them - people thought I was well drunk! I can laugh now but at the time I was worried. Back in those days - you had to keep diabetes a secret otherwise you wouldn't get a job in the first place. At least not a well paid management one. We had to test our wee in a little tube in the 60's.First home blood tests came out in the early 80's. That was amazing. You had to wait 2 mins exactly for those results to be relatively accurate. Now we have patch sensors, Dexcoms and pumps. Lovely Libre 2 warns you if you are going high and of course low bloods as well and keeps an eye on things for you. Just looked at my time in target of 71%- not too bad for an old boy I suppose! Change the patch every 2 weeks makes your worries about hypos a thing of the past. Such a shame these constant blood sugar monitors have not been available a lot sooner in my life. I'm 80 now. Of course they will make the evening of my life so much better. Thank you Libre.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
Hi! I am on PIP although it's for a few health issues besides Diabetes. If any of the questions ask if you can do something and you can but you do struggle sometimes, then don't answer that you can do it. I did feel like I was exaggerating when I answered some of the questions as I am one who will push through things in spite of the pain or difficulty, but these are non-medical people making the decision as to whether you qualify or not. Sadly, you have to exaggerate. Good luck! Shout if you have any more questions.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type

I was wondering whether any UK forum users are on here who are receiving Personal Independence payments? I have been on insulin for a good few years and have had real anxiety about hypos in a job where I have to travel alot and only just found out that I may be eligible for Pip if the diabetes is affecting my life this way. I would appreciate any info from people who may be receiving or who are in the same position as me… x
I'm on pip but not just for diabetes so I've no idea what will happen to my pip claim I think to the powers that be, you can work with diabetes so they may only give you the lower rate of pip I'm on the higher rate plus mobility because of sepsis and COPD as well as diabetes and depression and anxiety hopefully you might get something from pips
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