Fed Up


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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CJ from the Egg heads
Leaving home without an umbrella
I don't really have a question as such, just utterly fed up today.

I was in hospital with DKA last week, stupid own fault because i've been a complete idiot and not been looking after myself....which included eating rubbish and not taking my insuluin, yes that old chestnut.

I got out of Hospital last Wednesday and since then my BG's have been sitting at the right levels and doing what their told. Insulin has been working and tbh hasn't been bothering me as much as it used to.....until yesterday.
Now I can't seem to control it, it's taking far to much insulin to correct a high and it's just getting me down. Went on a Carb binge last night which might be why today is a nightmare as well.
I have a feeling i might need to up my basal dose a couple units but i just want to get the good feeling back!!
unless im coming down with something....hmm.

I have been eating low carb today which doesnt help, i want the bad stuff to cheer me up.

sorry guys, just needed people who understand what it's like, falls on deaf ears for those who dont have this hassle.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people

Just put into practise what you have done since last Wednesday up until yesterday, sometimes if we are ailing something we can see bg shot-up for no apparent reason, the carb binge last night has past now and it's time to move forward.

Not sure if you have heard of or done the DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating) course for type 1's, this teaches patients to dose adjust their insulin to the carbs in the food and covers the subject of basal insulin very well, a very worthwhile course and comes highly recommended by everyone so please ask your dsn if one runs in your area.



Well-Known Member
Lezzles said:
Now I can't seem to control it, it's taking far to much insulin to correct a high and it's just getting me down. Went on a Carb binge last night which might be why today is a nightmare as well.
I have a feeling i might need to up my basal dose a couple units but i just want to get the good feeling back!!
unless im coming down with something....hmm.
yep all those things could be affecting today's bg. And also, sometimes there are just days when IT DOESN'T WORK WHATEVER YOU DO and I think the best thing in that case is concentrate on the fact that you DID get the good feeling, you have started injecting again, and you are actually an intelligent and good person who just happens to have one of the most complex and demanding chronic conditions known to mankind.
good luck mate