Feeling Breathless - Drug related?


Hi all, wondered if anyone can help or if this sounds familiar to anyone.

I finally plucked up the courage to go get tested after a massive amount of leg pain and I was formally diagnosed in March, after controlling with diet and exercise failed was put on Metformin (2000mg daily) and Pregabalin (600mg daily) for my neuropathy, and most recently Sitagliptin.

My main issue, and the point of my waffling here, is that just recently I have been having horrendous trouble getting my breath, it feels like my chest has a belt around it and every intake and outtake of air is painful. My mother (also diabetic) suggested it could be the Sitagliptin as that is the most recent addition to my pile of meds. It doesn't happen every day, but I woke up gasping like a fish this morning and it's only just worn off :?

I'm seeing my diabetic nurse next week and obviously I'm going to mention it to her, but has anyone had this side effect from this drug? I'm wondering if I should cease taking it. I had a touch of asthma as a kid but wouldn't think this has returned. Any thoughts appreciated.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
There COULD be side effects from your Pregabalin (dyspnoea, chest tightness) there could also be a side effect from your Metformin but you need to discuss this with your GP at your earliest opportunity to check that nothing else is causing it.


Thank you for your reply, I will definitely be bringing it up with the doctor next week. It being another Pregabalin side effect wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, I'm already wandering around the world in a 'stoned' daze but I'd rather be like that than have the cripping neuropathy pains... swings and roundabouts! :roll: