food a trial and error at the mo.

charlies wife

before charlie started on the metaformine (think that how its spelt) he used t enjoy eggs, now if he eats them hes got stomache ache, a real bad belly. a few foods hes eaten have also had the same nasty effect, its all a mine feild at the mo.
ive got a heart condition. so i have to had low saturates, charlie has to keep his salt and sodium levels down as well, so shopping is a total nightmare, taking for ages.
so any do,s and donts from a more experienced person would be received greatfully.
oh and if i have anything on the *naughty list* i hide in the kitchen :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hi again. For do's and dont's, look at the answer I gave you on your first post. Charlie's upset tummy will be from the metformin. It's a common side effect. People normally get used to it, but if it carries on you can see the doctor and get slow release metformin instead which doesn't give the same side effects.


Well-Known Member
I am on regular Metformin and if I don't take it with food I get a really horrible dicky tummy. If Charlie has something to eat then takes the meds he should feel better. Like Grazer says, if that doesn't help ask your Doctor for SR, I plan to ask mine as the appetite suppressant effect of the regular Metformin has made my appetite vanish all together.