How to bolus for uce-cream


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi everyone! I have been an insulin dependant T1D for 40+ years. Now I've never really been into ice cream all that much but have recently enjoyed one of the Ben and Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew one, however I've not been able to work out how to properly bolus for this yet. The 1st time I injected the full amount before eating which sent me straight into a hypo, 2nd time I tried 50% at the start and was going to wait an hour to give the rest but I went into a hypo not long after. I'm wondering if it's best to not bolus at all at the start, but to bolus 50% after an hour and then bolus the remainder when I see my blood sugar rising. For more info, I'm on a quick acting insulin, Fiasp and I inject myself with, still waiting to be put onto a pump, been waiting for 2.5 years now!! I don't know what the long wait is for as I was told the current wait time was 8 months and I've gone way past that... that's another story though.
I just would like to hear how others bolus for ice cream? TiA x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
We're all a bit different and I take portion of whatever it is and eat it without bolusing any fast-acting insulin just to see how high my BG goes and when. Then next time I bolus appropriately with fast-acting (4 units Actrapid 45 mins before 100 g ice-cream). It's important to know when your fast-acting kicks in and how long it works. It's a bit empirical but I've found it works more or less.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Yes I was thinking of doing this actually, keep an eye on my sugars and when I see it start to rise, I'll just bolus then. My Fiasp insulin works very quickly so I think I should be OK to do what you've suggested. Thanks lovely, it's just nice to hear other people's experiences with these things x
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