Insulin pump


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi. After receiving a Dana insulin pump 2 MO ths ago I've had almost 80% in range target for my insulin levels but at the same time I've put a stone on in weight. Has anyone else had this happen when using a pump for the first time and does anyone have any tips to lose the weight without going into carnivore diet territory

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Welcome @alexriley85 and congratulations on your TIR.
I believe it is not uncommon to put on weight with a pump because it is so much easier to dose insulin when we eat. Thi sis not anything to do with having a pump.
And the best way to lose weigh as someone with Type 1 is the same way as losing weight without diabetes. Low carb (I assume this is what you mean by carnivore territory) is only one option which , if you chose to go down this route, don't forget to bolus for protein. However, there are other options available as there are for people without diabetes.
If you feel you have gained weight without eating more, it maybe worthwhile talking to your GP as there may be a medical reason for the weight gain.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
The issue with insulin is it forces the body to use all the sugars/carbs that you eat.. anything your body doesn’t need gets stored as fat

In reality 90% of people eat more than is required.. it’s not true what they say ‘t1’s can eat anything they want and just inject for it’. You can eat anything’in moderation’ otherwise weight gain will be an issue

The thing to do is look at what you are eating, and if you can not reduce your intake see if there are things you can substitute

I sometimes go super low carb as this helps weight loss


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tuanks for your replys. I have gone straight back onto the carnivore diet n my blood is averaging 97% in range for this past month my predicted hba1c is 46 and I've lost the stone I put on and all together around 22lb on weight. Being told we can eat what we want is legit a fantasy. I think if we want to live well and healthy the way forward is low/no carb diet