Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
Hi ,
I was originally a member in 2013 , this forum was a great resource then and I was involved in a lot of the publicity work for Low Carb then. Life became busy and I just lived my life working , watching my carbs and keeping active most days. I'm still medication free and my BS are mainly within normal range.

One of my dear friends who I have been in contact with online for over 10 years, originally through this forum but now whatsApp has been very unwell recently and I decided to rejoin this forum to support her and also to get tips / keep my motivation going for Lower Carb eating and also tips for new ideas.
I found the Low carb program to be a very useful resource too.

Any update to date / new tips is greatly received, never too old to learn.