Low carb Breakfast

John aka Wallycorker

Well-Known Member
Hi again,

Cauliflower mash is a great substitue for potatoes in things such as cottage or shepherd's pie etc. That's something that I've only just started taking advantage of.

Also heard that cauliflower rice is a great substitute for rice too - but I've not tried that yet myself.

My 'on rising' fasting readings have gradually become lower and lower with time since I started my improvement programme. These days they are almost always under 5 - and on very rare occasions just above 5. They weren't always as low as that even at times where I thought that I was doing just fine. I've been taking an apple cider vinegar (I bought them from ASDA) tablet last thing before bed for some time now because I read somewhere on these diabetes forums that doing that lowered morning readings. I'd need to look back to see whether I could work out that might be the reason or whether it was something that just came from my general improvement in blood glucose levels throught each and every day.



Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Patch said:
Here's an interesting fact- fat slows down the absorbtion of carbs. Maybe try the granola with <<gasp>> full-fat milk?

Or how about Gold Top milk (otherwise known as Jersey milk)? I've recently switched to it from full-fat milk. It has the same level of carbs per 100ml but more fat. The larger supermarkets sell it but only in 1 litre bottles, so I now get it off the milkman. Nutritional info: http://www.gold-top.co.uk/gold_top_milk_facts My mother calls it killer milk :lol:


Lizis Granola got this from tesco last week and have tried it with plain yogert it was yummy. thanks for the heads up. also had some as a snack dry when feeling peckish. :p

John aka Wallycorker

Well-Known Member
snowshoe said:
Lizis Granola got this from tesco last week and have tried it with plain yogert it was yummy. thanks for the heads up. also had some as a snack dry when feeling peckish. :p
Hi snowshoe,

Glad to hear that you have tried it and liked it. It's the only cereal that I have tried that doesn't send my blood glucose levels into double figures. Did you carry out any tests on your levels?

These days, I'm tending to use it in small doses - e.g. sprinkling a couple of teaspoons onto yoghurt (around 10 or 20g).

Very best wishes - John


Hi All,
Very excited when I discovered this product. I am a Type 2 who has kicked the meds into touch (Metformin, Gliclazide) so totally reliant upon my diet. Great tasting Granola but...

BG Before: 5.6
BG 2 hours after 8.8
BG 5 hours after 11.1

As you can see, not for me; back to the veggies and salads

best wishes to all