Medtronic guardian 4


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Hi Prancy.
Glad you have mastered the art of putting a G4 on the back of your arm singled handed (pun intended), well done you, that is something special.

The 780 upgrade is really light years away from it's predecessors and I would think that you will be amazed. When the system is working properly, I hardly know it's there, which is very cool.

Prancy, I had some issues in dealing with Medtronics with respect to the changeover, from the 770 to the 780, so eventually Medtronics agreed to allow me to walk myself through the process and I have to say, it was simpler than what I was expecting. The new pump display and the thought that has gone into how it is to interact with the end user is, surprisingly good and I wouldn't expect too many dramas there.
If you have any problems Prancy, simply run the 780 in manual until you can sort the issue out.

IMO Prancy, there is a relatively high failure rate of the G4 sensors and so beyond a months worth of spare G4s, I actually keep 2 new spare Libre2 sensors, just in case things go really pear shaped.

The changeover did seem quite the big deal for me Prancy, but when I had the final software down load (780-790) the whole process was extremely simple and beyond issues with the G4 sensor, I couldn't be happier. The pump itself actually requires less input from me and as I said earlier, the display itself is well set out and quite intuitive.

Let me know how you get on and Prancy, sensor issues aside, I think you will really enjoy the 780.
Take care of yourself.
Regards Gordontoo

By the by have you thought about getting a libre2 sensor, as a standby and then running the pump in manual, until any problems are fixed. They should be readily available to purchase as a single unit.
By the by again. If I can help, drop me a line.
Thanks for your input. First of all, one reason I can handle the left hand sensor insertion is that i only use one of the provided adhesives on the sensor. I use a simpler adhesive on the transmitter. And, I remove the adhesive cover paper from sensor while it’s in the serter, before inserting it, so you don’t have to remove while on your arm.

I shy away from manual mode, because I don’t do well in manual, but I’ll do what I have to do. I could get a backup Libra, but I don’t think my insurance will pay for a backup cgm. I’m in US. I will explore the idea. I hope this goes smoothly.


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Thanks for your input. First of all, one reason I can handle the left hand sensor insertion is that i only use one of the provided adhesives on the sensor. I use a simpler adhesive on the transmitter. And, I remove the adhesive cover paper from sensor while it’s in the serter, before inserting it, so you don’t have to remove while on your arm.

I shy away from manual mode, because I don’t do well in manual, but I’ll do what I have to do. I could get a backup Libra, but I don’t think my insurance will pay for a backup cgm. I’m in US. I will explore the idea. I hope this goes smoothly.
Hi Prancy. That is a very clever work around and I give you a gold star for that one. I lead what may best described as a fairly robust lifestyle, so to stop me scraping off my sensor, my wife is kind enough to add skin glu and a Not Just a Patch over patch, that completely covers the sensor, stopping me from accidentally bumping and unseating the sensor. Makes removal a lot of fun haha.

Prancy, at one stage I became so exasperated with the G3 sensor, that I ran my 770 in manual, using Libre2 sensors, for about 9 months, until My endo persuaded me to give the 780 a crack. I still am super critical of Medtronics current offering of sensor, in terms of placement, longevity and reliability, but have no complaints about the 780 pump upgrade. It really is another level and well worth the install.

I was able to achieve fairly good results with my pump in manual and using the Libre2 Prancy, but it did require a fair amount of monitoring and whilst my HBA1C was good, there were times when there were some quite dramatic swings.

With respect to subsidised Libre2 sensors, here in Oz Prancy, you can have one type of sensor free as a Type1, but anything else you must pay for. I was really concerned about being stuck with a pump, with no working sensor, so I opted to buy 2 X Libre2 sensors myself. At $98 each, they were not cheap, but they have a very long shelf life in their box, each one lasts 2 weeks, hence I have 1 months readings covered, and I have an enormous amount of peace of mind.

Prancy, I think once you get your 780 up and running, you will be very pleased at how much simpler your management protocols will be.
I do understand there is a new sensor on the horizon, but I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one.
Good luck with the transition Prancy.
Regards Gordontoo.
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Hi Prancy. That is a very clever work around and I give you a gold star for that one. I lead what may best described as a fairly robust lifestyle, so to stop me scraping off my sensor, my wife is kind enough to add skin glu and a Not Just a Patch over patch, that completely covers the sensor, stopping me from accidentally bumping and unseating the sensor. Makes removal a lot of fun haha.

Prancy, at one stage I became so exasperated with the G3 sensor, that I ran my 770 in manual, using Libre2 sensors, for about 9 months, until My endo persuaded me to give the 780 a crack. I still am super critical of Medtronics current offering of sensor, in terms of placement, longevity and reliability, but have no complaints about the 780 pump upgrade. It really is another level and well worth the install.

I was able to achieve fairly good results with my pump in manual and using the Libre2 Prancy, but it did require a fair amount of monitoring and whilst my HBA1C was good, there were times when there were some quite dramatic swings.

With respect to subsidised Libre2 sensors, here in Oz Prancy, you can have one type of sensor free as a Type1, but anything else you must pay for. I was really concerned about being stuck with a pump, with no working sensor, so I opted to buy 2 X Libre2 sensors myself. At $98 each, they were not cheap, but they have a very long shelf life in their box, each one lasts 2 weeks, hence I have 1 months readings covered, and I have an enormous amount of peace of mind.

Prancy, I think once you get your 780 up and running, you will be very pleased at how much simpler your management protocols will be.
I do understand there is a new sensor on the horizon, but I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one.
Good luck with the transition Prancy.
Regards Gordontoo.
Good info. Thank you. I’ll post updates. This will be quite a learning experience.
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I have every confidence Prancy, that it will be a positive experience, with a good outcome.
My only other piece of advice for you Prancy, would be that if you don't understand something ask and ask again, until you are absolutely happy. You are the person who has to wear the pump Prancy, so don't be frightened to remind them of that fact.
Beyond that, enjoy.


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It is now 2350 hrs on a Sunday night and I am yet again on hold waiting to advice Medtronics that yet again my G4 sensor has had an early death and to go through a largely meaningless conversation, that will culminate with Medtronics kindly agreeing to send me another sensor free.............By the time I charge up my transmitter again, insert a new sensor and wait till the warm up period is done I am look at an optimistic finalisation time of somewhere around 0130hrs Monday, if I am lucky.
I do wonder why Medtronics doesn't understand that I find this vexing to say the least.


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It is now 2350 hrs on a Sunday night and I am yet again on hold waiting to advice Medtronics that yet again my G4 sensor has had an early death and to go through a largely meaningless conversation, that will culminate with Medtronics kindly agreeing to send me another sensor free.............By the time I charge up my transmitter again, insert a new sensor and wait till the warm up period is done I am look at an optimistic finalisation time of somewhere around 0130hrs Monday, if I am lucky.
I do wonder why Medtronics doesn't understand that I find this vexing to say the least.
Oh man….I can relate. It seems that when my G3 would start sending Sensor Updating notifications usually always near midnight or on my way to the gym, dinner party or concert. So frustrating, because at the end of that 3 hour period I’d get Change Sensor notice. When I do everything right and I get that kind of ****…it’s infuriating.

I suppose you have tried all the common things like changing site locations. I’ve never been able to get one to work on my torso. Upper arms work reasonably good for me. I sure do hope I don’t have defective G4 sensors. My shipment has arrived and I have high expectations. I haven’t read the manual lately, but I think the company says the sensor should last up to 7 days. Not a guaranteed 7 days. I think that’s why they don’t concern themselves when it runs out on day 5 or 6. They must think that’s good enough.


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I have only had a few problems with the G4 sensor. On the whole, I think it's good. I have never attempted to place it on my arm, as I refuse to depend on someone else to help me with my diabetes. On the few occasions I have phoned Medtronic re a faulty sensor, they have asked where it was placed. When I told them I use my tummy, they always accept that, and are very understanding of the fact I find it too difficult to use the back of my arm.
One thing I always do is put in a new sensor, hours before the old sensor is due to be changed. I always do this to allow the new sensor to "marinate", before connecting to the transmitter. When I didn't do this with the G3, the sensor gave readings which were way off my true BG results, and after 2 or 3 days the pump would tell me to replace sensor. I took no chances and marinate every G4 sensor. I did mention this to Medtronic, years ago, but marinating is not on their computer list of suggestions, so most people only hear of this on forums.


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I’ve heard of marinating, but can’t say it’s made a difference with me. I’ve had really good luck with my CGM numbers being in line with my finger stick numbers for several years. Occasionally, it’ll be off, but normally it’s within 10 points. This was not the case until I switched insertion site to my upper arms. So, I really must use those sites. I had to perfect a method to insert it with one hand. Practice is key, imo. I hope I keep my hand dexterity, as that is handy too. Please pardon the pun. Lol.

The sensor updating notifications have been more problematic for me and seems to be a manufacturing issue to me.
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I eventually hung up, inserted a new sensor and then re rang Medtronic's helpline. After another wait, this time of a further 25minutes, I got through. Sadly, the same ol same ol, with only 2 minor variations. Number 1, I was told that I should have waited to remove the old sensor, until after I contacted Medtronics, which really made me laugh and secondly that as I was lying down , it was probably me that damaged the sensor. That one really got me going, because, as per Medtronics suggested best practise, my wife inserts them in my upper arm for me. Beyond the tapes provided with the G4, my wife uses Skin Glu and a Just A Patch patch over the whole sensor and transmitter, to ensure nothing moves. I did suggest that if the sensors can move after being taped as per Medtronic's protocols and suggestions, then the fault must always be with the design of the sensor. On that one, the rep agreed to disagree and then told me that Medtronics would again, kindly provide a replacement again.
IMO I think Medtronics takes a divide and conquer approach to their problems and it is now really boring me.

If you do have to marinate the new sensor, then we go back to the whole fit for purpose question me thinks. So much for the G4 being a significant upgrade
As I understand it, the only site that medtroonics warrants the reading results and accuracy is the upper arm.
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I’ve heard of marinating, but can’t say it’s made a difference with me. I’ve had really good luck with my CGM numbers being in line with my finger stick numbers for several years. Occasionally, it’ll be off, but normally it’s within 10 points. This was not the case until I switched insertion site to my upper arms. So, I really must use those sites. I had to perfect a method to insert it with one hand. Practice is key, imo. I hope I keep my hand dexterity, as that is handy too. Please pardon the pun. Lol.

The sensor updating notifications have been more problematic for me and seems to be a manufacturing issue to me.
Hi Prancy
Just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow (Wed), you will be pleasantly surprised and how the whole process goes me thinks. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Regards Gordontoo.


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Hi Prancy
Just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow (Wed), you will be pleasantly surprised and how the whole process goes me thinks. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Regards Gordontoo.
Thank you very much. It went well. I just got home after getting my Medtronic 780 G4 set up! I’m so happy! The CDE was very positive and said many patients were having great improvements. I hope it serves me well. He said I could go into Smart Guard in 3 days. I had expected to wait a week for that.
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Does anyone have a suggestion for what to do for Medtronic 780 when I exercise ? I’m in manual mode right now and won’t be in Smart Guard until this weekend. I used to put my 670 into Temp Target mode when exercising. I just need a solution for tomorrow and Friday.


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I have been on closed loop system for a while now. Guardian4 sensor snd 780g pump.
Made a huge difference however lately sensor stops working and says updating which can take up to 3hrs. Invariably it eventually tells me to replace sensor.
Last week it was after 4 days of use today after 6 days.
Anyone else had this problem?
Medtronic do replace but I have had to do this about 4 times now. I wear on my abdomen.

I had a few faulty Guardian 4 sensors being sent with my 3 Monthly Hospital Order. One of the Boxes of Guardian 4 sensors had only one good one in the box. I contacted Medtronic and they asked
Me to give them some of the fault codes the Guardian 4 stores on the the 780G when the pump senses there’s something wrong with the sensor. Anyway after giving the codes they sent me two new boxes of sensors and dressing and said they had a few people calling Medtronic UK with faults with the sensors. Don’t Worry when you call Medtronic UK ( number available on Penny App ) they will tell you how to retrieve fault codes pump has stored on it. They did ask me if I had fluctuating blood glucoses also. Either high Blood glucoses for more than 3 hours plus or low Blood glucoses for more than 3 hours as this can make pump think it needs to recalibrate
Itself. My blood glucoses and pump readings are usually 90% of the time between 7mmol and 8.5mmol so that ruled out the prolonged high/ low pump reading . Hope this helps you.


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Does anyone have a suggestion for what to do for Medtronic 780 when I exercise ? I’m in manual mode right now and won’t be in Smart Guard until this weekend. I used to put my 670 into Temp Target mode when exercising. I just need a solution for tomorrow and Friday.
You can set a basal pattern for when you’re exerting . I went to see my diabetic nurses at the hospital I go to as my pumps glucose levels shoot up when I feel unwell or I’m planning to go out for a 3 course meal or party. Ok you set what your eating yourself but your basal patten is supposed to keep your glucose levels normal. The diabetic nurses should be able to advise you how to refuce your basal flow while exercising to stop you having a hypo. In my basal patterns I have under basal pattern set up ( bottom App right side which look like a Cog) go into Delivery Settings , then basal pattern set up . Under Basal pattern set up I have 3 patterns
1. Basal 1
2. Sick Day
3. Party
Hope this helps you.


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You can set a basal pattern for when you’re exerting . I went to see my diabetic nurses at the hospital I go to as my pumps glucose levels shoot up when I feel unwell or I’m planning to go out for a 3 course meal or party. Ok you set what your eating yourself but your basal patten is supposed to keep your glucose levels normal. The diabetic nurses should be able to advise you how to refuce your basal flow while exercising to stop you having a hypo. In my basal patterns I have under basal pattern set up ( bottom App right side which look like a Cog) go into Delivery Settings , then basal pattern set up . Under Basal pattern set up I have 3 patterns
1. Basal 1
2. Sick Day
3. Party
Hope this helps you.
Thanks. I suppose I could also do a temp basal for when I work out. ?

What is the Party pattern?