Pain with Lyumjev


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I just started on Lyumjev today and I really like how fast it works (10 minutes vs my novorapid which took about an hour and a half), but since I've been using it the injection sites stay painful and tender for at least a few hours- is this normal with Lyumjev or is it just because I've changed insulin? I was on novorapid for about 19 years til now and never had any pain with that.

Nicola M

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Lyumjev is known for stinging/painful injection sites/entry unfortunately. It’s just one of the drawbacks of the quicker acting insulin’s.

Not everyone gets it as a side effect but some people will feel stinging when the insulin goes in and/or sore sites. I sometimes feel stinging when it goes in but it always makes my pump sites sore/red.

It’s one of those things that you either put up with it because you like the quicker acting aspect of it or you go back to Novorapid. Personally I just put up with it.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Lyumjev is known for stinging/painful injection sites/entry unfortunately. It’s just one of the drawbacks of the quicker acting insulin’s.

Not everyone gets it as a side effect but some people will feel stinging when the insulin goes in and/or sore sites. I sometimes feel stinging when it goes in but it always makes my pump sites sore/red.

It’s one of those things that you either put up with it because you like the quicker acting aspect of it or you go back to Novorapid. Personally I just put up with it.
Thank you! I wasn't told that so I wasn't sure if it was supposed to happen or not :)
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Lyumjev stung for me as well.
You could look into Fiasp as an alternative, it's an ultra quick acting insuin as well.
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Mike B H

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Lyumjev is known for stinging/painful injection sites/entry unfortunately. It’s just one of the drawbacks of the quicker acting insulin’s.

Not everyone gets it as a side effect but some people will feel stinging when the insulin goes in and/or sore sites. I sometimes feel stinging when it goes in but it always makes my pump sites sore/red.

It’s one of those things that you either put up with it because you like the quicker acting aspect of it or you go back to Novorapid. Personally I just put up with it.
I've used Fiasp for a few years, same fast(er) acting insulin like this Lyumjev. I'm assuming it's cheaper because it just showed up from the pharmacy after switching insurance providers and mail order pharmacies. My Dr put the script in for Fiasp, this is what I got. Fiasp worked well and quicker than Humalog. I just started Lyumjev today and have two injection sites that look like bee stings and feel worse than a bee sting. Unfortunately, after hours on Friday and mail order so I may have to continue to use this over the weekend. I found this thread while looking to see if this was a common side effect.


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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
I’ve just moved to lyumjev.. and boy does it hurt.. I was reading on someone’s blog that the additive that makes it act faster is the cause of the sting, and is a chemical that the body can get used to and the pain goes away…. I sure hope so


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I've been using Lyumjev for about 3 months now and I can confirm the ' bee sting ' is definitely getting less. I usually take mine on 50/50 extended over 30mins on pump so they may help. I do prefer it to Novorapid as I have about a 15 min quicker action time.