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Award winning program!

This week we are celebrating as the Low Carb Program has won an award! The program won an award for Positive Social Impact at the Lloyds Bank National Business Awards 2016!

We want to give a huge thank you and congratulations to all 160,000 members of the program. Their achievements have shown that type 2 diabetes is not a progressive, chronic disease, and that by making low-carb, sustainable changes, people can lose weight and improve their health. On average, over six months, the members of the program reduced their HbA1c by 12mmol/mol and lost 10kg of body weight! If you haven't signed up yet, why not join these amazing people? Try it now, it's free!

Start my Low Carb Journey
African diabetes rate rises

Although often thought to be a Western disease, diabetes rates are rising rapidly in Africa, according to a report released by the Institute For Health Metrics and Evaluation. Growing reliance on processed foods has been noted as a large factor in this.

Prevalence is growing
Type 2 insulin stigma

A new study has found that there is a significant emotional toll on people who use insulin to treat type 2 diabetes. It can cause anxiety, and even shame. This can influence diabetes management and put people at long term health risks.

Insulin shame?
A new way to inject insulin?

One student from Wisconsin-Madison University was so frustrated with being unable to easily inject at certain sites that he invented a whole new device that could change the way that lean people inject their insulin.

Find out more
Get your medication delivered to your door

Christmas is approaching, and present shopping and decoration hanging take time. Save yourself some time by getting your repeat prescriptions delivered to your door - for free.

Get my free delivery
DCUK Forum
Take a look at some of today's top threads:

01  Another newbie
02  Nuts
03  Poll: Which diabetes course(s) have you attended?
04  Turning the tide - something interesting at the DPC 2016 conference
05  Diabetes epilepsy
06  Feeling slower...
07  A Huge Fright Just Now
08  Cold hands affecting BG readings
09  Question please!! Any help would be appreciated!!
10  Hair loss
11  Feeling good :)

There are 1,224,223 posts from 223,623 members in the forum right now.

Did you know: that 96% of questions get their first response in 4 minutes! Login to join the conversation or sign-up and start a thread here.

What we're eating

Alberto Laidlaw
Age: 67

"I used to eat an awful lot of carbs; my typical lunch would be soup and two or three chunky slices of bread. I decided in November last year that I wanted to take control and, after doing some research, I found the Low Carb Program. My HbA1c dropped from 68mmol/mol in November last year to 49mmol/mol in February this year. I also lost 21lbs/9.4kilos over six months, and my blood pressure has also improved!"

Low Carb Program

What we're reading

High-protein, low-carb

An investigation has found that a high-protein, low-carb dietcan help reduce levels of liver fat in people with type 2 diabetes.

Reducing liver fat
My doctor doesn't know what to do

This forum member has cut carbs and lost a lot of weight and achieved fantastic HbA1c results.

Doctor left mystified

Have a great day,

PS. Forum member Srg100 needs a bit of a rant about her dietician - can you relate?


Check out our Forum App!

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