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carb counting + dehydration

This week is depression awareness week.

Depression and diabetes are closely associated with each
other with depression estimated
as being around 3 times more likely in people with diabetes.

The facts about depression

Diabetes can at times feel like you're skating on thin ice, and depression can significantly exaggerate feelings of not being in control.

Members of the forum have been discussing the stark impact that diabetes and depression has on them.

Serious depression

Depression treatment can be medication based, which can address some of the symptoms of depression but rarely addresses the cause and usually includes side effects which can reduce the overall benefits.

Psychological support gets closer to tackling the root issues of depression and tends to bring positive outcomes, even if depression is not completely eliminated.

Psychological support for depression

FREE Diabetes Forum App  

Download the brand new DCUK Forum App

Keep the UK's biggest Diabetes community on hand on your mobile phone for FREE.

Ask questions, get advice and support on the go from over 47,500 members.

There are special threads for people who are newly diagnosed to diabetes experts, room for parents to share advice, low carbers, insulin pumpers, information about employment, diabetes events and much more.

Diet for type 1 diabetes  

People with diabetes are generally advised to be more careful with the amount of sweet food they consume and to balance carbohydrate intake
with the amount of insulin they take.

Diet and type 1 diabetes


There are a number of medicines that are
prescribed to adults with type 2 diabetes to help control their condition.

One of these is Onglyza (saxagliptin), which
helps regulate blood glucose levels by increasing
insulin secretion and inhibiting the release of glucagon.

Onglyza and diabetes
The latest threads from the Diabetes Forum:
 Different types of insulin
 Carrying insulin and blood glucose kit on a night out
 Meterformin Doseage
 Blood glucose reading query - T2
 Hypo's, but not diabetic???
 Serious depression
 5:2 fast diet
 Continual complications
 How old were you when you were diagnosed?
 Value of your diabetic team
 Recommended health snacks for diabetics

 Latest active topics: View latest active topics

Join in the top Diabetes Forum threads:
 Type 1: InsuJet Jet Injector - Got it, heres how!
 Type 2: Help! I don't want to medicate.

Download the FREE Diabetes Forum App
now availabe for iOS and Android devices.
The most shared news this week has been:

 FreeStyle InsuLinx blood glucose meters recalled in US
 Campaign to raise awareness of healthcare essentials
 World class diabetes research centre coming to Dundee

Did you know: You can now comment on diabetes news articles through your Facebook account.

Video Guide: Carbohydrate counting  

Carbohydrate counting is an important skill for people that insulin at meal times.

Carbohydrate counting combines estimating or weighing up portion sizes and then calculating the carbohydrate content of food.

Watch the video on carbohydrate counting.


Cholesterol is essential for the normal
functioning of the body.

However, high levels of cholesterol can be problematic and have been linked to greater
risks of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Diabetes and cholesterol
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Getting stressed over my bs levels 1
Statins 2
No sugar/low carb for 8 weeks but no weight loss? 3
Where am I going wrong? 4
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Concerned girlfriend.. 7
Moving to the UK with Diabetes-1 9
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Nights out
When planning a night out, you should take some care to ensure your evening isn't ruined by high or low blood sugars.

Diabetic travel insurance
Going away somewhere nice? Get a FREE diabetic travel insurance quote in minutes.

Testosterone + diabetes
Low testosterone in men is linked with increased visceral fat storage, a major risk factor for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

High blood glucose levels can cause us to become dehydrated.

Dehydration is usually easily corrected, but if severe and left untreated, it can have serious consequences.

Dehydration and diabetes >>
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