First blood test since diagnosis


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi was diagnosed October 16 with hba1c. 57 cholesterol 4.7. At this point refused mediation as wanted to try LCHF

Just got new test results after starting the diet and made up as hba1c 39 normal but cholesterol gone up to 5.1

Asked for breakdown

Good cholesterol 0.8
Bad cholesterol. 2.6

How do I reduce this the natural way as don't want statins ? Do the yoghurt drinks and benecol spread work ?

Please help
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Just wait. It is perfectly normal for cholesterol to go up in the first months of a low carb high fat diet, as your metabolism is altering - acording to Dr Atkins. If your total levels do go up then it is most likely due to the forms which are considered beneficial increasing and the less desirable sort either staying the same or decreasing. It is something which happens fairly slowly over months rather than weeks.
Cholesterol in your diet has little effect on your blood levels - but by eating a high fat diet you are using cholesterol to digest your food - so emptying your gall bladder - which is a really good thing to do. The bile from the gall bladder is made from cholesterol, it is a really useful substance and the dangers of damage to blood vessels due to high cholesterol were deduced from a study on rabbits - not really equiped for eating meat - and the same experiments done on omnivores did not have the same results - and Humans are omnivores.
Data from the world health organisation appears to show that countries where the usual cholesterol level is 5.1 have a lower death rate than those with 4.7 as the mean - so it isn't something I'd be all that bothered about


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mine has gone up a bit on LCHF but the good bit has nearly doubled. Mine is 7 and I'm not worried.
I agree just wait and see what happens next test.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Way to early to be worried about cholesterol ... if you are worried about cholesterol at all..
Mine has gone up while low carbing from 5.2 to 5.7 but from what I have read I'm not concerned.
There are a huge number of threads on the forum concerning cholesterol o have a read around on the subject.
You choose what you put in your body...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi was diagnosed October 16 with hba1c. 57 cholesterol 4.7. At this point refused mediation as wanted to try LCHF

Just got new test results after starting the diet and made up as hba1c 39 normal but cholesterol gone up to 5.1

Asked for breakdown

Good cholesterol 0.8
Bad cholesterol. 2.6

How do I reduce this the natural way as don't want statins ? Do the yoghurt drinks and benecol spread work ?

Please help

cholesterol can be reduced by many different kinds of foods, by eating very much garlic every day on ones food ; fresh gaarlic squeezed... and byt drinking 1-2 spoon full of apple cider vinegar in a glass 250ml-500ml of Water either before dinner / food or in the evening before going to bed, or by doing intermittent fasting like not eating from 19 o´clock till next day at 11 o´clock.

taking phylisium husk in ones yoghurt every day like 2 spoonfulls is also used to lower cholesterol naturally... and just by stopping eating carbs , especially the high/fast spiking carbs one also usually get a lowered cholesterol, but a few do not get at lowered cholesterol from lchf , but maybe then eat a little less saturated fats , olive oil is also lowering cholesterol if eaten on a daily basis..

I don´t know of yoghurt drinks and benecol , but look it up on doctor Google ... there must be a lot of people telling their personal way to lowering cholesterol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type

The bile from the gall bladder is made from cholesterol, it is a really useful substance and the dangers of damage to blood vessels due to high cholesterol were deduced from a study on rabbits - not really equiped for eating meat - and the same experiments done on omnivores did not have the same results - and Humans are omnivores.
Data from the world health organisation appears to show that countries where the usual cholesterol level is 5.1 have a lower death rate than those with 4.7 as the mean - so it isn't something I'd be all that bothered about
There's a very good video by Zoe Harcombe who has done a meta analysis of data about the relationship beween cholesterol and mortality and as Resgurgam says there is a relationship, but it's an inverse one.
Dr Trudy Deakin has also presented some interesting facts about cholesterol that question conventional NICE guidelines. It's a long presentation, but you can skip to the nitty gritty 20 minutes in.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Snide people
Hi was diagnosed October 16 with hba1c. 57 cholesterol 4.7. At this point refused mediation as wanted to try LCHF

Just got new test results after starting the diet and made up as hba1c 39 normal but cholesterol gone up to 5.1

Asked for breakdown

Good cholesterol 0.8
Bad cholesterol. 2.6

How do I reduce this the natural way as don't want statins ? Do the yoghurt drinks and benecol spread work ?

Please help
As others have said, I wouldn't worry about your cholesterol levels at all. Mine are in the 5's and I am content with that.
However, there is something a bit odd about your numbers. The results normally quote HDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which add up to the total cholesterol number. It is not normal at all these days to get a "bad cholesterol" reference. or a LDL reference. Perhaps someone has misquoted the numbers?