Statins - “People are taking this drug to prevent a problem and creating a disaster.”


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That's scary. So glad I refused to take them after they had me trying 4 types which all caused me immediate problems. Severe muscle and joint pain and no doctor could tell me why this happened. All I got was.. well, it does happen in some people!.. I said what is it ??? They didn't know.
Worried for hubby and loads of my friends who are taking them :(
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Art Of Flowers

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It is worth watching the film Statin Nation. The full version is available on
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Hello, all,
Just joining this conversation after getting "horrible cholesterol" #s from doc, followed by imaging tests showing virtually no plaques in my arteries. Radiology tech says, "You have the carotids of a 40 y.o." I'm just 71. ;) so I consider this result a good thing.

Still, even though my carotid arteries are evidently unblocked, doc wants me to take low dose of statins.
I was resolved not to ... and this medical email just popped up from my google alerts minutes ago. Basically says old babes have increased risk of getting statin-induced diabetes. However, low doses of statins can be protective against diabetes.

Here's the link and the summary.

Practice Pearls:

  • Statin therapy remains a cornerstone in the reduction of cardiovascular risks in people with and without diabetes.
  • Elderly women appear to be at increased risk for development of statin-induced new onset diabetes.
  • Most increases in risk of diabetes are associated with higher statin doses, and lower doses may actually impart a protective effect against new onset diabetes.
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My MIL (she is 83) went on statins, although her cholesterol was normal. She was told she needed to take them due to her age. She then developed type 2 diabetes, which was picked up on her 6 month follow up. I had a chat with her, giving her both sides of the opinion. She is very with it and capable. She decided to stop taking the statins and, when she had her next blood test, her sugars were back down to normal/

such a co-incidence, wasnt it ; )


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Of course, the classic point about everything in the article is that it is true that Statins lower cholesterol, as we all know. There just isn't good evidence that cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and heart disease....
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Of course, the classic point about everything in the article is that it is true that Statins lower cholesterol, as we all know. There just isn't good evidence that cholesterol causes atherosclerosis and heart disease....
My husband has low cholesterol but has plaque in his arteries. he's 68. We're looking for answers to this mystery.
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My total Chol/HDL ratio was 5.3 when I was diagnosed T2 in Feb and I was prescribed 1x10 Atorvastatin. I wasn't happy about this because of all the negatives surrounding statins .. so I stopped taking them in mid March. Problem is I have never experienced any symptoms or side effects either on or off these meds and I have no idea what effect this has had / is having on my Cholesterol numbers.
Can anybody tell me how to arrange a reading .. ideally a full one but even a general overview one would be better than nothing. My doc says "only once a year" .. none of my local chemists do a finger-prick test .. and I think the test strips that you can buy (at rip-off prices) are rubbish
Since Feb, I have lost over 15 kilos in weight .. my BMI is borderline low .. my BG levels average out at 5.2s and 5.3s and my BP averages 117/72. So, the bottom line is that I "feel sure" my chol levels have come down .. but I have no way of knowing


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Severe muscle and joint pain and no doctor could tell me why this happened. All I got was.. well, it does happen in some people!.. I said what is it ??? They didn't know.

All they had to do was look at the 1990 Merck Pharmaceutical patent application which adding CoQ10 to the statin "to prevent impending muscle pain" and that's almost an exact quote from the patent.

Merck knew as far back as 1990, based on their clinical trials (a lot less than the millions now taking statins) that statins prevent the uptake of CoQ10 and this leads to muscle pain in some but not all.

It's only my opinion but the thing I find most hideous is doctors saying they don't know when they should and worse still doctors like my old Dr. saying that it was my age (48 at the time), then it was my weight, then I exercised too much.
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My total Chol/HDL ratio was 5.3 when I was diagnosed T2 in Feb and I was prescribed 1x10 Atorvastatin. I wasn't happy about this because of all the negatives surrounding statins .. so I stopped taking them in mid March. Problem is I have never experienced any symptoms or side effects either on or off these meds and I have no idea what effect this has had / is having on my Cholesterol numbers.
Can anybody tell me how to arrange a reading .. ideally a full one but even a general overview one would be better than nothing. My doc says "only once a year" .. none of my local chemists do a finger-prick test .. and I think the test strips that you can buy (at rip-off prices) are rubbish
Since Feb, I have lost over 15 kilos in weight .. my BMI is borderline low .. my BG levels average out at 5.2s and 5.3s and my BP averages 117/72. So, the bottom line is that I "feel sure" my chol levels have come down .. but I have no way of knowing

All I had to do for an interim test was to ask my DN. I told her I had lowered my carbs a lot and increased my fat by quite a bit and wanted to see the effect. She agreed straight away. My GP went off sick shortly after that, maybe with shock after seeing my much improved results! :D


Type of diabetes
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My total Chol/HDL ratio was 5.3 when I was diagnosed T2 in Feb and I was prescribed 1x10 Atorvastatin. I wasn't happy about this because of all the negatives surrounding statins .. so I stopped taking them in mid March. Problem is I have never experienced any symptoms or side effects either on or off these meds and I have no idea what effect this has had / is having on my Cholesterol numbers.
Can anybody tell me how to arrange a reading .. ideally a full one but even a general overview one would be better than nothing. My doc says "only once a year" .. none of my local chemists do a finger-prick test .. and I think the test strips that you can buy (at rip-off prices) are rubbish
Since Feb, I have lost over 15 kilos in weight .. my BMI is borderline low .. my BG levels average out at 5.2s and 5.3s and my BP averages 117/72. So, the bottom line is that I "feel sure" my chol levels have come down .. but I have no way of knowing
I just call up my surgery and book myself in for a blood test.... last time I went I said to the nurse taking the bloods -"Can I have a full panel lipid test to which she replied.. it's not worth having anything else is it?"
If queried just say you have made some major lifestyle changes and want to see your progress.. but I've never been questioned. I also get the results online so I don't take up any of their time.


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Thanks @Bluetit1802 and @bulkbiker .. I have asked at my surgery and was told that they can't do a blood test unless authorised by a doc .. and doc says once a year. Unfortunately, this "expert" is still my named doc .. the one who gave me my diagnosis in February :banghead::banghead:
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Thanks @Bluetit1802 and @bulkbiker .. I have asked at my surgery and was told that they can't do a blood test unless authorised by a doc .. and doc says once a year. Unfortunately, this "expert" is still my named doc .. the one who gave me my diagnosis in February :banghead::banghead:
Wow that's quite unusual.. I have never seen my GP about Type 2 except when I specifically made an appointment.. I have only ever been seen by a nurse the first 2 times the Diabetes Nurse the rest just a Practice Nurse or the blood taker..
Would you consider/can afford going private? There are some online companies that do blood tests. Just a thought.
As I have said a few times I'm not concerned about cholesterol but had the CAC scan to see the state of my heart and arteries which were ok..


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Hi @bulkbiker ..
No, I could (probably) afford to get a private test but my gut says "why the hell should I" .. I'll go to the surgery again tomorrow and kick up a bit of a stink if necessary to see if I can get some action ..
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I went to pick up my prescription yesterday and a lady at the pharmacy asked me a lot of questions about how and when I take them starting with why I was not ordering statins. I explained I took one and got joint pains and she told me her mum has the same reaction! On Tuesday I have the fasting blood test for the well woman test. I am very nervous about it because I am still struggling with the concept I do not have to be scared of eating fat. Everything crossed.
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Thanks @Bluetit1802 and @bulkbiker .. I have asked at my surgery and was told that they can't do a blood test unless authorised by a doc .. and doc says once a year. Unfortunately, this "expert" is still my named doc .. the one who gave me my diagnosis in February :banghead::banghead:

There is also a standard test that should be done after someone goes on any statin..... Did your GP bother to do that test?

Trouble is I cant remember what the test is or what its checking.. possibly rhabbdyomolis (sorry cant spell)..


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I do not have to be scared of eating fat.

No need to be scared but be aware that it may affect your total cholesterol. Of course we are all different but my TC went from 4 to 5.7 in the space of 3 months. The only dietary changes were more cheese, full fat yoghurt and some cream. I need another test soon to show dairy food reduction has altered TC. The way my body operates, who knows.


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There is also a standard test that should be done after someone goes on any statin..... Did your GP bother to do that test?

Rhabdomyolysis is a serious syndrome due to a direct or indirect muscle injury. It results from the death of muscle fibers and release of their contents into the bloodstream. This can lead to serious complications such as renal (kidney) failure. This means the kidneys cannot remove waste and concentrated urine.

Bit worrying that they're checking for what must be a worst case scenario when it's the lack of CoQ10 that usually causes the muscle pain. I have read that in some cases statins have been behind serious muscle damage, but it's rare. My old GP used to send me for Creatine Kinase tests, an elevated level of creatine kinase is seen in heart attacks, when the heart muscle is damaged, or in conditions that produce damage to the skeletal muscles or brain. I had elevated levels which the GP use to call muscle inflammation. Might have to check that further. Fortunately I've had 3 troponin tests, the last 2 showing it wasn't my heart. I reckon it's my skeletal muscles AND my brain. not LOL.


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Thanks @Bluetit1802 and @bulkbiker .. I have asked at my surgery and was told that they can't do a blood test unless authorised by a doc .. and doc says once a year. Unfortunately, this "expert" is still my named doc .. the one who gave me my diagnosis in February :banghead::banghead:

Same at my surgery - cannot be booked in to have blood taken without the say so of nurse or doctor