What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


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Diet only
Hi Freema please don't take my concern for interfering I wouldn't do that, it was from reading your posts on higher readings and eating more carbs that caused my concern and quite right for you to put me right. I would post any concern for anyone on here if they seemed to need help but that's just me,we are a virtual community on here so no way of speaking directly person to person to anyone if this had been possible I would have asked you directly if you where ok. Please accept my apologies Kathleen

Thank you dear I was not at all angry with you for your concern , just explaining how my personality works , I am a bit of a lone wolf for a woman to be ️you are a sweet person and thanks for your concern dear a loving hug from me to you sweet person


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Hi @Goacher55 cannot help with information on prescription codeine,but their has been many incidents regarding dogs picking up on owners illness and dogs have been known to pickup on serious problems in humans like cancer by sniffing in the area where the problem is. Your dog may have picked up on your low BG It's surprising how they respond to changes in there owners conditions. Take notice how he or she responds when your not well or low BG levels from now on. K And good luck.

Dogs do pick up on owners conditions. This does not surprise me as sometimes you have to think outside the area of what is considered normal. I also call it lateral thinking. As Granny-grump says keep an eye on your dog’s state and future lows/highs. See if there is any correlations. Let us know about future observations as I find this fascinating


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Type 2
Eaten much more than usual today and be just hyped at 2.2, the weird thing was our springer spaniel was really stressing prior to it. I’ve recently started taking prescription codeine I’ve had relatively lower readings ever since does anyone know anything about this ?

One of the metabolites of codeine in the human body is morphine which is what causes the addiction problems commonly seen with over the counter and prescription containing codeine compounds. In some people it seems to lower BG and some have said it raises their BG. See Diabetes UK website for reports of lowering BG


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Had this conversation before but i don't eat much before 12lunch time brunch, has I fast from previous days evening meal got up today BG 5.6. But before brunch at 11.30 I tested it was 6.4 only had a coffee all morning. I had two pieces of mackerel fillets and one slice whole grain bread with butter cooked mackerel in a little butter in frying pan,then went out with dogs for a walk 45 mins. Tested two hours later 5.8 I know it's probably a liver dump but I still cannot get my head round it. Old age and dry rot my mother used to say!K


Had this conversation before but i don't eat much before 12lunch time brunch, has I fast from previous days evening meal got up today BG 5.6. But before brunch at 11.30 I tested it was 6.4 only had a coffee all morning. I had two pieces of mackerel fillets and one slice whole grain bread with butter cooked mackerel in a little butter in frying pan,then went out with dogs for a walk 45 mins. Tested two hours later 5.8 I know it's probably a liver dump but I still cannot get my head round it. Old age and dry rot my mother used to say!K

Kathleen, the thing is anybody who can run rings around me the way that you do is most definitely not old.
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Dogs do pick up on owners conditions. This does not surprise me as sometimes you have to think outside the area of what is considered normal. I also call it lateral thinking. As Granny-grump says keep an eye on your dog’s state and future lows/highs. See if there is any correlations. Let us know about future observations as I find this fascinating

My puppy keeps chasing people on a bicycle. If she carries on I might have to let her tyres down


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Kathleen, the thing is anybody who can run rings around me the way that you do is most definitely not old.
@Diabeticliberty Me run rings round you you must be joking I've never had the memory for jokes always forgot the catch line,think that's what it's called See! Old but not out! I'm still in their somewhere,don't ever change a good laugh is what the doctor ordered for me make the day go with a swing. Love your wit and humour look forward every morning to reading your post,and anyone who loves dogs cannot be bad well not in my book. Kathleen


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10.2 at 11am After getting a telling off from my dn not sticking to plan

That is not necessarily a bad thing Luf. Also depends on how clued up your DN is.? And how much you are yourself. A good workable plan is a mutual two way thing.
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Hey dear it is right that I am not having the best character at the moment , But I also just had my newest HbA1c and it is 34 so in the non-diabetic area , But you are right I am not strict enough . My GP will take my metformin away from me next time I see her, I am not fond of that and she also forced me to lower my levothyroxin which is maybe also contributing at the moment to a much higher than usual level of general blood glucose ... yes I blame myself for eating too much carbs and know that ... it won’t help me if people are after me for that , I am a self motivating person and dont thrive from too much interference, but thanks for your concern

But I am stressed at the moment for many different reasons

Freema you may feel like a lone wolf but with us here you cannot stop us all from being a little bit worried for you. We all care for you and don't want to see you not doing well. We are not trying to interfere but I know I speak for all of us when I say we really all do care and care very much. I guess you are just stuck with us like it or not. We are your virtual extended family :) I hope that whatever is causing you stress eases for you.

By the way your HbA1c is absolutely fantastic and must have taken loads of work. Really, really well done.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
One of the metabolites of codeine in the human body is morphine which is what causes the addiction problems commonly seen with over the counter and prescription containing codeine compounds. In some people it seems to lower BG and some have said it raises their BG. See Diabetes UK website for reports of lowering BG
It also suppresses respiration not a good thing if you have any sort of breathing problems.


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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Evening everyone how are you all this evening
Hi Jodie feeling a little deflated just found out I've probably been eating all the wrong foods,and that's why I've had gout and if I don't change the foods it will probably come back and can spread to many joints in my body. But when you look at what I can eat their is little choices, so either I eat what I should and keep gout and kidney stones at bay or I carry on the diet I have been following for last year. Or just try and reduce the foods that I shouldn't eat more, and I haven't been able to get my head around all the foods that are restricted so please don't ask me not yet! Sorry for the rant Jodie but you did ask how we all where this evening. Love your new avatar by the way. I'm just sounding off and you where there again sorry?K


Kathleen my lovely I know nothing about gout only that it is extremely painful. I hope you can find something that works for you and doesn't cause you loads more pain. You don't deserve the pain as you are far too kind and sweet a lady
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