Weekly weigh in - Fridays


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning. 63.5kg today. Exactly the same as last week.

My birthday weekend so will be having some treats, but all low carb ones (not to mention a bit of retail therapy).
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Good morning Goonergal & well done! Enjoy your birthday weekend

I've weighed in as 109.7 kg, having completed 5 days if the blood sugar diet. That's down from 114.2 kg on Sunday. Got a long way to go, but feeling so much better in myself and really motivated.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Weight at diagnosis on 5.4.17 - 115.3 kg BMI 39.8
Weight today 65.7 kg BMI 22.6
Total weight Lost 49.6 kg

Not trying to lose any more - but hanging out on this thread as I try to maintain :)

Up 0.4kg this week - I'd swapped from 0% fat total yoghurt to the full fat version with my morning oats and tea time berries when I started maintaining - going to swap back to fat free and see if that stops the creep upwards.

In other news - had a VERY eventful this this week - back to school, new starters in Nursery (hard, hard work) and on my morning walk on Wednesday I fell in a pond! I've walked past hundreds of times - but of course it's very dark at 7am at the moment and I was distracted cancelling an alarm on my phone. Soaked from head to foot - I had to walk home dripping. I've joked about it a lot - but I really was actually very lucky as there was no one else around and if I'd hit my head as I landed it could have been much worse. As it is -I dried out and learnt an important lesson about thinking where I am walking.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I'm impressed Polgara - very inspirational! Maintaining is so hard.

Sorry to hear about your pond incident - you were lucky not to hurt yourself!!! I taught nursery for years so I know exactly how hard work new starters are - good luck!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Weigh-in at 122.50kgs like last week but have had to increase insulin to get good control of ALL my bgs.
Will decrease back down when a few weeks of excellent bgs.
Still swollen but not as bad as last week. Walking does help with swollen water tummy if not over doing it. Although I slept all day yesterday with laryngitis and flu like symptoms.
Feeling nearly my good self this morning. Out for a walk soon.

PS. I will avoid any ponds thou @Polgara. I hope it didn't stress you out too much. Yes it could have been nasty but luckily your slimmer now so can move faster to save yourself?
4yr old fell before Xmas and messed up his face on Xmas photos and for pantomime. Poor little thing too his friend who was holding his hand whilst out walking with school, with him. :(
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
12/1/18 - Morning.

Back to my 'usual' 12 stone 12 lbs. :)

Had sutures removed a few days ago (after 15 days of them) so I am mobile again, just got to be careful and the 2 lb gain the other week was probably just a blip!

Blood Sugars are erratic at moment - but on Antibiotics for infected Sinuses = Thanks to 13 month old Granddaughter sharing her "bugs"!!

Well Done Everybody :).


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
12/1/18 - Morning.

Back to my 'usual' 12 stone 12 lbs. :)

Had sutures removed a few days ago (after 15 days of them) so I am mobile again, just got to be careful and the 2 lb gain the other week was probably just a blip!

Blood Sugars are erratic at moment - but on Antibiotics for infected Sinuses = Thanks to 13 month old Granddaughter sharing her "bugs"!!

Well Done Everybody :).


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well I did it! Loss of 0.3kg this week making 5 stone total weight loss since diagnosis last May :happy:
I’m away next week so I expect a stall but will check in with my post holiday weight on Sat 20th.

Started 115kg 9th May’17
Today 83.3kg 12th Jan’18
Total lost = 31.7kg/5stone


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
12/1/18 - Morning.

Back to my 'usual' 12 stone 12 lbs. :)

Had sutures removed a few days ago (after 15 days of them) so I am mobile again, just got to be careful and the 2 lb gain the other week was probably just a blip!

Blood Sugars are erratic at moment - but on Antibiotics for infected Sinuses = Thanks to 13 month old Granddaughter sharing her "bugs"!!

Well Done Everybody :).

Well done Liam55, everything is harder when you’re recovering. Hope your blood sugars settle quickly