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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello, I thought I would post my story as inspiration for others.
I was diagnosed completely out of the blue in October 2017. No real typical signs or symptoms, yes I was over weight but otherwise healthy and well. A blood test was taken and came back with a BG reading of 10.8 this was followed by a second test 10.1, diagnosis type 2 diabetic.
To say this was a shock is an understatement, I was scared and extremely upset but was determined to find out everything I could and do whatever was necessary to get myself and my body under control.
I was invited to the diabetic clinic, received the generic advice about diet, everything in moderation, increase exercise, no need to test blood and would I like to go on a course about healthy eating? I listened, refused the course but promised to do what I could without medication and see how things went. This was 22nd Nov, finger prick test carried out by DN nurse 9.1
I came home, cried for a little bit, then got angry with myself, then felt sorry for myself all the normal emotions that go with experiencing major change or upset. I started to follow a calorie controlled diet and was making progress with weight loss, no idea about BG levels as I was following the advice of not needing to test.
Fast forward to Christmas, enjoyed Christmas dinner, x3, one for my visiting family ahead of the actual day, one with colleagues and then my own, had lost about 1 stone and was generally coping with my new way of living.
Then the revelation of LCHF courtesy of this amazing forum. Everything I was reading made sense, I did some additional research, found DietDoctor and thought again this all seems to make complete sense to me, I’m going to try it. Out went the calorie counting, in came the eggs, bacon, cream, butter and a meter.
I started with a limit of about 70g carbs per day, it took a little while to identify low carb substitutes for some things but almost immediately I felt the benefits. As I’ve already mentioned I was in reasonably good health before my diagnosis but was now sleeping better, had more energy, my good skin was now glowing, I felt full without feeling stuffed or heavy and I was loosing weight, oh and of course my BG numbers were getting lower.
February 2018 first check up at the clinic. Met at the door by the nurse, who was beside herself with excitement, eager to tell me how well I’d done and wanting to know how I’d done it, she took being told that I’d basically ignored her well. Over 2 stone lost and BG in the pre-diabetic range 6.3
Fast forward to today, almost 5 stone lighter and “normal” BG 5.6, blood pressure not an issue before or at time of diagnosis but that is now the lowest it has ever been, likewise cholesterol 4.1 at diagnosis 4.0 at first check up 4.1 now
I appreciate I still have some weight to shift however there is no immediate rush, I have achieved my initial goal, to control this condition and be as well as I can be. I am confident I can sustain this new way of “living” as I have enjoyed a foreign holiday and several family celebrations in the past 2-3 months without having to deny myself or inconvenience others. I have discovered new foods and tried things I previously disliked but now absolutely love so my future is looking good.
I would like to say a massive thank you to all the friends I have made here, your support and motivation is worthy of awards, your patience in answering questions for the umpteenth time is to be commended and your advice has been my saving grace at times. I would also like to say hi to all the new friends I’ve yet to discover and if I can help any of you in any way please feel free to ask. I wish all of us well and happy healthy futures.
Wow @janey27 you have done so amazingly well and I’m delighted that you’ve shared your success story too. You also make great efforts to support and inform others as you’ve gone along. Your daily posts in the what have you eaten todAy in the low carb section with your photos will have helped lots of people using this forum to see that you really don’t have to deny yourself good food to eat in a way that helps you both bring your blood glucose and your weight down. I also admire that you havent allOwed your new way of eating get in the way of enjoying and living your life. You are a low carb superstar please accept another congratulatory hug and pat on the back from me and another big lick from our tiny family puppy!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Wow @janey27 you have done so amazingly well and I’m delighted that you’ve shared your success story too. You also make great efforts to support and inform others as you’ve gone along. Your daily posts in the what have you eaten todAy in the low carb section with your photos will have helped lots of people using this forum to see that you really don’t have to deny yourself good food to eat in a way that helps you both bring your blood glucose and your weight down. I also admire that you havent allOwed your new way of eating get in the way of enjoying and living your life. You are a low carb superstar please accept another congratulatory hug and pat on the back from me and another big lick from our tiny family puppy!
Thank you so much @shelley262 i hope my story will be helpful to others. Big hugs from me to you, you have been an amazingly supportive and friendly lady who has helped me along the way.

Nicola M

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Since having depression my diabetes control has been terrible, to say the least, and I've felt trapped in a place where I thought I can't do this but recently I've started to try sort myself out. Starting with a personal goal of cutting out unnecessary snacks and going back to just the basic meals to help myself figure out how good my control actually is. I've so far learnt it's pretty good, a lot better averages than before (90% are in the green zone according to my libre) there's still a bit of work to be done and I'd love to lose some weight but for me, this is a lot of progress


I joined upon diagnosis 3 months ago with an HbA1c of 52 and have avidly read all the posts and advice on here ever since. I had the results of my latest HbA1c this morning and it was 40! During the last 3 months I've low carbed and exercised and lost 3.5 stone in weight and feel great. So, thank you to everyone on here as it's down to you that I'm where I am - no advice/help from doctor beyond 'make a few minor lifestyle adjustments' - as I've learned so much from the site and forum. Just need to keep it up now :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I joined upon diagnosis 3 months ago with an HbA1c of 52 and have avidly read all the posts and advice on here ever since. I had the results of my latest HbA1c this morning and it was 40! During the last 3 months I've low carbed and exercised and lost 3.5 stone in weight and feel great. So, thank you to everyone on here as it's down to you that I'm where I am - no advice/help from doctor beyond 'make a few minor lifestyle adjustments' - as I've learned so much from the site and forum. Just need to keep it up now :)



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I joined upon diagnosis 3 months ago with an HbA1c of 52 and have avidly read all the posts and advice on here ever since. I had the results of my latest HbA1c this morning and it was 40! During the last 3 months I've low carbed and exercised and lost 3.5 stone in weight and feel great. So, thank you to everyone on here as it's down to you that I'm where I am - no advice/help from doctor beyond 'make a few minor lifestyle adjustments' - as I've learned so much from the site and forum. Just need to keep it up now :)

Fantastic result. Well done.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Parabéns a todos, espero alcançar o objetivo também.

Hi there, Elisa. Although this is a global community, the language used on it is English. It would be great of you coud stick with English when using the forum


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
An update - 6 month review results today.
Since March, my weight has gone from 104.5 kg - 86.5 kg - loss of 18 kg so far.
HbA1c March: 8.9 October: 5.4

I don't have all the cholesterol data, but suffice to say it was very high 6 months ago, and is now under 5 overall, with the various numbers/ratios getting a gold star from the Doctor. I did allow myself to be talked into starting statins again. Mostly because heart disease in the relatively young women on both sides (40s - 50s) is my heritage. They probably had undiagnosed diabetes!

Diet wise, I did OMAD until it stopped working, and then went through a month of turbulent weight loss and gain despite keeping to a strict LCHF diet with one eye on the calories involved - but only because I practically know the calories of everything off by heart from years of calorie restriction, including lapband surgery without any sustained success. I am currently at the lowest weight I've been since a young teenager.

BP - 120/70. I've had idiopathic hypertension since my late 30s, so this is quite new to me. I was having some serious dizzy spells when I got up from seated quite regularly, so I had a pleasant 24 hour monitoring done, and sure enough, it was getting very low, especially at night. No more BP meds!

Currently I've been at the same weight for 6 weeks - no change from last weigh in at the doctors.
While my doctor is very pleased and keeps telling me that no gain is a win, I want to lose another 20 kg minimum, probably more. (I've shrunk 1.5 inches in height since I set that goal.. what a rip off!) What I have become is an odd shaped creature with tiny arms and legs and a big belly still. I fit into off the rack L sized women's clothes provided they aren't too tight around the middle. I feel like a christmas pudding with pipe cleaner appendages.

The doctor agreed to a trial of taking me off metformin. He is confident that my BG will be fine because I stick to 20g of carbs per day fairly strictly. I will confess that I have the occasional treat that puts me over 20g of carbs for the day. I have found I LOVE chomping on frozen raspberries or strawberries and crave them, so if I have an all meat day, I have been known to eat a 300g bag of frozen strawberries which comes out at around 30g of carbs for the day. Generally I'm a lot more restrained and eat meat and fat and whatever amount of lower carb veg I can and still keep to under 20g of carbs. My other guilty pleasure is my once a week gorge on 85% chocolate - I cannot open a 100g block and not scoff the lot. It contains 16g of carbs/100g, so it is within the rules provided everything else is meat and fat. It doesn't even taste that good, and sometimes as I'm gobbling away, I wonder why I'm doing it - but. chocolate. For dinner! I have given up on nuts - there are just too many carbs in any decent serve of nuts which makes me feel satisfied, as if I eat them, I have them as a meal. Easier just to say no to nuts. I am considering adding a single daily brazil nut as a sort of medicine, because they are full of selenium which is a pretty important mineral which is tough to get from other sources.

So now I take 2 massive horse sized magnesium tablets, 2 combined vit K and D3, a multivitamin because I deserve to be producing expensive urine as much as the next person, and I figure I'm probably missing out on the odd obscure thing from keeping to a very limited range of things. My veg is green and white pretty much exclusively.

I am a bit disappointed that I've really put 100% into this 'project' and I think my results are fairly lacklustre. I have done lots of intermittent fasting, as well as some extended 72 hour fasts and mixed it up to try to trick my body's metabolism to play nice with me. It has been a moderate success. I've tried fat feasts pre fasting to see if that would help, but I can't say that it really has.

So I love my new collar bones on my scrawny shoulders. I hate that I'm so out of proportion. I want this big approx 7 months pregnant looking belly gone though. So I am determined to keep going, keep mixing it up, keep learning, keep reading, keep coming here to read what's working for you other inspirational people.
I'm really happy with my new doctor. He's a strange mix of old school and "whatever works so long as there is actual evidence" for it. He's cautioning me out of thinking that I can "fix" this and then go back to my life. My head knows that's true, my inner 2 year old is throwing a mega tantrum and refuses to listen to sense.

I think the important thing for me is that I cannot afford to be sick, as in chronically ill with problems that result from poorly controlled diabetes. I'm already up against some of them. I have peripheral neuropathy and restless leg syndrome. I have to say the pain has pretty much gone, and now it's just more irritating and annoying and the number of times I have to get out of bed and pace around the room in a sleepy stupour is decreasing slowly. Sometimes I get 5 - 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. That used to be enough when I was in my 20s. 3am pacing is something I should have left behind when my youngest child began to sleep through the night, right? 3am is the darkest hour for me. Luckily, by morning I've usually recombobulated myself and I'm all sensible and positive again.

The doctor suggested that if I start to gain weight again consistently, that we give Trulicity a go. Some people find it helps them to lose weight. Same applies to the metformin - if I find that I'm getting hungry and having trouble with self control, then he suggests I go back on to it. It didn't have any really bad side effects for me, so it isn't really an issue in most respects. I think I just want to rattle less when I walk.

So if you've got to this bit, you deserve a gold star. Since I got 3 from the doctor today, I have a couple I can spare. I will see him again in 4 weeks. I feel very grateful that he seems invested enough in my success (or alternatively alarmed at my obsessiveness?) to come on the walk with me, fairly closely, and regularly. I would say that apart from this forum, the very best thing which has happened to me is finding a doctor who will listen to me, and gently put other perspectives without going all authoritarian on me. I think he's got my number there. He also said the best thing, which I think I quoted here before, but he summed up how I really feel when he said "You want to die young, but for that to take a very long time". That's it.. I think I'm done. Thanks for reading :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Since March, my weight has gone from 104.5 kg - 86.5 kg - loss of 18 kg so far.
HbA1c March: 8.9 October: 5.4
I am a bit disappointed that I've really put 100% into this 'project' and I think my results are fairly lacklustre.

Bit of a contradiction there.. your results are stunning!
I'm not gonna let you put yourself down like that.

You say you are now at your teenage weight .. amazing.. and you are off BP medication and with a non diabetic HbA1c.

I think you deserve huge pat on the back and should be shouting from the rooftops how great your results are!
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
What they ^^^^ said, @MrsGruffy

At diagnosis, I didn't carry a lot of weight but I had more curves than I have now, plus I had luuuurve handles. I had also never had much of a waist, which my ego put down to being pretty strong, with a tendency to muscle.

Because I was trravelling for the first 8 or 9 months after my diagnosis, weighing didn't happen at all for the first 3 months at least. However what I will say is my shape carried on changing, even when the numbers on the scales stubbornly stayed put. One day, I just noticed I had a waist. A proper waist; which has stuck around since.

So, give your body a bit of a chance to catch up with it's weight loss. It's likely to redistribute things a bit over time.

A massive well done from me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I lost 2 pounds last week, which makes a total of 26 pounds lost since I was diagnosed T2 in April. That's more weight than I have ever lost before in my life on diets of eating low-fat. This time I cut out a lot of carbs instead.

I weigh less now than I weighed over the past 6 years since moving to a different city, retiring from work, and being diagnosed not only with high blood pressure but with T2 diabetes. I would like to lose another 26 pounds, at least, even if I had to start a GoFundMe account so I could buy some clothes that would fit. ;)

So that's ... what? 11.79kg?

Just wanted to share it with people.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hey everyone!

We're really curious to know how everyone's gotten on this year. Have you managed to lower your HbA1c? Maybe you've shed a few pounds and are feeling proud of yourself! Whatever you've managed this year, we want to know about it!
Hi , diagnosed in 2017 with a Hba1c of 50. Had my first annual check recently and Hba1c is now at 39.
I was also 110 kilo back then and am now at 100. Cholesterol 4.2 BP 154/84.

So all in all quite pleased , i want to get down to 94 kilo....ish so carry on carrying on I guess , adjusted portion sizes and cut those carbs. Am on slow release metformin


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
None really.
Hey everyone!

We're really curious to know how everyone's gotten on this year. Have you managed to lower your HbA1c? Maybe you've shed a few pounds and are feeling proud of yourself! Whatever you've managed this year, we want to know about it!
I was diagnosed on 1st May 2018, Hba1c was 51. After discarding most of what my DN 'advised' me to do at my first appointment, "Just cut down a bit but still have a few treats!" and reading up massively on the the condition and the best way forward for me I decided what I should do. I am life-style controlling (not just 'diet'). I bought my own blood sugar testing meter and strips (which my DN said she didn't recommend) and take fasting level in the morning and test before and then one and two hours after food . I became educated as to which foods affected my levels to which degree and was then able to adjust the amounts or frequency with which I would have those foods or even rule them out completely if need be. After over 6 months of eating low carbs/no sugar/low fat and getting and staying active (started and completed the 'Couch to 5K' programme, jog for at least 30 minutes most mornings, exercise bike etc.), I also lost 3 stones so far. I just received news through the post that my Hba1c on 23rd November was 33 which I am thrilled with! I just have to keep it that way now :)
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