Strawberry Jam


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How are you going to keep your jam? As the sugar is the epreservative in normal jam recipes, I would suggest making small quantities to keep in the fridge. Gelatine would set your jam, but you might need to experiment to get the right level of gelling. When you make the jam, add some lemon juice to acidify it slightly to help keep down any microorganisms and then eat it within a few weeks.
The jam seems to last a good number of days in the fridge. I do add lemon so that helps. I am only making the jam in small quantities using 1 kg of strawberries at a time.


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Not so weird used to be a favorite of mine in the past along with lettuce and sugar sandwiches and of course Brei and red current jelly toasties.
Of course I forgot that Brie and Jam used to be a thing.. like deep fried Camembert and fruity compote..


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How are you going to keep your jam? As the sugar is the epreservative in normal jam recipes, I would suggest making small quantities to keep in the fridge..,

I do just that, make a small amount and store it in the fridge. I made some just before Xmas and it’s still fine.
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I do just that, make a small amount and store it in the fridge. I made some just before Xmas and it’s still fine.
Okay. We are eating it quicker than that. So might make more next time. And with chia seeds for the strawberry jam.


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As others have mentioned, chia seeds work well as thickeners @Listlad. The jams usually last well for a couple of weeks in the fridge - I make one with frozen mixed berries and it's delicious dolloped into ff Greek yoghurt. As for what you put the jam on, there are many low-carb recipes for buns and breads etc, and look at that really yummy Victoria sponge in @Rachox's pic!
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Not so weird used to be a favorite of mine in the past along with lettuce and sugar sandwiches and of course Brei and red current jelly toasties.
Ooh, that's taken me right back to my Lancashire grandmother's supper of lettuce sugar sarnies, always on white bread! I haven't come across anyone else who's had them. I was quite partial to bacon and marmalade sandwiches in the past....
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Thanks. I do have a sweet tooth. Exactly.

I have another reason to approach sugar carefully and that is that we have a younger child who also has a sweet tooth. Though not diabetic we would hope she grows up avoiding it if possible.
Trying to give up sweet foods is not going to be helped by making jam whatever the sweetner might be.


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Trying to give up sweet foods is not going to be helped by making jam whatever the sweetner might be.
Hi Mr Pot. Can you expand upon that? My thinking is that sweetener will not count in the way that sugar does?

Sweetners in that they can deliver sweetness, while reducing sugar and calorie intake because they contain little or no calories or carbohydrates and don’t affect blood glucose levels. And on that footing I am surmising that jam made with sweetener would be an improvement on jam made with sugar. Or have I got that wrong?
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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Hi Mr Pot. Can you expand upon that? My thinking is that sweetener will not count in the way that sugar does?

In that they can give you a burst of sweetness, while reducing your sugar and calorie intake because they contain little or no calories or carbohydrates and don’t affect blood glucose levels. And on that footing I am surmising that jam made with sweetener would be an improvement on jam made with sugar. Or have I got that wrong?

The issue, I think, is more that you are keeping eating sugar-a-like foods.

This tricks your body and also maintains the craving for sweet things.

I find the only way to do away with the cravings is to avoid sweet things (real or artificial).


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The issue, I think, is more that you are keeping eating sugar-a-like foods.

This tricks your body and also maintains the craving for sweet things.

I find the only way to do away with the cravings is to avoid sweet things (real or artificial).
Understood there LittleGreyCat. I am using sweetners in tea and when cooking instead of sugar, drinking squash with sweetners instead of fruit juice. And keeping off preprepared foods with added sugar, using sheer will power. When I do have fruit juice at all then I dilute it with water 1:1


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Diet only
Understood there LittleGreyCat. I am using sweetners in tea and when cooking instead of sugar, drinking squash with sweetners instead of fruit juice. And keeping off preprepared foods with added sugar, using sheer will power. When I do have fruit juice at all then I dilute it with water 1:1

It looks like what you are doing is constantly feeding your desire for sweet things with pseudo sweet things.. Unfortunately this means you'll always have the desire for them. If you could break that cycle you'd be far better off in my opinion.
Do you like anything else that is more savoury ..? meaty things, eggs, bacon, cheese... maybe once you start to feel more satiated with higher fat foods you might start to not desire the sweet so much?


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Reality TV shows. Celebrities that are famous for being famous


It looks like what you are doing is constantly feeding your desire for sweet things with pseudo sweet things.. Unfortunately this means you'll always have the desire for them. If you could break that cycle you'd be far better off in my opinion.
Do you like anything else that is more savoury ..? meaty things, eggs, bacon, cheese... maybe once you start to feel more satiated with higher fat foods you might start to not desire the sweet so much?

Whilst not judging anyone else’s choices, based on my own experiences, I have to agree. I liken artificial sweeteners to trying to treat alcoholism with alcohol-free beer :)
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It looks like what you are doing is constantly feeding your desire for sweet things with pseudo sweet things.. Unfortunately this means you'll always have the desire for them. If you could break that cycle you'd be far better off in my opinion.
Do you like anything else that is more savoury ..? meaty things, eggs, bacon, cheese... maybe once you start to feel more satiated with higher fat foods you might start to not desire the sweet so much?
Oh, yes I do like savoury things. All that you mention but I have tended to abuse myself with sweet things in the past, ever since I can remember. Double helpings of pudding, raiding the kids sweets jar, large slices of cake, gallons of fruit juice....


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Oh, yes I do like savoury things. All that you mention but I have tended to abuse myself with sweet things in the past, ever since I can remember. Double helpings of pudding, raiding the kids sweets jar, large slices of cake, gallons of fruit juice....
So it sounds like you have a bit of a sugar addiction problem.. mine used to be french bread.. if you can knock that on the head it would do you (and your pre diabetes) a heap of good. Grab a chunk of cheese or a slice of cooked bacon instead of the sweet stuff. Drink unsweetened tea, coffee and water (sparkling is fine for the fizz) and give it a really good go. I'm not saying ts easy but your body wlil love you for it.
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People. Noise. Swearing. Many foods.
I had (have a sweet tooth) and find it very hard simply going cold Turkey and stopping just like that.

Here I am, surrounded by colleagues eating cakes brought in to celebrate a birthday. I'm eating a salad whilst craving a cup cake, and so it goes. This is a weekly test of my resolve now.

I have sweetener in my tea but I now only drink two cups a day when it used to be five or six although, admittedly, all with sweetener in them.

Now I have to get my fix through a few berries (not even my beloved grapes) and one or two sugar free Werthers every now and again.

Am I happy about it ?. No because its simply made me more depressed than usual and right now, because of how down I am I just want to eat sugar, but I struggle on.

I empathise with anyone attempting to lose the sweet tooth.
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Hi Mr Pot. Can you expand upon that? My thinking is that sweetener will not count in the way that sugar does?

Sweetners in that they can deliver sweetness, while reducing sugar and calorie intake because they contain little or no calories or carbohydrates and don’t affect blood glucose levels. And on that footing I am surmising that jam made with sweetener would be an improvement on jam made with sugar. Or have I got that wrong?
Others have explained what I meant. If you have a sweet tooth and, possibly more importantly your child does, then continuing to stimulate that desire for sweet things with artificial sweetners is not going to help wean you off sugary things. It comes as a shock just how sweet some thing you used to enjoy really are, once you become used to less sugar.
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So... Jam and something to spread it on will be carby.

Your choice, but ah...
For me, I'd just go for the whole strawberries with whipped unsweetened cream. ;) (The fats will slow down the carb uptake). Less work, still strawberries. :)
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Diet only
Others have explained what I meant. If you have a sweet tooth and, possibly more importantly your child does, then continuing to stimulate that desire for sweet things with artificial sweetners is not going to help wean you off sugary things. It comes as a shock just how sweet some thing you used to enjoy really are, once you become used to less sugar.
Yes. I see what you mean. I do find I can’t drink tea without some form of sweetner. Just a little is okay. But none makes the cuppa unacceptable. But I don’t like too much sweetness either so for example I will eat weetabix without sugar as I can taste the sweetness already in it. I eat porridge with just a small amount of sweetner or add dried or stewed fruit.

I am a bit worried for our daughter as she is definitely a sugar addict but we are turning that around.

In my How Low do I Go thread I was trying to establish if I needed drastic measures or just a more minor level of adjustment, that level being a bit of an unknown. I think armed with a test meter and advice from you guys I think I should be able to find some answers.
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