How much weight have YOU lost?


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Hi I was told i was Pre-Diabetic in March, and weighed 311lbs, i know it shouldn't have come as a shock being overweight and also working behind a desk allday with no exercise. My doctor showed me the Michael Mosley Fast800 diet and said it is good, so i thought i would give it a try, and it seems to work well, in 6 months i have lost 101lbs and still going, i just had the results of the latest blood test and i am no longer pre-diabetic (but only just with a reading of 41mmol/l). Since lock down i have also been exercising, at the start 2 out of 3 days and now 3 out of 4 days and have also started running, i managed a 6.5 mile (10K) 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Hopefully this will continue my original goal weight was 210lbs, but as i am now at that i think i will continue and hopefully see a better blood test result along with faster runs, and longer term to keep in the normal range and not to progress to being a diabetic.

That's fabulous progress StuLish, and it surely heralds a seismic shift in your life and prospects. Another 5lbs and you will have lost a whole me. I only say that to point out just how much you have lost.

Although I have no idea how tall you might be,or other aspects of your health, it seems likely trimming a bit further could be beneficial to you.

Are you still doing the 800 calorie protocol? If so, just be mindful you don't find your metabolism slowing down. Have you thought about how you will move forward over the longer term?

Again, don't take those questions as critical in any way, but it is often important to look forward a little bit, to plan for "what happens next", to avoid any form of yo-yo.
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I started losing weight about a few weeks into lockdown when the news articles started to really push hard how COVID was more of a risk for T2 who were heavier. I also had a hba1c of 78 and had extra drugs put into the mix. I was well on the way to insulin

I have, at my heaviest, been 111kg but was about 105kg when I started in earnest around 8th May.

First off I got an exercise bike, and started some walinkg. I now do a minimum of 30 mins exercise a day and my watch move goal I have set to 620. It keeps trying to go up but I am happy with that

I also found this site and read about low carbs, so dropped to 130g and currently 75 alongside a calorie goal of 1850.

I have my off days. Sometimes have Pizza Hut or fish and chips but mainly sticking to the salads and the meats/veg and it’s working. Starting to get a bit fed up of the foods so need to get the menu improved

today, 86.5kg. So total drop of 18.5kg. Hba1c is also now 46
BMI now overweight rather than obese and fit size 36 rather than 42.

Am now being told by some that I shouldn’t lose too much as I’ll look unhealthy. I had an aim of 70kg but I will see how it goes. I hope to drop my meds a bit too, need to chase up the nurse at some point

only problem is the tum and arms going a big “saggy”. I know it’s minor compared to some and I hope it will start to fix itself. I should just be happy

Andydragon - I have posted about this relatively regularly, over time.

When I was diagnosed, I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but did have definite love handles, so I was carrying some weight, I clearly didn't need. I never set out to lose weight. I focused purely on improving my blood glucose numbers, figuring I'd be in a better place with good blood glucose levels, with love handles, than skinny with rampant, uncontrolled diabetes. OK, those comments are at the ends of the spectrum, but nevertheless, weight loss was never a target of mine.

All of that said, as my numbers improved, my love handles melted away. Of course, my self-testing informed me that I should trim back on the carbs, and the rest is history.

On my journey, I got very trim, very fast, and too had folks saying I was looking thin, and so on. From my own perspective, I was cross that I also lost weight from my lady-bump curves and bottom, as well as my arms and legs. However, I stuck with it, with a clear objective to stall weight loss and maintain, which I did. I

It took a while to stabilise.

However, to my point really, after that ramble. Your body will probably catch up with you in time.

In my case, as already mentioned, I lost from some places I'd rather have retained, but in time, my body sort of smoothed out the jagged edges, and sort of redistributed itself - so, I'd urge you to be patient with that, but do try not to lose muscle mass. That's important. Keeping muscle mass up, helps with all sorts,

What people think of you? Sometimes comments are made from genuine concern, and sometimes just because you look different. And when these changes happen quickly, folks can be concerned something sinister is going on. Once we pass a certain, indeterminate age, we always seem to be asked, "has your weight changed at all of late?"

Finally, sometimes, a few, thankfully a small minority, can make unhelpful remarks out of some form of envy. SOmetimes because they have found it really hard to trim up themselves.

So, in all of this, I would urge you to take stock, and ask yourself the following:

Have I lost weight "too quickly"?
Am I in a healthy (or healthier) weight zone?
Am I clinically underweight (although, the BMI scale is a blunt too, it's fine for a rule of thumb)?
Do I feel well?
Am I still able to do the things (in terms of moving around/exercise)I used to, before weight loss ?
How are my general health markers looking? Are there any areas of concern?

I would suggest you be guided by your health, and how you feel. Of course, you may have gone too thin, but if you are thinner than you were, but still in a good place, be guided by your health, not others' opinions.
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Am now being told by some that I shouldn’t lose too much as I’ll look unhealthy. I had an aim of 70kg but I will see how it goes. I hope to drop my meds a bit too, need to chase up the nurse at some point

only problem is the tum and arms going a big “saggy”. I know it’s minor compared to some and I hope it will start to fix itself. I should just be happy
I get told that too, but I tell myself its just their jealousy. Id prefer to look scraggy but be healthy than look plump but have high bg. You are doing really well and over time the arms and tums should even out...wellthay what I'm hoping. If they don't then I will look on my sagging as battle scars won in a winning battle
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I lost a stone. Just one stone. I am still 19 stones, after 8 1/2 years of low carbing.

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I started losing weight about a few weeks into lockdown when the news articles started to really push hard how COVID was more of a risk for T2 who were heavier. I also had a hba1c of 78 and had extra drugs put into the mix. I was well on the way to insulin

I have, at my heaviest, been 111kg but was about 105kg when I started in earnest around 8th May.

First off I got an exercise bike, and started some walinkg. I now do a minimum of 30 mins exercise a day and my watch move goal I have set to 620. It keeps trying to go up but I am happy with that

I also found this site and read about low carbs, so dropped to 130g and currently 75 alongside a calorie goal of 1850.

I have my off days. Sometimes have Pizza Hut or fish and chips but mainly sticking to the salads and the meats/veg and it’s working. Starting to get a bit fed up of the foods so need to get the menu improved

today, 86.5kg. So total drop of 18.5kg. Hba1c is also now 46
BMI now overweight rather than obese and fit size 36 rather than 42.

Am now being told by some that I shouldn’t lose too much as I’ll look unhealthy. I had an aim of 70kg but I will see how it goes. I hope to drop my meds a bit too, need to chase up the nurse at some point

only problem is the tum and arms going a big “saggy”. I know it’s minor compared to some and I hope it will start to fix itself. I should just be happy
Well done you! I think people get used to seeing us bigger so when we get a lot smaller people just can't adjust - I had that too people saying to me you are looking well but ... don't go losing anymore - I did lose just under 3 stone in a short period of time and to people I hadn't seen in years I was 5 stone lighter. My advice to you is you know your own body so you decide and what I would add is I have put on over half a stone from the weight I was when people where saying I was starting to look scrawny and I am desperately trying to get back to that weight or less as I now feel bloated and fat at the weight I am, although I know I am not overweight by the BMI figures just have a pot belly. Your body... you decide and well done again. Btw I was size 20 at heaviest and now a wee size 10 and loving it!


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Well done you! I think people get used to seeing us bigger so when we get a lot smaller people just can't adjust - I had that too people saying to me you are looking well but ... don't go losing anymore - I did lose just under 3 stone in a short period of time and to people I hadn't seen in years I was 5 stone lighter. My advice to you is you know your own body so you decide and what I would add is I have put on over half a stone from the weight I was when people where saying I was starting to look scrawny and I am desperately trying to get back to that weight or less as I now feel bloated and fat at the weight I am, although I know I am not overweight by the BMI figures just have a pot belly. Your body... you decide and well done again. Btw I was size 20 at heaviest and now a wee size 10 and loving it!
I’m now 83.7kg so am still dropping at roughly rate of 0.15kg a day. I’m surprised I haven’t plateaued yet. It fluctuates and I still have days I go up a few 100g and other days (like today) I lost 300g since yesterday

Im feeling good. I still have a bit to go, as I think I said, my first goal is “healthy” BMI which would be 80.9kg. I then want to get to 76kg as that’a equivalent to 12st and feels like a nice even figure and overall stretch goal would be about 11stone which I think is 71kg or so

Honestly, a flat stomach is my aim. I know it will be tough as frankly the weight loss has left me a bit saggy but it’s my aim

I’m now just about fitting some medium sized clothing. Nearly 34 waist, but vanity sizing is such a thing. What I do know is my belt is significantly looser


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Just as a follow up, as of today (daily fluctuations acknowledged) I am 72.4kg so 32.6kg in total and 11.3kg since I last posted in this thread. I am lighter than I have ever been in my adult life. Firmly in the medium clothing, in 32 trousers and I did need new belts :)

so, passed my initial target, my second target and well on way to my third.

I feel good, but there are a few things I didn’t expect from the loss. My fingers have dropped by 4 ring sizes and I used to have little fatty lumps on my back, not anymore I don’t. my wrists have also shrunk so I need smaller watch strap. But I never thought those areas looked particularly chubby!

I need to see how to stabilise, hopefully as I am getting older and thinner I will need less calories anyway and it should naturally plateau


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Well done! 26kg down here since diagnosis last March. I noticed the finger thing too.


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I was 19.5st st diagnosis & lost 5.5st in 6 months & have plateaued since.
I'm still obese with a bmi of 31.
Santy brought we resistance bands which I've still to take out of the box.
Santy also brought me a new wedding ring as I'd lost mine months earlier while out walking the dog.

Paul Burton

Just as a follow up, as of today (daily fluctuations acknowledged) I am 72.4kg so 32.6kg in total and 11.3kg since I last posted in this thread. I am lighter than I have ever been in my adult life. Firmly in the medium clothing, in 32 trousers and I did need new belts :)

so, passed my initial target, my second target and well on way to my third.

I feel good, but there are a few things I didn’t expect from the loss. My fingers have dropped by 4 ring sizes and I used to have little fatty lumps on my back, not anymore I don’t. my wrists have also shrunk so I need smaller watch strap. But I never thought those areas looked particularly chubby!

I need to see how to stabilise, hopefully as I am getting older and thinner I will need less calories anyway and it should naturally plateau

Hi, I've noticed that as you say people lose weight all over their body. I can tell if I have lost weight when my watch strap gets loose. You didn't say how old you are, I'm 62 and find I can go all day on a slice of toast and an evening meal without feeling hungry. I have noticed my dad 87 has quite a small appetite now compared to his younger days. He seems to have found his natural balance. Probably a good idea to do some weight training exercises to keep your muscles strong something I have noticed is older people often get problems with their shoulders me included I damaged my deltoid muscle and it is taking ages, 6 months so far, to repair and still not out of the woods yet. The internet says it could take four years! I would say I'm about halfway there. You can get some good belts on that can be adjusted by the millimetre. All the best Paul.


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Hi, I've noticed that as you say people lose weight all over their body. I can tell if I have lost weight when my watch strap gets loose. You didn't say how old you are, I'm 62 and find I can go all day on a slice of toast and an evening meal without feeling hungry. I have noticed my dad 87 has quite a small appetite now compared to his younger days. He seems to have found his natural balance. Probably a good idea to do some weight training exercises to keep your muscles strong something I have noticed is older people often get problems with their shoulders me included I damaged my deltoid muscle and it is taking ages, 6 months so far, to repair and still not out of the woods yet. The internet says it could take four years! I would say I'm about halfway there. You can get some good belts on that can be adjusted by the millimetre. All the best Paul.
I’m 44 tomorrow
I have heard as we age we do need less calories to sustain us, I know calorie counting is not a techinique used (at all?) by the LCHF groups but I still tend to do it.

I have noticed I can get by with a lot less food though since the weight loss. So maybe something in it.

weight loss all over I guess I kind of expected but smaller fingers and wrists still took me by surprise, but it is what it is, just wish I could get those last few kg off my stomach and, well, behind as I hope it will naturally pull in the ‘sag’ but learning to wear the marks with pride will take me some time

hopefully we will get gyms back one day so I can get a trainer and focus on toning. Exercise bike and walking isn’t covering it all but again, it’s doing enough

Mrs T 123

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It's a pity we can't choose where we lose the weight from eh - I too have lost the weight surprisingly from my fingers and wrists and really all over which I am really happy about ... apart from I still have a wee pot belly (which no-one else notices just me) and I am not overweight at all but just wish another couple of 1lbs would come off just my wee pot belly...instead of my fingers and wrists! I have lost over 5 stones btw.

Paul Burton

I’m 44 tomorrow
I have heard as we age we do need less calories to sustain us, I know calorie counting is not a techinique used (at all?) by the LCHF groups but I still tend to do it.

I have noticed I can get by with a lot less food though since the weight loss. So maybe something in it.

weight loss all over I guess I kind of expected but smaller fingers and wrists still took me by surprise, but it is what it is, just wish I could get those last few kg off my stomach and, well, behind as I hope it will naturally pull in the ‘sag’ but learning to wear the marks with pride will take me some time

hopefully we will get gyms back one day so I can get a trainer and focus on toning. Exercise bike and walking isn’t covering it all but again, it’s doing enough
Happy birthday for tomorrow, if you build muscle say squats for legs press-ups for chest and arms sit-ups for stomach etc. when you breakdown/exercise those muscles your body uses it's fat reserves even when you sit and watch the TV or are in bed asleep.
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I'm still losing. Since bariatric op in June'19. I've had no weight gain like all other acquaintances who have had the same op.
It's all because of avoiding 'brain hunger' by managing Carbs which rebound into hunger pangs. Not real hunger.
I'm now a size 16uk. Ive been size 18uk for months. I'm now wondering if I'll end up size 14uk but haven't accommodated that in my new all season wardrobe. Some great deals right now.
Enjoying 3rd set of new size underwear especially. All my sets of new pyjamas.
I'm delighted I didn't rebound, in any area of positives to the op.
Just off for a lovely coconut and vanilla yogart until 7pm dinner. :) :) :)
Well done all. Your achievements are amazing! :)


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Day 14 and I've just weighed myself for the 2nd time on my carnivore journey and somehow have gained 5lbs on last week. I wasn't super strict with myself, I introduced a few herbs and spices that I seem to be able to tolerate and had a couple of bottles of coke zero (down from at least one a day) and had 1 cup of curry sauce with some chicken. I also do IF 16/8 everyday and 2mad. I can't exercise due to mobility issues so don't see how it could be muscle or anything else.

I feel utterly deflated, I thought I was doing so well but clearly not. I know this is a marathon not a sprint but yeah feels like a right kick in the nuts.


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Day 14 and I've just weighed myself for the 2nd time on my carnivore journey and somehow have gained 5lbs on last week. I wasn't super strict with myself, I introduced a few herbs and spices that I seem to be able to tolerate and had a couple of bottles of coke zero (down from at least one a day) and had 1 cup of curry sauce with some chicken. I also do IF 16/8 everyday and 2mad. I can't exercise due to mobility issues so don't see how it could be muscle or anything else.

I feel utterly deflated, I thought I was doing so well but clearly not. I know this is a marathon not a sprint but yeah feels like a right kick in the nuts.
Adapted from a post I made in another thread;

Bodily weight fluctuates daily. It is perfectly possible to put on or lose 2kg from day to day without anything changing. It could be that you ate a few more carbs and your body has absorbed more water or to be blunt, you haven't gone to the toilet yet... I know you said carnivore so carbs unlikely, but still, it fluctuates naturally, that said low carb diets and if you add carbs your body can absorb water again like a sponge, I often notice when I have a heavy carb or even more than nirmal for me, I will be heavier for a few days

It's normal, so don't get discouraged!

So, do you weigh yourself at the same time of the day on those days you do? Personally I weigh myself first thing in the morning after waking and after going to the toilet. I also use a site called because it shows the trend

Over time is important, week on week weight will change, but watch the trend.

Another thing is weight loss will slow. Most sites recommend a kg a week is sustainable max loss, and as you get lighter it will slow, as the body needs less calories/energy which makes sense as you are carrying less around (sorry).

You likely get also lose faster at the beginning, it will then slower and eventually plateau. Since may until i hit my target I was a steady kg a week pretty much until I got to a certain few months in and then it slowed naturally.

I have graphed daily at times and it's like a rollercoaster
Have attached my 3 month view, but can assure you a week view can be as bouncy but my trend is down and that's the main thing


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Type of diabetes
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Day 14 and I've just weighed myself for the 2nd time on my carnivore journey and somehow have gained 5lbs on last week. I wasn't super strict with myself, I introduced a few herbs and spices that I seem to be able to tolerate and had a couple of bottles of coke zero (down from at least one a day) and had 1 cup of curry sauce with some chicken. I also do IF 16/8 everyday and 2mad. I can't exercise due to mobility issues so don't see how it could be muscle or anything else.

I feel utterly deflated, I thought I was doing so well but clearly not. I know this is a marathon not a sprint but yeah feels like a right kick in the nuts.
Could it possibly be "transit issues"?
I'd also be rather suspect of the "curry sauce" as they can be full of noxious things unless you made it yourself which could well have assisted the water weight gain (which is likely what you are experiencing).


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Thanks for taking the time to respond guys. If by transit you mean how regularly I'm going then it's greatly reduced but then that's a great thing for me going from 5+ times a day and cramping etc I'm down to once a day, still loose but not as bad and none of the urgency etc.

The curry sauce was from a little tub of powder I got from the butchers, not brilliant but the amount I was having was roughly 5g carbs total.

Hopefully it is just water but 5lbs plus whatever weight I may have actually lost feels like a lot. I know I shouldn't get hung up on the scales but as I need to lose a lot of weight before I can have surgery it certainly stings.


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Just to add I weigh myself same time of day on Sunday mornings before breakfast and after morning maintenance.