What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
B: yoghurt, seeds and strawberries
Lots of walking
2 bites hubby's carrot cake, rapid rise to 8.7 and a quick fall to 4. Felt shaky and sweaty.
Mid afternoon 40g cheese
D: half a rotisserie chicken
Evening 40g dark chocolate with hazelnuts. Libre shows only a slow rise to 7 and gentle decrease.


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Not the prettiest made up plate but a very tasty meal today. :hungry:

Brussels sprouts with parmesan, and a burger on a bed of fried onion and tomato , with raw onion and chicory on top.
I plated too much but I found out the dogs unexpectedly loved the leftover onion/tomato mix and the last of the sprouts, so nothing wasted. :joyful:

The onions/tomato also served as a buffer between the cold plate and the hot burger. It suddenly became autumn and cold and windy and I didn't want the meat to get all cold before I could eat it.
I refuse to turn on the heating (which is a rather complicated job after the summer) before I'm back from my holiday.
Would be a waste to leave the little flame burning when I'm away for ten days, and I'm too lazy to turn it off and then turn it on again when I'm back, once a year is enough. :hilarious:

Besides, I'd better get used to the cold if I want to go camping in the UK in october!


Mrs T 123

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Diet only
Brunch - scrambled eggs n cheese. Mug of earl grey tea

Dinner (out) - 8oz sirloin steak with peppercorn sauce and mushrooms, half of a grilled tomato, and some naughty garden peas, onion rings & chips - I usually have a large side salad but restaurants seem to be really miserable with their portion sizes of salad these days ...

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Not the prettiest made up plate but a very tasty meal today. :hungry:

Brussels sprouts with parmesan, and a burger on a bed of fried onion and tomato , with raw onion and chicory on top.
I plated too much but I found out the dogs unexpectedly loved the leftover onion/tomato mix and the last of the sprouts, so nothing wasted. :joyful:

The onions/tomato also served as a buffer between the cold plate and the hot burger. It suddenly became autumn and cold and windy and I didn't want the meat to get all cold before I could eat it.
I refuse to turn on the heating (which is a rather complicated job after the summer) before I'm back from my holiday.
Would be a waste to leave the little flame burning when I'm away for ten days, and I'm too lazy to turn it off and then turn it on again when I'm back, once a year is enough. :hilarious:

Besides, I'd better get used to the cold if I want to go camping in the UK in october!

View attachment 56491
Your meals always look really tasty
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Retired Moderator
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Your meals always look really tasty
They usually are too, even if they not always look very pretty! :)

I'm very curious what kind of meals I'll be eating on my holiday, I have no idea yet, Depends on the weather too. I have a very small tent so it's not possible to cook when it rains. And I likely won't feel like cooking most of the time anyway, so I guess I'll do a lot of grazing on cold things plus some eating out.

I will bring my electric kettle and my thermos though, so as long as there's a socket in the camping bathroom I'll have a pot of coffee in the morning, no matter the weather!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Chicken wings in buffalo sauce for smoko as I did not feel like eating earlier.
No lunch as my insides were resting comfortably after taking a couple of metoclopramide anti nausea tablets to go with the wings.
Beef jogan rosh with a small portion of reheated cooked rice that came in the heat and eat packet, couple of crispbreads with blue cheese for supper at six.

Glass of single malt before a early night.

Just stuck a new 50mcg Fentanyl patch on as they only last three days, I will be humming along very shortly. :woot:

Edit: added patch info.
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For breakfast 2 small slices of toast + I boiled egg
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Good to hear your aunt is doing well @Antje77 but it must be a worry her being so far away. Good coffee planning for your hols next month. I’d be really miserable if I couldn’t get my morning coffee.

Todays food centred around a duck.
Breakfast was the liver, sautéed in butter and popped on 1/2 SLC toasted roll. Lovely but yet again caused BG spike. It wasn’t a large liver, can’t have weight more than a couple of ounces. Very annoying. Dennis had the rest of the organs - happy dog.
Dinner roast duck with edamame beans, creamed cabbage, fried mushrooms. Red wine.
Might have cheese& h/m seedy crackers if I’m hungry later.


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Black coffee and cream
Brie and tomatoes.
Sausages tomatoes green pepper


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Breakfast: a slice of wholemeal bread and butter with some cheese (bits and pieces left in the box).

2nd meal was going to be some kind of veggie thing but Em came for the afternoon and has only just gone home but she will be back before bed time and sleep here. My brother will be phoning in about an hour and I haven't done any prep yet so I'm giving up and just had a wholemeal wrap with some tomato and ham. That'll do me for tonight.


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Diet only
Today I went to visit a friend who understands diabetes. She made us lunch of salmon fillet with mixed seafood, French beans, courgettes and peppers, with a small Lidl yoghurt for pud. Tonight's supper at home will be steak with broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. What a gourmet day - and all keto!

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Breakfast 2 slices wholemeal toast with white coffee (no sweetner). Lunch 2 hard boiled eggs.
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Diet only
Cooking in someone else’s kitchen is always more complicated, especially when they have an oven ‘complex’ - hard to work out which oven does what, what the knobs mean etc!

Food was fab but I’d overheated the plate in the grill so the cauliflower cheese started frying when I served it up :hilarious:

Main event was boneless lamb shoulder with rosemary and garlic with a side of cauliflower cheese mixed with bacon (saw @AndBreathe posting about that on another thread and thought it sounded good) and some pointed spring cabbage.

Either side was a small ice cream (posted up thread) with cream.

Stuffed and a fridge full of leftovers for the week.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cooking in someone else’s kitchen is always more complicated, especially when they have an oven ‘complex’ - hard to work out which oven does what, what the knobs mean etc!

Food was fab but I’d overheated the plate in the grill so the cauliflower cheese started frying when I served it up :hilarious:

Main event was boneless lamb shoulder with rosemary and garlic with a side of cauliflower cheese mixed with bacon (saw @AndBreathe posting about that on another thread and thought it sounded good) and some pointed spring cabbage.

Either side was a small ice cream (posted up thread) with cream.

Stuffed and a fridge full of leftovers for the week.

View attachment 56496

We had wonderful lamb tonight too, with steamed cabbage and leaks and roasted carrots. There were also roast potatoes. Absolutely delicious.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diabetes, rudeness
Just finished 2 x mackerel fillets with few peices of cheese wrapped in prosciutto
1330hrs Dinner . Roast beef done on barbecue with broccoli ,carrots and 1 small roast spud as it looked devine . I actually don't miss Potato's since dx
0900hrs I had 1x 85% pork sausage and 2x boiled eggs
A gallon of black coffee and 1 cup of green tea consumed because I was in work .


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Tea at ILs: cold meat, cheese and salad buffet followed by one Jaffa cake!


Retired Moderator
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Good to hear your aunt is doing well @Antje77 but it must be a worry her being so far away. Good coffee planning for your hols next month. I’d be really miserable if I couldn’t get my morning coffee.
I couldn't agree more on the coffee part!
Of course you can buy a coffee anywhere, but I'm very sure paying some 2,50 times 3 for my waking up routine wouldn't enhance my mood in any way.
I don't mind enjoying a bought cup of coffee at the right time and place, but I prefer to have my first (and second) cup nicely and grumpily on my own while slowly getting used to the world again, and definitely not while dealing with waiters and stuff.

And speaking about coffee, I spoke to my aunt today, who's allowed out of bed and even to venture outside the hospital, and she was just about to go coffee hunting! :joyful:
Turns out that in French hospitals you're not offered anything beside water in between meals. Sound like a very effective way to get your patients up and active as soon as they are able! :hilarious:
Today I went to visit a friend who understands diabetes. She made us lunch of salmon fillet with mixed seafood, French beans, courgettes and peppers, with a small Lidl yoghurt for pud. Tonight's supper at home will be steak with broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. What a gourmet day - and all keto!
I always love to find out a friend has taken some time thinking about a suitable meal, it's like a little present. :)
And I make sure to do the same for lactose intolerant/celiac/vegetarian/vegan friends in return, knowing how nice it is if someone just takes your diet for what it is and works with that.
Brussels sprouts with parmesan, and a burger on a bed of fried onion and tomato , with raw onion and chicory on top.
I plated too much but I found out the dogs unexpectedly loved the leftover onion/tomato mix and the last of the sprouts, so nothing wasted. :joyful:
I made too much onion/tomato mix yesterday, thinking I could use it again today, and leaving it in the frying pan on the stove.
Should have gotten the clue from the dogs of course. Apparently the cats liked it as well so the pan was empty and clean this morning. :hilarious:

Didn't feel like cooking much so I didn't have the planned brussels sprouts.
Instead I went with a 'classic' burger (somewhat burnt on the outside, somewhat raw on the inside, hasty cooking) with melted cheese on a slice of low carb bread with some cucumber and tomato.

Pretty sure this doesn't really count as a full meal, nor as my 5 a day, but I did have it on a cute plate which counts for something too!
I'll have another chicory with hummus in bed to have some more vitamins. :angelic:
