What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all. Bedtime 7.1 (improvement) and this morning 7.3. @MissMuffett, mine did too. I'm trying to keep under 20/30g of carbs a day to keep it down. My problem is, I can't exercise so don't have that help. Will keep trying tho. Have a good day folks :)
It makes such a difference to my BG if I do plenty of walking ( not that I have done much lately ) Are there any seated exercises you can do ie with light weights to build muscle etc .
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning, Tuesday people!

A gratifying 5.5 on the FP this morning. I sabotaged the overnight Libre reading by leaving my phone in my car last night. On catching up with it, I see it was around 6.6 and rising but that was after I’d been turning the house upside down for the phone! Then I went for a swim so I’m ahead on the exercise front so far today.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cheese and Tories,
5.1 this morning. Have been unwell with a heavy cold for a few days and have noticed unexpectedly high readings. Sunday 7.1, yesterday 6.9. I didn't eat anything yesterday and Sunday I had yoghurt with berries and a peach for breakfast and baked cod with salad for dinner. Dinner tonight will be airfried chicken breasts with some green veg.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All 8.0 yesterday and today can only be down to stress of stomach upset because not much food involved. @Ashybang welcome to the forum wondering if you are eating LC though if you are just starting out FBG can be very high. I hope your Dr is helpful and encouraging but do take a look at the Low Carb testimonials on this forum. Stay safe everyone.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All 8.0 yesterday and today can only be down to stress of stomach upset because not much food involved. @Ashybang welcome to the forum wondering if you are eating LC though if you are just starting out FBG can be very high. I hope your Dr is helpful and encouraging but do take a look at the Low Carb testimonials on this forum. Stay safe everyone.
Thanks for advice. Trying to go low carb, but can't resist Bacon and egg sandwich occasionally. Blood Sugar never went below 11.5 yesterday and hovered around 15 mostly. I'm looking at low carb recipes and lots of threads on here for advice and info. I'll see what GP Prescribes later and yes I will post up what GP recommends as current meds appear to be ineffective.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well 12 days of being in the 5 hive has come to an end with a 6.0 today. I'm blaming the covid vaccine I had yesterday
I decided to do a porridge experiment 30g jumbo oats 200ml milk pinch salt mixed seeds and blueberries...will report back!
Best wishes @DEBBIESCOTT and good luck @Ashybang
Have a good day
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