What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
The media campaign is, imho, more to do with cheating on Diana and dislike of Camilla for not shifting as many copies. Kate seems to have turned them against her somewhat with #photogate - oh, and not releasing her medical records. @JohnEGreen hug for Edward the Passion Bearer. Seems to probably have been all part of the nobles wanting their land back after his dad forced them to sell to the monasteries at knockdown prices. Stepmother implicated.
"Edward was treasonably slain by his own family... it is reported that his stepmother, that is the mother of King Ethelred, stabbed him with a dagger while she was in the act of offering him a cup to drink." Interesting family gatherings there John. Probably best to avoid invites from relatives in Dorset.

Yes my family history seems littered with saints and sinners some of them really murderous.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Screenshot 2024-03-18 13.54.38.png

Unfortunate (or very clever/sly dig) wording. Hester will be demanding his £15 million back. Sorry but it is an open goal.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Afternoon all

Blood sugars this morning were 5.0

This afternoon me, me’s myself are norf of the Watford gap in the land of the midnight sun or so it seems.

I am so grateful that in the land of the midnight sun me, me’s and myself can escape the total nonsense that is being spoken and written about in the media.
Get a life and look for the good.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
5.4 at 03:45 today. 5.9 last night (24:50). Don't know what happened yesterday. Took my basal dose as usual (forgot to take my pills, other than painkillers) and the normal bolus dose to cover the breakfast and BG dropped down to 3.3 very rapidly. Had to keep eating carby things to counteract the falling BG all day. Most of the day it was in the low 4's and kept dropping far enough for my Libre to keep warning me of impending doom. Eventually, in the evening had a low carb meal but no insulin and it remained in the 5's until bedtime and through the night. Had breakfast earlier - low carb again and it is hovering in the 5's (no insulin other than basal).

I got up at 03.30 because I couldn't breathe and my heart was pounding.I was very shaky and hot and I suspected a hypo, but no - 5.4 so it couldn't be that. Checked oxygen sat - 89% which accounts for the breathlessness, pulse 152! No wonder I was feeling odd. Had a cup of tea and just sat waiting for an improvement, which did happen. Now oxyen up to 95% and pulse in the high 80's. Don't know why that is. May have something to do with the new leg pains of the last 3 days, or may not. Who knows? When I last spoke to a GP about this, he wasn't interested and didn't quite say I was imagining it, but it was clear what he thought. It could be construed as a panic attack, but the last time that was suggested (years ago now) another doctor said that I was the most laid-back patient he had seen and doubted a panic attack (the only thing that makes me panic is spiders, as has been discussed in the past). Turned out the problem was undiagnosed diabetes. I've had similar reactions from doctors since I was a teenager and it has always turned out to be something real (first time was appendicitis and resulted in a wrangle between my own doctor, who knew it was my appendix and the consultant at the hospital who thought it was my nerves because I was about to sit O levels.
I can only go on my experience with such symptoms.
I think we both have restless legs, anxiety, had panic attacks. But also I have essential tremor disorder or syndrome depending on which doctor you have. This is about uncontrolled shaking of your limbs, particularly hands. But as I've mentioned before, as I get out of bed, I have stay sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for the shaking in my upper body , let's and arms to subside.
Why, I don't know. It's all from my nervous system, five minutes later, I am relaxed enough to move downstairs.
I still have s light shaking in my hands, but that's it. My tongue sticks out and I don't use a form in my left hand.
Does that sound like you get?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all on what looks but doesn't quite yet feel like a spring morning here in Little America. If the wind doesn't go right through you one requires more layers than a thriving poultry business. I have no idea how Passion Sunday impacted my bg or today's fbg though I analysed everything. JKP cooked the pork and I carved, very much a joint effort. @dunelm thanks for sharing the art. The meet up and birthday video call both sound splendid. @gennepher thanks for sharing the sketch. @Krystyna23040 congratulations to the diary secretary on a job well done. Time fo ar fresh pot of tea, some steps, babybels and meds. Perhaps not living the dream though so much more blessed than many. Unlike Maslow's model God's grace isn't hierarchical nor is it earned - wouldn't be grace otherwise. Have a cheery ditty and at least a decent day.
Thank you Ian.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.4 at 03:45 today. 5.9 last night (24:50). Don't know what happened yesterday. Took my basal dose as usual (forgot to take my pills, other than painkillers) and the normal bolus dose to cover the breakfast and BG dropped down to 3.3 very rapidly. Had to keep eating carby things to counteract the falling BG all day. Most of the day it was in the low 4's and kept dropping far enough for my Libre to keep warning me of impending doom. Eventually, in the evening had a low carb meal but no insulin and it remained in the 5's until bedtime and through the night. Had breakfast earlier - low carb again and it is hovering in the 5's (no insulin other than basal).

I got up at 03.30 because I couldn't breathe and my heart was pounding.I was very shaky and hot and I suspected a hypo, but no - 5.4 so it couldn't be that. Checked oxygen sat - 89% which accounts for the breathlessness, pulse 152! No wonder I was feeling odd. Had a cup of tea and just sat waiting for an improvement, which did happen. Now oxyen up to 95% and pulse in the high 80's. Don't know why that is. May have something to do with the new leg pains of the last 3 days, or may not. Who knows? When I last spoke to a GP about this, he wasn't interested and didn't quite say I was imagining it, but it was clear what he thought. It could be construed as a panic attack, but the last time that was suggested (years ago now) another doctor said that I was the most laid-back patient he had seen and doubted a panic attack (the only thing that makes me panic is spiders, as has been discussed in the past). Turned out the problem was undiagnosed diabetes. I've had similar reactions from doctors since I was a teenager and it has always turned out to be something real (first time was appendicitis and resulted in a wrangle between my own doctor, who knew it was my appendix and the consultant at the hospital who thought it was my nerves because I was about to sit O levels.
All I can say is that all the things over the years which the doctor has said were panic attacks or hysteria or whatever, turned out to be several things after I had been properly investigated...consequently my asthma went undiagnosed for a long time, and another thing they said was panic attacks turned out to be my Sjögren's syndrome with the excessive dryness in my throat, which caused me to stop breathing. It was only when that was investigated via endoscopy the specialist found the muscles in my throat don't work properly and seize up, and I eventually ended up with medication. And so the list goes on, as it does with you @Annb
I wish I had some help for you.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.9 on a really nice sunny morning and actually a bit of warmth as well.
pity it's clouded over.
Been in the garden for over an hour in shorts and t-shirt. Got some rays, tidying up, but still too wet to mow. Was always told to mow in late afternoon, early evening, in my groundskeeper days, though, we always did it in the morning on the pitch. But of course, working day and industrial pitch growing is so different in many ways. With the same outcome.

A much less riotous day.

Having an hour on here to catch up while Mrs L has an afternoon nap.
She woke up to go, in the early hours, and went downstairs. I was asleep.
When I went later on, she shouted me to help her. She couldn't get off the couch as her left leg had seized up.
It took me ten minutes and more going before we Got back into bed.
I have no idea why Mrs L went downstairs, and when I asked..........

A fish supper is my cooking delight (prayers) for this evening.

My best wishes to you all as always!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I can only go on my experience with such symptoms.
I think we both have restless legs, anxiety, had panic attacks. But also I have essential tremor disorder or syndrome depending on which doctor you have. This is about uncontrolled shaking of your limbs, particularly hands. But as I've mentioned before, as I get out of bed, I have stay sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for the shaking in my upper body , let's and arms to subside.
Why, I don't know. It's all from my nervous system, five minutes later, I am relaxed enough to move downstairs.
I still have s light shaking in my hands, but that's it. My tongue sticks out and I don't use a form in my left hand.
Does that sound like you get?
No @Lamont D, it doesn't sound the same and for that I am grateful. I do so sympathise with you for all you have to suffer. I think it is possibly something to do with blood pressure. Really ought to get around to checking it but at the moment I am completely unable to get out of my chair because of this new pain in my legs. Limiting me a bit - I was going to do some baking today as well as some more sorting through papers but that's not on. I daresay it will sort itself out sooner or later. Stop making a fuss Ann! There are obviously a lot worse off than me - Lamont D for one.
All I can say is that all the things over the years which the doctor has said were panic attacks or hysteria or whatever, turned out to be several things after I had been properly investigated...consequently my asthma went undiagnosed for a long time, and another thing they said was panic attacks turned out to be my Sjögren's syndrome with the excessive dryness in my throat, which caused me to stop breathing. It was only when that was investigated via endoscopy the specialist found the muscles in my throat don't work properly and seize up, and I eventually ended up with medication. And so the list goes on, as it does with you @Annb
I wish I had some help for you.
And Gennepher's another person worse off than me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
No @Lamont D, it doesn't sound the same and for that I am grateful. I do so sympathise with you for all you have to suffer. I think it is possibly something to do with blood pressure. Really ought to get around to checking it but at the moment I am completely unable to get out of my chair because of this new pain in my legs. Limiting me a bit - I was going to do some baking today as well as some more sorting through papers but that's not on. I daresay it will sort itself out sooner or later. Stop making a fuss Ann! There are obviously a lot worse off than me - Lamont D for one.

And Gennepher's another person worse off than me.
I am giving you a winner emojie @Annb You keep soldiering on, you do things I cannot do, I do things you can't do. Between us we get through!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
t majority of the population don't want to play any more games with this lot of corrupt puppets of the elite.
With FPTP, the scorched earth tactics of this last and almost certain next, pre-election, budget plus the general feeling of ennui don't be surprised if the next election is not as expected and the same feelings of disillusion/despair/hopelessness to be all pervasive within 18 months. A majority of the population could well not vote this time and a good proportion may be (strategically) disenfranchised. On that cheery note .....
Last edited:

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
With FPTP, the scorched earth tactics of this last and almost certain next, pre-election, budget plus the general feeling of ennui don't be surprised if the next election is not as expected and the same feelings of disillusion/despair/hopelessness to be all pervasive within 18 months. A majority of the population could well not vote this time and a good proportion may be (strategically) disenfranchised. On that cheery note .....
I totally agree with what you say.
But I still believe the majority hold the tories in contempt.
And their usual rhetoric, tactics, lies and propaganda are not working.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I am giving you a winner emojie @Annb You keep soldiering on, you do things I cannot do, I do things you can't do. Between us we get through!
Thank you Gennepher, you are kind and I must stop complaining. I feel that I can unbutton my lip on this thread and, I suspect, I do it too much. I'm not really as badly done by as many of you, who just keep it to yourselves.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
No @Lamont D, it doesn't sound the same and for that I am grateful. I do so sympathise with you for all you have to suffer. I think it is possibly something to do with blood pressure. Really ought to get around to checking it but at the moment I am completely unable to get out of my chair because of this new pain in my legs. Limiting me a bit - I was going to do some baking today as well as some more sorting through papers but that's not on. I daresay it will sort itself out sooner or later. Stop making a fuss Ann! There are obviously a lot worse off than me - Lamont D for one.

And Gennepher's another person worse off than me.
I actually don't believe I do.
Even with my list of woes, and the burdens I have to carry, (hate the word burden)
I still can't believe that I'm knackered, useless or worse off.
I still believe I'm young enough to do what I need to do. (I know I'm not)
We all have our issues but have the wherewithal (eh!) To take control of our situations and live our lives.
We always moan and groan about our lot.
it may not be as worse as you or I perceive.

I can't imagine your issues as I've not experienced most of them, the same with everyone else
But I can sympatise , empathise and support you from afar.

Last thing, if it was a competition, who would win?
Plenty of others with conditions that are more severe.
I do sometimes feel lucky despite my really hard life.
Some of my first hand experiences, were unbelievable, my family and more.
I just want to hang around a little more for obvious and selfish reasons.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I actually don't believe I do.
Even with my list of woes, and the burdens I have to carry, (hate the word burden)
I still can't believe that I'm knackered, useless or worse off.
I still believe I'm young enough to do what I need to do. (I know I'm not)
We all have our issues but have the wherewithal (eh!) To take control of our situations and live our lives.
We always moan and groan about our lot.
it may not be as worse as you or I perceive.

I can't imagine your issues as I've not experienced most of them, the same with everyone else
But I can sympatise , empathise and support you from afar.

Last thing, if it was a competition, who would win?
Plenty of others with conditions that are more severe.
I do sometimes feel lucky despite my really hard life.
Some of my first hand experiences, were unbelievable, my family and more.
I just want to hang around a little more for obvious and selfish reasons.
Wise man.:)