What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two eggs scrambled in butter with a generous dollop of double cream, sautéed chestnut mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes, all seasoned with black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry white wine.
Baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with sprigs of French tarragon and garlic, drizzled with olive oil.
Steamed asparagus spears and purple sprouting broccoli topped with a knob of butter.
Baked mushrooms, leeks, onions, garlic and sweet red peppers.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate.

D: Salad made with anchovy fillets, eggs, avocado, lettuce, Padrón chillies, salad onions, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with pecan halves.
Water to wash down tablets.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just be careful what you use the cooking water for, it can make strange coloured gravy/soups!!
This calls for fun experiments!

I had a wonderful family weekend, great foods, 3 swims in two days (I motivated 12 of the 30 family members to go for a dip in the cold sea, which I think is absolutely amazing!), heard so many stories and memories from the place where my grandparents lived and where we took a walk to share stories, went from hyper to hypo and back again, and didn't regret it for a single second!

Lunch on saturday started quite sensible with a green soup that didn't taste to carby.
I asked the waitress what else was going to be in the buffet style lunch because of diabetes and insulin, she said she was going to ask, I decided it didn't matter much because I don't really know how to dose for a higher carb meal anyway, so I randomly called out to the whole table to give me a number between 10 and 20.
The poor waitress immediately replied with '16'. And was horrified to find out I agreed the number was a reasonable amount of insulin units and I was going with it, made both worse and better by my cousins enthousiastically jumping in with asking where the AED was in case she guessed wrong. :hilarious: (Yes, our family shares a typical sense of humour.)

Then I chose cold meats and cheeses, some salad, a little bread and fruit (because 16 units), and found out there were kroketten as well and had a very good kroket on a small piece of bread which took me well above my usual range for over 3 hours.

After that it was the tree climbing thing.
I tried two steps on the parcour and decided it wasn't for me. :hilarious: I coached two cousins from the ground for 45 minutes and wandered off to find a very nice swimming spot. The water was at least 12 degrees so a perfect chance to finally get my numbers a bit lower with an over 10 minutes active swim, followed with a Belgian beer to nudge it back up from almost hypo.


Which looked to work too well, so another 3 units of insulin, which proved to be too much, so I went low at 6:30, right when half the family was going for a salt water (I love salt water!) swim next to the hotel before dinner, so I walked along munching winegums. Rather irresponsible but a fingerprick showed a safe 5.4 before entering the water, with the winegums still adding to my BG. :)
Much colder than the shallow fresh water earlier in the afternoon!


My choices at the evening meal were very sensible initially...

Local pork prepared in a traditional way and salad for starters, just a little sweetness in the dressing:


Sea bass fillet for mains, with veggies, left the mashed potatoes on the plate.
Trending low so I had some very good fries as well. And some more, because fries raise you just fine, but not that quick...


A selection of cheeses.
I was trending low again, so I decided to have just a little of the raisin bread and lovely plum jam to go with it. Which isn't very quick to raise you either, especially not on a full stomach. No hurry, I was still safely around 4 so no need for quick acting glucose.
But because of all the unknown factors with a lot more insulin than usually and more exercise as well, I wanted to make sure I had enough, and subsequently spiked to 14 of course! Not a number I've seen in a very long time. Tasted wonderful though! :joyful:


Today was interesting as well.
I hoped I was being sensible at breakfast, having only half a slice of bread, a soft boiled egg, a couple of slices of ham and some cheese, with a generous amount of insulin because carbs in the morning don't usually end well.
Well, they didn't, see that peak in my second graph.

Luckily, some more family members wanted to go for a swim in the sea, which sounded like the perfect way to get the insulin working a bit faster, so off for a morning swim again!
As you can see, I almost instantly came down to more sensible numbers instead of staying high for hours, it really is an amazing trick if I can get myself to do it.

Walking afterwards with many family members telling about memories connected to a certain spot around the village dropped me more, until yet another lunch shortly raising me to 10 again.
It was a most amazing sandwich of two slices of bread (of which I only ate one) with arugola and other salad leaves, lots of smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, and those very tasty north sea shrimp.


I absolutely loved the weekend, the company, the activities and the food, and I'll happily do it all over next year, but for now I'm very happy to go back to my usual low carb meals and more predictable BG! :joyful:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all, serious food envy here @Antje77 ,yum, glad you had such a good weekend.
We are off Interrailing today for 19 days, starting of course with a UK train strike.! Will be a real test of low carb, I see a lot of cheese,ham and omelettes in my future. Switzerland,Italy,Slovenia,Austria,Germany,fingers crossed.
B Yog,raspberries,seeds
L Tuna,avocado,salad
D Fathead pizza with pepperoni,mushrooms,peppers, green salad


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Wish my weekend had been as exciting as yours @ANTJE! Went out for afternoon tea on Saturday. Bought some coasters that you can put photos in so spent yesterday afternoon sorting photos out of family. Cooked chicken leg and purple-sprouting broccoli for lunch and chicken drumsticks for tea. Tomorrow I'm going on a coach trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park and I'm really looking forward to that. Saturday evening going to next village and seeing the Military Wives Choir and am really, really looking forward to that. So this week will make up a bit for a quiet weekend! Hope you all have a great week. :happy:


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
We are off Interrailing today for 19 days, starting of course with a UK train strike.! Will be a real test of low carb, I see a lot of cheese,ham and omelettes in my future. Switzerland,Italy,Slovenia,Austria,Germany,fingers crossed.
Sounds like an amazing trip, enjoy!
And tell us some of your adventures as well!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I seem to be doing alright with the carnivore diet in terms of BG control and weight loss (already) but for the lqast 3 dayw I've been getting dizzy spells which have been even worse today. I thought perhaps my blood pressure was getting too low so checked it - 193/98! Ouch. Not sure if it's the diet or just one of those things.

This morning, fairly early because of the builders coming, I had some smoked mackerel. A whole packet of them, but still felt hungry. Carried on anyway and since then have had only fizzy water. Headache and a lot of pain in my legs and back as well, so I took some paracetamol and some slivers of cheese. Feeling a bit better now. When the builders have gone I'll do some bacon and egg and will check BP again after that.

I don't usually suffer from stress but this last while has been getting to me a bit, so maybe that plus all the carry on getting the container and then getting the house organised so that the walls are clear for the workmen and, today only having a choice of 2 chairs to sit on - nether particularly comfortable, have all had their effect on my BP. We'll see how it goes. The men have just left so maybe we can get on with something now.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I seem to be doing alright with the carnivore diet in terms of BG control and weight loss (already) but for the lqast 3 dayw I've been getting dizzy spells which have been even worse today. I thought perhaps my blood pressure was getting too low so checked it - 193/98! Ouch. Not sure if it's the diet or just one of those things.

This morning, fairly early because of the builders coming, I had some smoked mackerel. A whole packet of them, but still felt hungry. Carried on anyway and since then have had only fizzy water. Headache and a lot of pain in my legs and back as well, so I took some paracetamol and some slivers of cheese. Feeling a bit better now. When the builders have gone I'll do some bacon and egg and will check BP again after that.

I don't usually suffer from stress but this last while has been getting to me a bit, so maybe that plus all the carry on getting the container and then getting the house organised so that the walls are clear for the workmen and, today only having a choice of 2 chairs to sit on - nether particularly comfortable, have all had their effect on my BP. We'll see how it goes. The men have just left so maybe we can get on with something now.
Oh no I'm so sorry you're having a problem. My BP has dropped slightly (I take a measurement every morning before I take my BP meds) but I am very fortunate now in that I have a lot more control over stressors in my life.

You will get checked out if that dizzyness and pain carries on, won't you? Sending you the warmest of hugs and love.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I thought perhaps my blood pressure was getting too low so checked it - 193/98! Ouch. Not sure if it's the diet or just one of those things.

This morning, fairly early because of the builders coming, I had some smoked mackerel. A whole packet of them, but still felt hungry. Carried on anyway and since then have had only fizzy water. Headache and a lot of pain in my legs and back as well, so I took some paracetamol and some slivers of cheese. Feeling a bit better now. When the builders have gone I'll do some bacon and egg and will check BP again after that.
Did you retest already?
The NHS advice is to call 111 with such a high BP if you can't get an appointment with your GP today, it's dangerously high. https://www.nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools/check-your-blood-pressure-reading/result

Good luck!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I seem to be doing alright with the carnivore diet in terms of BG control and weight loss (already) but for the lqast 3 dayw I've been getting dizzy spells which have been even worse today. I thought perhaps my blood pressure was getting too low so checked it - 193/98! Ouch. Not sure if it's the diet or just one of those things.

This morning, fairly early because of the builders coming, I had some smoked mackerel. A whole packet of them, but still felt hungry. Carried on anyway and since then have had only fizzy water. Headache and a lot of pain in my legs and back as well, so I took some paracetamol and some slivers of cheese. Feeling a bit better now. When the builders have gone I'll do some bacon and egg and will check BP again after that.

I don't usually suffer from stress but this last while has been getting to me a bit, so maybe that plus all the carry on getting the container and then getting the house organised so that the walls are clear for the workmen and, today only having a choice of 2 chairs to sit on - nether particularly comfortable, have all had their effect on my BP. We'll see how it goes. The men have just left so maybe we can get on with something now.
You really do need to check that BP with your headache and pain too I'd agree strongly with @Antje77 that if still high you would be sensible to seek advice. You take care and try to bring it down if possible with some more hydration - still water best - and some relaxation such as box breathing in through nose for four, hold for four and breathe out through mouth for four and repeat a few times to see if brings bp down which if it's stress should do. Hope bp settles


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all, serious food envy here @Antje77 ,yum, glad you had such a good weekend.
We are off Interrailing today for 19 days, starting of course with a UK train strike.! Will be a real test of low carb, I see a lot of cheese,ham and omelettes in my future. Switzerland,Italy,Slovenia,Austria,Germany,fingers crossed.
B Yog,raspberries,seeds
L Tuna,avocado,salad
D Fathead pizza with pepperoni,mushrooms,peppers, green salad
Enjoy your adventures and hope you managed your first challenge of getting out of UK on a train on a strike day. I'd imagine Italy will be one of easiest to eat low carb - I've found lots of grills and fish on offer in Italy. Sounds like good fun


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
coffee and cream x 2
coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Cottage cheese and tomato
Keto Cake
Grilled Gammon and cucumber


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I had a wonderful family weekend, great foods, 3 swims in two days (I motivated 12 of the 30 family members to go for a dip in the cold sea, which I think is absolutely amazing!), heard so many stories and memories from the place where my grandparents lived and where we took a walk to share stories, went from hyper to hypo and back again, and didn't regret it for a single second!

Lunch on saturday started quite sensible with a green soup that didn't taste to carby.
I asked the waitress what else was going to be in the buffet style lunch because of diabetes and insulin, she said she was going to ask, I decided it didn't matter much because
Local pork prepared in a traditional way and salad for starters, just a little sweetness in the dressing:

View attachment 67094

Sea bass fillet for mains, with veggies, left the mashed potatoes on the plate.
Trending low so I had some very good fries as well. And some more, because fries raise you just fine, but not that quick...

View attachment 67095

A selection of cheeses.
I was trending low again, so I decided to have just a little of the raisin bread and lovely plum jam to go with it. Which isn't very quick to raise you either, especially not on a full stomach. No hurry, I was still safely around 4 so no need for quick acting glucose.
But because of all the unknown factors with a lot more insulin than usually and more exercise as well, I wanted to make sure I had enough, and subsequently spiked to 14 of course! Not a number I've seen in a very long time. Tasted wonderful though! :joyful:

View attachment 67097

I absolutely loved the weekend, the company, the activities and the food, and I'll happily do it all over next year, but for now I'm very happy to go back to my usual low carb meals and more predictable BG! :joyful:
Some amazing looking food on your exciting weekend.loved hearing about your adventures - well done on handling such a big event so well. Family events are one of my favourite things.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: chilli con carne with cauliflower rice.

2024-04-08 19.03.38.jpeg


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Oh no I'm so sorry you're having a problem. My BP has dropped slightly (I take a measurement every morning before I take my BP meds) but I am very fortunate now in that I have a lot more control over stressors in my life.

You will get checked out if that dizzyness and pain carries on, won't you? Sending you the warmest of hugs and love.
I've had bacon and eggs and am feeling better for it. I'll see how it goes tonight and tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Did you retest already?
The NHS advice is to call 111 with such a high BP if you can't get an appointment with your GP today, it's dangerously high. https://www.nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools/check-your-blood-pressure-reading/result

Good luck!
Thanks Antje, and thanks Shelley, for your concern. I haven't checked BP again yet, but will do shortly. I do have an issue with high BP and take Diltiazem to help with it but in the past it has been even higher (I was younger then, of course). My brother told me that at that level, I should be dead! Not that it would be that high afterwards, of course. If it doesn't drop, I will contact the surgery in the morning.