What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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So far I've been good, skipped the gym on wednesday, didn't do aquarobics on friday, no open water swimming so far, but I want to get back in the water!
No clear instructions, so when would you swim again?
Not long now @Antje77. When your stitches are removed and your wound has fully healed, you can safely take to the water again


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I suppose (who was it that said 'suppose' is better than 'guess'? I now find myself second-supposing myself every time I want to write 'I guess') tuesday will be a bit of a risk, and I might even leave the stitches in until the weekend because of the work.
Sounds like a plan @Antje77. Better safe than sorry.

Yes, 'guess' has its uses but is terribly overused in American English. 'Suppose' is more appropriate when you're contemplating what to do, as opposed to guessing. Well done. You've caught on quickly as usual.


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I think this will work for my short swims in open water, but I also think chances of keeping them dry during a 45 minutes session of aqua stuff is small.
I suppose (who was it that said 'suppose' is better than 'guess'? I now find myself second-supposing myself every time I want to write 'I guess') tuesday will be a bit of a risk, and I might even leave the stitches in until the weekend because of the work.
I suppose one of the problems with getting the stitches wet would be the risk of infection in a wound not yet fully healed. The glove would have to be tightly sealed, especially going into open water. Take care.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Serious question @DJC3. Are Montezuma's buttons made with 100 percent cocoa chocolate?
I think we should be told.

Yes, everything in the Absolute Black range is made with 100% cocoa.
I’m still surprised at how much I like it. Before embarking on this WOE I used to think that even Cadburys Bournville was too dark and bitter.


Well-Known Member
Morning all on this wet and windy day, such a change from yesterday! Monday is lunch club for me so no idea what it will be. I'm taking my very lc mousse as pudding. I have some beetroot and torchon ham for tea so hopefully my level will be down tomorrow morning. I was really good yesterday, lc wise, and it was up but the day before when I hadn't been so good, it was down! I'l get the hang of it one day perhaps. Have a merry monday folks. :joyful:


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A mid-morning snack. A couple of smoked frankfurters with fried onions and reduced sugar ketchup in some low carb hot dog rolls. Hardly elegant, but they were quite nice.



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Just be careful what you use the cooking water for, it can make strange coloured gravy/soups!!

I like the colour it goes if you add a drop of lemon juice or vinegar!

Wont post meal as of yet but will need to get back on the straight and narrow. haven’t been making the best choices lately in eating recently after coming back off holiday and being in pain. I sort of got run over by a car (sounds worse than is, was just bumped getting out and they pulled away by mistake, also went over my foot but it’s fine) and a few days later feel my rotator cuff injury that I had last year has returned as came back from a cinema and neck/back wasn’t right, it might not even be linked at all but is exactly the same injury rearing it’s head again. Carpal tunnel/rsi playing up too as painful/numb hands especially when asleep and when making fists, will keep doing the old excersizes I used to do to get rid/minimise of it. probably not helped by higher blood sugar again too.

Put off my appointment for HbA1c for a few weeks too considering :bag:


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Blown back from Wales today but did have some good weather until today. Stayed mainly low carb while away but was quite hard to find suitable stuff and need to ask more questions when ordering. For example my tapas chicken wings with parmesan and garlic yesterday evening I did not expect to arrive breaded as they did! Also the oils things cooked in can taste a bit nasty. I had bacon and eggs today and the eggs had been clearly been deep fried and tasted a bit yuk. But don't want to reach stage where I can only eat at home. I'm starting to feel a bit precious and picky.....
did pick up some very reduced purple sprouting broccoli to have with steak and mushrooms this evening at home.

Edit walked in wonderful blue bell wood while away so decided time to change my avatar .
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Hi all,hope all ok.
Still on our travels, lovely weekend in Milan. V hot but lovely to get some Vit D. Oh how I love Italian food! Hubby was in pizza heaven as he is gluten free and the pizzas there are unsurprisingly far and away the best he has had.Italy brilliant for GF. I have been very good, low carb breakfasts of eggs,cheese, ham and plain yog, not tempted at all by croissants or cake. Salads for lunch and lovely seafood for dinner. Did have about a tablespoon of pistachio gelato but have walked miles. In Ljubljana now in an apartment for a week, just battled with an unfamiliar hob to make a mushroom,ham and cheese omelette with salad. We will see what the week brings!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: kedgeree made with cauliflower rice.

2024-04-15 19.06.16.jpeg


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I love getting updates on your travels @sueh21 . :joyful:
Wont post meal as of yet but will need to get back on the straight and narrow.
Sounds like you're well on your way getting back up on the wagon, no mean feat with the bad luck and a body not playing fair!
I thought stitches had to be kept dry?
I think so too, or at least the wound has to be kept dry until fully closed.
But I've had it with not swimming so I went to my GP's office and asked the assistant for a rubber glove (bit wasteful to buy a box of 100 if you only need one), and I'll tape one of the glove fingers to my finger for the swimming pool tomorrow and the open water swimming on wednesday.

I'm allowed to remove the stitches on wednesday but I think I'll leave them until friday, considering I'm working with my hands. It looks to be healing very well, but it still looks a bit fragile and it still hurts a bit as well.

Today I made a large amount of onion soup to last me for 3 or 4 days. :hungry:
Had it with lots of grated cheese, and half a slice of LC bread with 'Zeeuws spek'.



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Breakfast (about 11.30) was the remainder of the fish in a cream sauce from yesterday, but I had it cold.

BG has been a bit higher than recently, but not dramatically so. BP also a bit higher than yesterday. Feeling pretty exhausted but done very little - waited for the builders to turn up but they didn't, did my Move More class, waited for the hairdresser to turn up but she didn't.

Cooked the beef mince and some mushrooms yesterday, to have them ready to make into something or other. Also made some pork sausage with sage and onion, most for the freezer but leaving some sausage meat balls for breakfast tomorrow; probably with some of the mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
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Oh no, @ravensmitten, it sounds like you've been in the wars. I hope the exercises help, and that you claim some compo from the car that ran you over!

I have my blood tests, including HbA1c, this week.

Thanks mate. It's a tricky one as it was my elderly father taking off as thought I had cleared the vehicle, total accident, don't know whatever happened to mirror signal manoeuvre though. He felt awful about it and I didn't want to twist the knife. Maybe it's not connected though. Looking back I did have a 4 day headache prior to it emanating from my neck, maybe slept funny as not at home with my own pillow and I also used a massage chair so there's a few vectors there.

I'm hoping its not as bad as last year, I was out of action for 5 months, couldn't even push the hoover around the house for pain and it was a 14 week wait to get physio. I did ask them last time to send me some videos to carry on good form at home, so I've got a pile of rehab exercises to do which I think will help quicker. will just have to see if it improves with time, what else can you do.

I know I shouldn't be putting off my blood tests, but think it will even out the blip a little by kicking the can a little down the road. I do estimate it to be a lot lower than before as my readings got pretty consistent. I just need to realise that eating more carbs for a week or so is no reason to say sod it I've messed it all up now and throw in the towel.

I've beat addictions in the past so know for certain it's not a given I have to go back to the things in question, maybe I just swapped some addictions for others though (food)

good luck with your blood tests though!

Sounds like you're well on your way getting back up on the wagon, no mean feat with the bad luck and a body not playing fair!

Dank je, Yeah, finding it quite hard to concentrate on much at the moment, as its like a constant toothache in my neck/arm, I'm fighting the urge to eat things I know are not going to do me much good in the long run, not winning every time but I'm curtailing it somewhat. I really don't want to get into heavier painkillers though I do have some knocking about. I know what to do food wise so I've just got to get on with it as I'm sure what I've been eating isn't making me feel any better really.

Ah well now is as good time as any to get back on topic...

Tonight, I ate a massive bunch of kebab meat so I'm not hungry at least. :hungry:


Retired Moderator
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Dank je, Yeah, finding it quite hard to concentrate on much at the moment, as its like a constant toothache in my neck/arm, I'm fighting the urge to eat things I know are not going to do me much good in the long run, not winning every time but I'm curtailing it somewhat.
Would it help to have plenty of snack like things around?
I find if I'm not at my best, telling myself to have sensible meals can be too hard, but giving myself free range on low carb but naughty feeling snacks can do the trick.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
So today didn't go quite to plan ( tmad vegan lunch and streak dinner)

Woke early and hungry so had full fat yoghurt, seeds and 10 blackberries.
Got totally drenched walking to exercise class, even my wellies were wet inside!

Got really cold in the wind.
The vegan juice bar was expected, tasty but not filling. I had a green juice of cucumber, kale, spinach, miny and salt so lowcarb b and very very green but not very tasty, just like coloured cucumber water really.
Then roasted cauliflower with a miso glaze - most of the glaze was a sauce so I left most as it was sweet. Guacamole was OK and so was a coleslaw. My friend had a green salad which was huge but had no protein or fats.

Hungry so ate a packet of pork scratchings in the car on way home, and 100g corned beef when home.

Dinner was at local pub, No steak!!! Had a Spanish tortilla from the specials board thinking it would be like I make at home with veg and chorizo etc, but forgot it usually comes with potato in. Well this one and loads of potato in and it came with chips. I ate the lot because I was cold and hungry.

at home, a cc chocolate pot with 2 teaspoons double cream.

scared to check my bg.